h2Ovanoss: one hell of a butler part 1
A/n HEYO! IT'S BLUE and y'know I got the idea of doing like black butler thingy...cause I love that anime is one of my favorite next to attack on titan- OFF TOPIC! *sigh* you already know what it is so it's no point of me explain it....*walks away* enjoy
It was another day in the vainerious mansion but this wasn't any regular day. Today lord delirious finally turned 18. Vanoss walked into delirious' room. "Master delirious, it's time to wake up" vanoss said while opening the curtains. Delirious groaned and wiggled around his silky white covers. "Master delirious" vanoss said again. "I heard you" he groweld. He uncovered his body and sat on the bed. Vanoss smirked and walked towards him. Vanoss graved his favorite blue uniform and a pink dress. vanoss knew how much he hated it but It was funny to see his face when he saw it. "What would it be today young master- oh, I guess your not young master anymore~" he smiled. "Shut up" delirous said rolling his eyes. vanoss expands the outfits out with a smirk. Ones he sees a familiar pink dress he graved it and threw it to vanoss' face. "Fuck you" he simply said. Vanoss chuckled and placed the dress down. "It was worth a shot~"
"You knew my answer was gonna he 'no' why did you try anyways?" He asked. "Well maybe you would of said something different, I would of never knew if I didn't try" vanoss answered. Delirious hums and lifted his arms up. Vanoss graved his shirt and took it off. He puts on the new clean white shirt and puts on the blue clothing on top of that white shirt. Vanoss was dressing his master like if he was a doll (a/n fuck that I'm not gonna write what his wearing I'm just gonna show you a picture of it). Delirious still had his messy bed hair and vanoss brushed it gently. He puts on his shoes and ties them up. "Okay master go and brush your teeth" vanoss said.
Delirious stands up and walks into the bathroom. Vanoss smiled but then his smile soon disappeared ones he remembered what he needed to do when his master turned 18. Vanoss walked to the door and opened the door. As soon as he was gonna close the door he heard his real name get called. "Evan" vanoss stopped and opened the door. "Yes, my lord?" Vanoss said. "What are we gonna do today?" Delirious said looking at me with his electric blue eye and his purple eye. "Ms. Elizabeth wanted to do a party for you" vanoss said trying to not say Elizabeth's name without growling. Delirious sighs and turned around.
"There's nothing to be happy about my birthday..." delirous said. "Master" vanoss said. "Your dismissed, evan" delirous said. "Yes, my lord" vanoss said closing the door. Delirious graved a mirror and looked at himself. "There's nothing to be happy about..." delirous whispered. "Nothing"
"Vanoss!" Someone yelled. "Huh?" Vanoss turned around to see his four friends running towards him. "Vanoss!" They all yelled. They stopped infront of him and vanoss looked at them weirdly. "What? What did you four trouble makers got yourself into?" Vanoss said. "We did nothing! Ms. Elizabeth is hear banging on the doors!" Lui yelled. "She is yelling and are dog is gonna get mad!" Craig said. "Nogla? But he looks scare more than angry~" vanoss teased. "Fock you" nogla yelled. "I may be focking ugly but I'm no dog"
"How many times do we have to tell you nogla! Your not bad looking! We just mess around with you like that" lui said. Nogla was gonna say something until vanoss interrupted. "Why didn't you let Elizabeth.....in?" vanoss asked. Tyler was gonna say something but a voice was heard. "Oi! Who the fuck is banging on my doors? And why didn't no one answered?" Delirious growled. "Uhhhh, we where- uh-" nogla tried to make up something but like the perfect butler vanoss is he saved them...again. "they where just about to open it" vanoss said.
"Well then, some one open the door and see who the fuck is knocking on my door" nogla ran to the door againnd opened it slowly. "Delirous!~" A high pitched voice yelled. Her voice ranged to the quite halls. Delirious groaned and looked at the person running towards him. "Elizabeth you need to stop fuckin- E-Elizabeth?!" Delirious yelled. The older girl picked up delirious and hugged him. Delirious gasped as she gave him one of her death hugs. Delirious pulled away and fell backwards. But before his body made contact with the floor someone caught him. "V-vanoss" delirous said. Vanoss picked him up and helped him stand up.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Elizabeth smiled. Elizabeth maid ran and smiled. "Chin chin" she said as she shook the bells. "Uhhhh, thanks?" Delirious said. "Oh you look soooo cute! I can't wait to decorate this hole place with cute stuff!" She yelled.
"Greeeeaaaat" delirous sarcastically said. "All of you!" Elizabeth said. "Y-yes!" The four trouble makers said. "Come with me! I'm gonna make you cute!" Elizabeth smiled. They all groaned and followed her. Elizabeth's maid smiled and shook her bells again and ran behind them. "I think she broke my back..." delirous moaned.
"Want me toooo, masagge you master?" Vanoss said smirking while graving his masters shoulders. "Ngh!" Delirious yelped and turned around. "Uh- *cough* N-no" delirous said. Vanoss chuckled and leaned foward. Delirious breath hitched and blushed. "Just remember I'm here~" vanoss said and walked away. "F-fuckin perv!" Delirious yelled. Vanoss only smirked and walked away.
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