Jealous Evan (h2oVanoss)
An annoyed look was planted on Evan's face. He just watches delirious go store to store, flirting with each nice looking guy he sees.
"Sooooooo, this are half off?" Delirious asked as he leaned in into the male next to him. The male smiles and nods, "That's right-"
"Delirious, I don't like this store" Vanoss mumbles. "Huh? B-but you said that the last time we went into a store!" Delirious whines as he points at the store that is just on the other side of the street. "I have my reasons..." vanoss stated.
"Well too bad! Where getting something here! Are meeting with the the guys is in about 2 hours and we been looking all day!" Delirious complains. He turns his hole body so it can face vanoss and delirious growls. "Im not looking in another place"
"How abouuuut...this!" Delirious said as he shows evan the pair of black tuxedos.
"Awesome-" Evan was cut off by the male standing right behind him. "I think you'd look great on them! Oh and of your looking for a pair of cool looking glasses to finish the look, I can show you where they are at!"
"Thanks Joey!"
Evan slowly turns around to face Joey and glares at him. "Thanks, Joey but I think he was talking to-"
"Can you show me where the glasses are at.....please?" Delirious said cutting evan off. Evan turns around and gives him a 'What the fuck?' Look. Delirious just ignored the look and smiles at Joey. "With pleasure" Joey said.
"Vanoss what's gotten into you?" Delirious whispered to evan. Vanoss just huffs and delirious sighs. "Fine, don't tell me" Delirious starts walking leaving evan behind.
"Thank you for purchasing here" Joey said. "Thanks for helping me gather thing around" Delirious said. His cheeks turning a bright pink color. Evan swing open the door and walked towards the car.
Time skip
A knock came from the front door and delirious smiles. "I got it!"
"No I got it!" Vanoss shouts as he ran towards the door. "No I got it!" Delirious yelled. "No you don't cause Im already opening the door!" Vanoss teased. "Whatever then~" Delirious said giggling.
Vanoss swings open the door to find nogla and lui smiling. "AYE!" They yelled in sync. "Suh' man?" Vanoss said as he let's both males in. Delirious pokes his head out and smiles at the guys. "Hey!"
Lui turns around and laughs. "Why did you invite a party clown?~"
"He said he'll do the job for free" Vanoss teased. "Fuck you" Delirious said laughing.
"Okay, what are we here for?" Lui asked. "We're here to rob a safety deposit box under the name of h2o delirious~" vanoss said with a sly grin. "Yea....what?" Delirious said looking at vanoss. All of the guys laugh and then a knock was heard. "Who's the fuck is that?" Delirious asked.
Vanoss shrugged and walks towards the door. Ones he opens the door his blood boils. "Vanoss who is that?" Delirious asked. "Hello-"
"Who the fuck is this guy? Get out of my apartment!" Evan shouts and closes the door. Lui laughs and looks at evan. "Why don't you let him in?~"
"Is don't know who he is..." vanoss mumbles. "Oh, you know exactly who that guy is~"
Vanoss just looks at lui and lui smirks. "It's that guy that is always tryna get at delirious~"
Vanoss stays quiet and lui laughs. "Fuck you" vanoss said.
"Hey man!" nogla yelled. Vanoss froze and so did lui. They both turned around and saw Boba smirking. "Hey guys~"
"Is that guy again, how did you get in my house? I just shut the door on you" Evan said. "Is this the lucky guy~" Delirious purs. Evans body shakes in anger and his cheeks turning pink. Lui saw the reaction and laughs. "It's not that type of mission, okay?" Evan growls. Lui and nogla noticed the venom on his words but they guess delirious and Boba didn't quite catche it.
Evan was just getting tired of having Boba touch delirious. He lifted delirious shirt and delirious didn't even care. Boba runs a finger down delirious' back and delirious just shivers and laughs. Evan was up to the top with this guy's bullshit. Evan saw how Boba tried to snake his way towards delirious' ass and evan snapped. Evan comes in between the way making Boba's hand touch Evan's tigh.
"Sorry man" Boba said. 'Asshole' Vanoss said in his head. He turns his attention to delirious and laughs. "You can't wear that, I'm wearing that" Vanoss teased. "Im wearing that!" Delirious pouts. Vanoss shakes his head and delirious sighs. He was looking thru the outfits his back facing everyone. The only thing that he was wearing was his grey boxers that hugged his ass.
It pissed him off that delirious could be so casual about it and ignore the stares the guys were giving him.
"Just pick something!" Vanoss snapped.
"I don't know what to wear!" Delirious whines
"Don't try to dress all fancy~" Lui teased
Vanoss clutch his fist tight and nibble on his lip in order to keep him from beating somebody's up.
"Im ready to rob this bank!" Delirious shouts as he did a jerking motion to his crotch. Lui burst out laughing and vanoss lowly growls. Evan doesn't appreciate having lui so close to delirious. He is way to close. Evan does a quick turn making delirious slide all the way to the end.
Since lui had his sit belt on, he didn't Slide away like delirious. Felling satisfied he drove happily having both males separated.
Time skip inside the bank
(Warning ahead~)
The cops where looking for both evan and delirious. Evan finds an open locker and pulls delirious inside the tight space. Evans leg was in between delirious' legs and Evan's hands rest right next to delirious' hips. "Oh god evan" Delirious breathes out. "We're gonna get cot, we're gonna get fuckin' cot"
"No we aren't" Vanoss whispered. Vanoss pressed his forehead into the cold metal and sighs. The warm breathe tickled delirious neck and ear making his breathe hitch.
Evan inhaled and just as he inhaled he smelled that shitty cologne that belongs to boba. Evan growls and makes delirious look at him. Delirious' heart stops and looks at evan right in the eye. "Is that Boba's cologne?"
Delirious nods slowly and evan smirks.
Evan races his leg a little making delirious' breathe to hitch ones again. "E-evan-"
"I don't like the way he looks at you" Vanoss growls into delirious ear. Evan nibbles on his earlobe making delirious squeak.
He bites and licks the ear shell delirious' toes curl and he begins to pant. His back arches and evan smirks. "As the matter of fact, I fuckin hate Boba" Vanoss growls.
Vanoss takes a hold of delirious hips and presses them closer to his leg. Delirious let's out a broken moan and evan begins to move delirious hips back and forth, making a sweet friction. Delirious mouth waters and he holds on unto Evan's shoulders. Evan let's go of his hips knowing that delirious is gonna continue to move his hips. "I don't like no one touching you, no one except for me" evan said.
Delirious whimpers his erection was begging to get touched. Evans cock was hard as a rock. Seeing the cocky, kicked back clown become pudding and dissolve into a slutty person was a rare thing to see, and one hell of a turn on.
"Aren't you a slutty little boy~" vanoss purred. Delirious breathes heavily and nods. "You weren't being a good boy earlier~ maybe I should give you a punishment~" Vanoss teased. His fingers pressed on top of the wet spot on delirious' shorts. His tongue was sticking out and a little drool was going down his chin. "'s not a g-good time-"
"Sh" Vanoss shuts him up. Evan quickly unzips the shorts and takes out Jonathan's swollen cock. Delirious' face flushes and he tries to push Evan's hand away, but his body told him other wise. Vanoss uses his thumbs to swirl circles on the tip.
Delirious pulls up his shirt and stuffs everything in his mouth to try to muffle the sounds.
"Im taking you here~" vanoss purred.
The door room opened and they hear footsteps coming in. "Look around! Does criminals shouldn't of gone far" a cop spoke. Vanoss smirks and whispers. "Let's play a game shall we?~"
Delirious eyes go wide and he shakes his head. Evan begins to pump delirious and delirious begins to panic.
"If your loud they catch us. If your not, then let's see what happens~"
Delirious opened his mouth to say something but all he could manage to say was "S-stop...."
Delirious squeezes Evan's shoulders as hard as he could. He needed to stay quiet, or as quiet as possible. The cops where passing by and delirious wasn't just covered in shame and sweat, he was covered in Pre-cum too.
Soft pants came from the locked but the cops just ignored it.
Vanoss smirks and gives delirious' shaft a little squeeze. Delirious throws his head back and hits his head on the metal. "F-fuck..." Delirious whispered. The cops where alerted and they kept there eyes open. Delirious glared at vanoss and vanoss just smiles. The cops begun to throw stuff around and that gave vanoss time to flip delirious and press him against the cold metal.
Delirious flinched as the cold metal touches his exposed chest. His behind was pressed against Evan's crotch making evan grown a little. Delirious rubs his crotch against his ass making delirious' legs give out. Vanoss slides down delirious' shorts and gave delirious' booty and few pats making delirious flinch a little.
Vanoss leaned in and whispered in delirious ear. "Should I give you a punishment?~"
Delirious eyes widen and he shakes his head. "N-no"
"For that I'm giving you a punishment~"
Delirious heart stopped as he felt vanoss grave his boxers and pulled them down slowly. 'N-no...oh god please no...I don't want are first time to be in the middle of the job!'
"E-evan...please stop..."
"Sorry~ no can do~..."
There was no point on fighting back. Delirious lost and his just praying that they don't get caught. Ones delirious' ass was exposed evan rubs it a little making delirious squeak.
The squeak was only loud enough for vanoss to pick it up but he wasn't about that life. He never seen delirious like this and he was desperate to see more of him like this. He used his thumb to make circles around his asshole and teased it a little.
Delirious was about to loose his mind if evan shoved his dry fingers inside of him. He was about to start yelling rape if he had to.
Vanoss then saw how wet delirious was. He used some of the Pre-cum as lubricant and pushed his thumb inside of delirious.
Delirious pupils shrink and the bites his tounge. He curls his hands into a tight fist and he breathes heavily. Evan smirks and pushed his thumb further in.
"A-ah~..." a quiet moan escaped delirious lips making evan shutter a little. If that wasn't the sexiest thing he ever heard, he doesn't know what is. Evan found himself undoing his pants and he took out his cock.
He gave it a few strokes and pressed it against delirious ass. Delirious gasped at the new warm feeling he had down there. Vanoss pressed the tip against his asshole and delirious moans. The moan startles the cop outside and they looked at each other.
"Was that a...a moan?"
Delirious curses under his breathe and he begun to shake. If they catch them there gonna catch them in the middle of two acts. Fuckin and stealing money.
"Sir, we search the whole room and nothing is here" a cop said.
"Well who moaned?"
Vanoss kept on rubbing himself against delirious. Delirious turns his head and glares at vanoss but still gave him a lust full look. "E-evan..." Delirious whispered.
The way he whispered his name just send shivers down his spine and his cock twitches. Vanoss pressed his thumb against delirious walls making delirious shutter. His breathe hitch as he pressed against a nerve making him loose his mind. "M-more...." Delirious whimpers.
Vanoss makes circles around the area and delirious pants heavily into his wet shirt. "God" evan whispered. "E-evan...M-more~..."
Vanoss couldn't take it. He takes out his thumb and pressed his tip against his asshole and pushed in. Jonathan's knees buckle and he shuts his eyes tightly. He bits his lip and whimpers slightly.
The tip was just in and delirious was just going crazy. He pushed back on taking more and more of Evan. "Look at that~ I haven't even stretched you out properly and your taking in my dick just fine~" Vanoss purred. Delirious whimpers and nods.
Delirious felt like he couldn't take in any more, he was gonna get ripped in half. "Oh come on, you can take in more then this~"
Vanoss pushed in all the way and delirious let's out a silent scream.
Vanoss groans and smirks. "That's is~"
Slowly thrusting inside of delirious just to tease him, and to not shake the locker too much.
Delirious was dying to get fucked fast and hard. He couldn't take the slow rate. "F-fast...faster..." Delirious mumbles. Vanoss grips delirious' hips hard making a few red marks appear on his smooth milky skin. Vanoss leans over and bites on delirious shoulder. Delirious squeaks and tears formed in the corner of his eyes.
"Let's go boys, we're wasting time here" the cop said.
Ones all they leave and they for sure know there gone evan pushes the door open and pushed delirious out. Delirious tumbles down and falls. His ass sticking up and his cheek placed on the cold floor. Vanoss cheeks flushed as he sees his Pre-cum leak out of Jonathan's asshole. A shiver ran down both males body and then someone spoke in there head sets. "Delirious! Are you okay?" Boba spoke.
Vanoss growls and smacks delirious right in his ass making a loud sound echoe the room. Delirious moans and trembles. Vanoss bends down and gives another hard smack.
"Ugh!" Delirious tries his best to not make a sound but his failing.
"Delirious?" Boba asked. "Y-yea...I'm here....I-im o-OKAY!" Delirious yelled as vanoss smacks his ass harder. "Did you fall?"
Vanoss pushed in a finger making delirious silently screamed. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothin- oh...god~" Delirious pants. "Um? What's going on?"
Vanoss leans over and spreads delirious ass cheeks. He the presses his tounge in his ass cheek and gave it a tiny lick. "E-ev..." Delirious tries to speak without moaning. "What happen to evan?" Lui asked. Vanoss bites his ass cheek and delirious broke. He let out a soft moan and pants.
"E-e-evan....ha! E-evan~ "
"Really? Are ye serious right now? Ye fockin in the middle of the job?"
"Shut up nogla" vanoss mumbles. Evan pulls away and admired his work. A big red hand print was marked in delirious left cheek and multiple love bites and hickeys on his right one. Bruises on his hips and a few bite marks on his shoulder.
Vanoss pulls delirious from the floor and pushes him on the table. "E-evan!" Delirious squeaked.
"Don't you dare touch him" Boba growls.
"Go fuck yourself, Boba...his mine and mine only, I guess no one told you befor but me and this cutie are dating-"
"He told me"
Vanoss grips onto delirious hips making him squeak. "And you still flirt with him?"
"Just cause your dating him doesn't mean I can't try"
"Im fuckin you up ones I see you"
Vanoss was beyond pissed. He thrusts inside fast and hard. Delirious cries out and his eyes rolled back. The pleasure was killing him. His walls where getting tighter on Evan's shaft making double the pleasure. "E-evan~ Haa~ aahh~ d-dont.... D-dont stop!~ ngh~...."
"Who do you belong to?~" evan growls. "Y-you"
"You! You and only y-yaah~ E-ev....everything a-about me is yours- aah, f-fuck~ I L-love you!"
"Good boy~ and I love you too"
"K-kiss me.."
"Kiss me dammit- HMPH!"
The sound of skin clapping was getting louder and louder, just like delirious moans and profanities. Maybe delirious was getting a little too loud, but at this point evan and jonathan where reaching there limits and there was no way they wanted to stop now, if the cops come, they come.
Hell, evan would tell them to sit and wait.
Delirious mind was blank. He was gone. He was just on cloud nine and there was no way on earth you'll get him down from that.
Hard, sloppy thrust. That's how jonathan knew he was close. Evan kept on bitting down on delirious' neck and shoulders leaving bite marks everywhere.
"C-cum....c-cummin'!" Delirious yelled.
Vanoss smirks and reaches below and starts pumping him fast.
Delirious came harshly and with a few more thrust, evan comes deep inside.
Breathing heavily. There minds going blank for a few seconds.
Vanoss pulls out and cleanest himself up with the tissues that where there. Vanoss pulls himself together and turns around to look at delirious.
Ones he looked at delirious his breathe hitched and his eyes go wide. Blush spreads across his face and an instant boner appears in his pants.
Delirious was looking back his fingers deep in his ass making a scissoring motion and cum just spilling out. "Mmm~" Delirious purs. Evans body twitches and looks away. "L-lets clean you up" vanoss stutters. "Mmmhhmmm~" Delirious said lazily.
"We still need to get out of here you know?" Vanoss said. "Mmmmm....."
"No, aye! AYE! Don't you fuckin sleep on me right now! Oi! Delirious!"
A/n 3020 words, not counting this, again this is from a long time ago, I will try to finish all the ones that I had planed and then get to the request! Sorry for the long wait and I'm too lazy to go back and check if I messed up on something so this is unedited.
Hope that satisfied your needs for making you wait! Please love me....
Anyways cya later guys!
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