minicat: marry me
A/n the title says it all man xD this is also a valentine's day special so enjoy
Tylers pov
I wad hugging Craig from the back as we watched The ridiculous 6. We would laugh time to time (a/n I love that movie). We would laugh at weird shit and thinks they would say. "Goodmorning boys!" A woman said in the movie. "Morning, never wear bra" the man answers. Craig lost it and it made me chuckle. "Your cute~" I purred. He wiggled around and pecked my lips. "You too"
Craig would feed me popcorn. It's like if he knew I had my mouth open. He was wearing my tank - top and some black sweats. I smirk and bite down on his shoulder making him squeak. He glared at me and then we hear. "Does your mom have 3 nipples too?"
We just couldn't, we bursts out laughing. "What a life" I said out of breath. We kept on watching the movie until I drifted off into my toughts. 'We have been going out for 3 years already tomorrow will be are fourth university' I hummed and opened my mouth. Craig fed me some more popcorn and I chump on them. 'Should I propose to him? Is it to soon? Would he say yes?'
The movie finsihed and we stretched. "That was funny, that has to turn Into my favorite" Craig said. "Mine too, oh Craig do you mind if I go upstairs and call the guys?" I asked. He smiled and hugged me. "Not at all!" I kissed him softly and left.
Time skip
I walked upstairs and locked the door. I ran to the computer and called all the guys. "Hey tyler!" Vanoss said."Hi ty!" Delirious waved. "Hey evan hi Johnny, let's get the rest into this call and I'll tell you what I called everyone" I said and they just nods. We waited until all of us where in the call. "I need to tell y'all something..." I wispered. They all hummed and I looked around and got closer to my mic. "Im gonna propose to Craig..." I wispered in a low voice. Delirious let out a girlish squeal. "And then you get mad I call you the girl in the relationship delirious" I teased. "Shut up!" Delirious yelled. "But for real! W-what should I say? Is it to soon? Would he say yes or will he turn me down?" I asked. "You been together what almost 4 years?" Moo asked. "Yea gonna be tomorrow" I nod and he hums. "Then I don't think he would turn you down..." Marcel said. "I-i guess so..." I sigh and sat back I'm my chair. "Well I'm gonna get a ring and I want all you fuck boys here!" I warned. "When?" They all asked. I froze. "I don't know" i said. How about next week sunday?" Vanoss said. They all nod and I clap. "Next week, Sunday don't forget" I said. They all nod and we all said are byes. After I shut down the computer I froze. "Wait...isn't next Sunday valentine's day?"
Time skip.
Today was friday and I went to go get a ring. I felt way to confident today. I walked and looked thru the rings. I came across this one in particular that cot my eye. It had a red crystal in the middle of the ring (like the one in the picture). There wasn't orange but his 3rd favorite color was red so I guess this one was gonna work. It looked amazing and my eyes widen at how awesome it looked but my jaws dropped when I saw the price. I sigh and called over someone. A girl came and smiled. "Heyo! How my I help you man?" She asked. I smiled and pointed to the ring. "Ooooooh~ who's the lucky girl~" she said. I froze, my body tensed up and I felt light headed. "Y-yo? Are you okay?" She asked. "Y-yea...and it's not a's a guy" I wispered. She gasped and I regretted saying that. She gave me a huge smile and laughed. "Dude! For real? Damn you have some pretty big balls to say that in public " she said. "Y-you don't h-hate gay people?" I asked. She shakes her head. "Fuck no! I love'em there so nice" she leaned fowards and she told me to come closer to her. I did as she told me and she whispered.
"I'll give it to you for free...ill be my gift for both of you" she said. I gasped and I looked at her. "No, that's way to much money-"
"Non sense! Come on take it man" she said.
"If it's okay then yea" I smiled. "Yay! Congrats ma man! Hope you guys live a happy life" she said. She graved the ring (in Craigs size) and placed it in a fuzzy black box. "'s your name?" I asked. "Blue!" She answered. "Cool...Im tyler, um I was wondering if you me with this, since your a girl" I asked. She laughs and nods. "I got you, I'm out in 1 minute let me get my shit and I'll be out"
After she was out she walked next to me and she helped me around. I told her that I was gonna propose on Saturday and she smiled. "A valentine's day, cheesy and romantic, nice"
I laughed and we continued walking. "We already have the place, the decorations and the food plus the drinks, but how you gonna tell him? She asked. I chocked on my saliva. "Oh fuck...I didn't realize that...I was so cot up on the shot we needed for everyone exept for what I needed to be working on" I sigh and rubbed my face. "You can practice what you can say but if it comes from your heart naturally....I think it makes it more special" she said. "Your right"
Time skip
It's time. It's fuckin time. Today is the day I propose to mini. I sit up from bed and looked at my right but Craig wasn't there. The door opened and he came back with a cup of strawberrys and whip cream on top of them and on top of the whip cream was a heart.
"Good morning and Happy valentine's day babe!" He said. he placed the cup down and jumped into bed next to me. He left kisses all over my body and I chuckle. "Goodmorning and happy valentine's day to you too" I said.
Time skip
I graved my phone and called blue. "Has the guys arrived yet?" I asked. "Yea some got here! I'm just putting up the last decorations and this places is done!" She said. "Thank you so much blue for helping me out" I said. I heard her giggle. "Don't worry about it, I'm glad I could help"
"Gotta go ama tell mini to get ready and will be there at 6 okay?"
I hanged up and ran upstairs. "Don't run up the stairs!" I hear a voice coming from my room say. I smiled and walked. "Sorry mini" I said. He smiled "glad I came out of the shower in time"
"Mini, would you like to go I'm in a date with me?~" I asked. Mini gasped and smiled widely. "Really?!" He said jumping. "Fuck yea" he smiled and jumped on me. "I'd love to"
Another fuckin time skip
"Why can I look where I'm going? I think I'm more scare then happy" mini teased. "Shut up, we are almost there" I said. I saw blue smiling and all the guys where standing there nodding. 'Fuckin weirdos' I said in my head. Ones we where up the hill I took of the blind fold and mini gasped. "Surprise!" They all say. "Aww mini is cry" nogla said. "Fuck you nogla" mini said as he wipes his tears. I kissed him and he giggled. "Thank you, ty" he said.
It was now 7 and my palms where sweating. Blue pushed me and I looked down at her. "Show time" she said. I gulped and graved mini by his hand and lead hum close to the tree. Soft music begun to play and I hugged Craig. I was blushing cause I knew all eyes where on us. "Thank you tyler for taking me here, it was the best valentine's day ever"
"And I hope I can make it even better" I said. He looked at me and I sigh. I looked back at my friends and I see then all recornding. "Fuckin assholes" I said while I chuckle. I sigh and pulled mini closer to me.
"Craig...I need to tell you something" I said. "Go on" he said. I sigh and bit my lip. Then I remembered what blue told me. 'You can practice what you can say but if it comes from your heart naturally....I think it makes it more special' I smiled and kissed him. "Craig, the first time i laid my eyes on you (a/n your every thing that I see- okay stop xD). I was totally awestruck by your personality, and amazed to find a guy who shared my passion for the same sports team and like the same video games. When I first talked to you at pax, I thought you where just the best thing a came across with. I remember the first time you came over when I was sick in bed with the flu and we watched a kung fu movie marathon. The times we had I cherished then forever and I knew me and you were meant to be~" I said the last part playfully and he giggled. "Before I met you, holly hell was I one of the biggest messy inresponsible assholes in the world and I think I still am but not as much after I met you, I love and respect your kindess and it makes me want to try harder to be that way myself, witch is never gonna fucking work but I still try hehe" mini was crying already and I wasn't even at the last part. I kissed him one more time and continued. "We both love video games and laugh and shitty stupid movies, and dream of making people happy on YouTube, having a blast with all are friends" I said. "drumroll, please" vanoss said. I rolled my eyes and got down on one knee. Craig covered his mouth and cried. "And those are just a few of the reasons why I fell in love with you, your just perfect in my eyes and I was wondering...." I took out the box and smiled with blush in my eye cheeks. "I was wondering if you would make me the happiest pig alive and marry me?" I said. I heard the guys laugh and Craig nods. Mini jumps on me and hugs me. "Yes yes yes yes" I graved him by his chin and kissed him. "Awwww! That's a moment we should never forget" nogla said. "Fuckin bitch" I said and they all laughed. "I love you" mini said. "Me too"
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