G.U.Y [H2OVanoss] new years
A/n: they didn't have the song I was looking for in like lyrics other then dance moves so yea what ever. Anyways hope you enjoy ps. I fuckin love this song.
Greetings from Eros, god of Sexual desire. Son of aphrodite lay back and feast as this audio guides you though new and exciting positions. I wanna be the Girl under you, I wanna be your G.U.Y, oh yea I wanna be the grave and earth you our sexes tell us no lies.
Evan pushed jonathan against the wall and smirked. "Your such a tease Johnathan~ I told you to stop but you wanted to be an ass and tease me, now we are gonna be late to the new year party" evan growled. Jonathan gasped as evan licked his ear. "E-evan...I was just aaah...playing" evan chuchled at delirious who was now panting. "You brought this upon yourself..." Evan kissed jonathan and jonathan gladly kissed back. "Evan are you really gonna do this-augh- I was just swinging my hips to my jam- mmm" evan licked delirious neck and smirked. "It's your fault you did it to suductivly and it made me want you, besides I told you to stop but you didn't you kept on wanting to grind on me" delirous moaned and rugged on Evan's jacket. "Off....now" delirous demanded. Evan smirked and backed away from him. He took of his jacket and kissed delirious. Delirious flipped him and now delirious was on control. He kissed him and let love bits here and there. Delirious pulled away and slowly walked to the bedroom. Evan could still see does electric blue eyes in the shadows. He smirked and followed right behind him. He saw the way jonathan would look back at him and wiggle his ass infront of evan. Evan bit his lip and walked a little faster. Delirious skipped to places. He was touching the wall suductivly and ran his hands all over his body witch made evan want to grave him and fuck the living shit out of his lover. "Come here vanoss~" delirous said suductivly. As soon as they where in the room evan graved jonathan and pushed him into the wall ones again. They kissed and touched each other. Delirious always loved the way the kisses that evan would give him would alway make his world stop or he would always take his breath away and make his legs go wabbly. "E-evan" delirous said. Evan took of delirious black shirt and tossed it on the floor. Evan slowly graved the bottom of his wite shirt and took off. Delirious was just in his sweats and evan on his skinny jeans. Evan graved delirous and pushed him on the bed. "Today I'm gonna make you scream like no one has ever done~" delirous laughed and kissed evan. "Silly, you where my first time and my 300 time" evan chuckled and kissed delirious "shut the fuck up"
Im gonna wear the tower, want the power to leave you I'm aiming for full control of this love, touch me touch me don't be sweet, love me love me please retweet, let me be the Girl under you that makes you cry....
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
The girl under you guy
As delirious sits on Evan's lap and raps his arms around him and begun to move his hips to make a sweet friction. "Aah~" delirous moaned. Evan moves delirious hips to make a rougher friction Delirious cries out. Evan picked himself up along with delirious and he placed him on the bed. Evan then gave delirious love bits all over his shoulders and chest. He sucked on his nipples and delirious let's out out a long moan. "Your so sexy jonathan~" evan purrs. Evan then janks delirious sweats and throws it across the room. Evan flips delirious and evan presses himself on delirious ass making him arch his back. Evan kissed down his back and licked his back. Delirious pants and blushes madly. As evan was touching his body delirious grabs a hand full of the sheets and covers his mouth. Evan noticed that and he smack delirious ass making his lover yelp. "Evan~" delirous pants. Evan then rubs delirious threw his boxers. Evan took of his jeans and let's them fall all the way to his ankles. He steps out of them and he pulls delirious closer to his body. If that was possible. "Your mine"
Delirious shivered and evan slowly placed kisses on his body. He had a sweet spot on the bottom right of his collar bone, another one the back if his neck and one on his left hip. Delirious wimpered and let's out cries as evan licks and bites on delirious body. "Oh lord!" Delirious cries out while arching his back. "I want to see you scream jonathan~ I want to hear you beg, moan and wimpere~" evan purred. Delirious moaned as evan purred out his name.
I'm gonna say the word and own you, you'll be my G.I.R.L got our romance and loves to hold you know you'll wear my make-up well...
Im gonna wear the tower, want the power to leave you I'm aiming for full control of this love, touch me touch me don't be sweet, love me love me please retweet, let me be the Girl under you that makes you cry....
Im gonna wear the tower, want the power to leave you I'm aiming for full control of this love, touch me touch me don't be sweet, love me love me please retweet, let me be the Girl under you that makes you cry....
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
The girl under you guy
Evan entered two fingers inside his lover. Delirious gasped and quickly graved onto evan. Evan's fingers where big and long making delirious moan out in pleasure. Evan noticed his action and smirked. "What's wrong~?" Evan smirked as delirious turned a darker red. "Please touch me agian there....." delirous moaned out. "Did I found it? That quick?~" evan smirked. "I-its cause you have long fingers!" Delirious whines.
Evan licked delirious' lips and smirked. Delirious stood quiet and looked at evan with his blue eyes. "What the- AAAAAH!~" delirous graved onto Evan's shoulders. Evan played with delirious prostate for a while until he tought it was enough. "Im going in~" evan warned. Delirious let out a shaky laugh and yelled Evan's name. "You stupid.....asshole" delirous pants as evan goes all the way in.
"What did you say i couldn't hear you~" evan teased. Delirious rolled his eyes and kissed evan. "You big idiot....I love you" delirous said. Evan's eyes meet with delirious' eyes and they kissed. Evan begun to move and delirious cries out.
I don't need to be on top to know I'm wanted cause I'm strong enough to know the truth I just want it to be hot because I'm blessed when I'm in love and I'm in love with you....
G.U.Y touch me, touch me note to goddess, a summer moon comes into full phase. Get on top of me...
And Mars' warm spirit rams into the atmosphere...
Touch me touch me don't be shy I'm in charge like a G.U.Y I'll lay down face up this time under you like a G.U.Y....
Evan rammed into his lover and delirious moans. Evan looked down to see delirious blue cloudy eyes rolled back. His face was red from blushing. His tounge sticking out just a little and a trail of saliva going down his chin. Evan smirked and he pulled out. "No....Evan.....please....Im so close...." delirous whispered. "Don't worry kitten~ I'll be right back you do it yourself....just don't cum okay?" Evan smirked. Delirious closed his eyes and nods. Delirious placed a finger on himself and tugged on his member.
"Good boy~" evan said. Delirious moans and kept on doing his action. Evan graved his phone and placed it infront of delirious. He took a picture of delirious' face and puts it as his background. He smirked and at how perfect the picture looked. Evan puts his phone on the small table and takes out delirious hand from his butt (a/n good job blue you are making a sex seen and instead of ass you put butt...professional).
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
I want to be that guy [G.U.Y]
The girl under you guy
I wanna be that guy [G.U.Y]
I'll wrap you right up, guy [G.U.Y]
I'll lie down face up, guy [G.U.Y]
The girl under you guy
Evan placed himself inside delirious ones again and rammed into him. Delirious ran his nails threw Evan's back proably leaving lines and some blood. Evan hits a spot that made delirious go crazy and scratched Evan's back. "There evan there!" Evan smirked and slammed hard onto him hitting that spot. "Im gonna! I'm gonna! A-a-aaaaah~ evan!~" delirous moaned and his cum cover his chest and Evan's stomach. Making him tighter and sending evan to the edge.
Evan bit delirious sweet spot hard making delirious moan and whimper. As evan came on delirious he pants an let's himself coop of from his high. Ones he was okay he pulled out with a pop and sighs. His eyes widen and he ran to his phone. Looking at the time. "Shit! Delirious come on baby where gonna be late and you where begin to get into the boat" delirous got up and fell. ".....ouch..." delirous said. "Sorry kitten" evan chuckled and picks up delirious. They entered the shower and took a quick shower.
Ones they where out they put out there clothe and delirious turned around to see Evan's back. "Oh my god I am so sorry evan!" Delirious yelled. "What are you talking about?" Evan said. "Your back baby!" Delirious whines. Evan looked into the mirror and looked at his back (a/n picture on top). "It was worth it~" evan smirked. Delirious sighs and kept on putting his clothes on.
Time skip
Ones they where in brocks and brians boat. Delirious went around saying hi to his friends. Tyler went up to evan and bro hugged him. Tyler patted Evan's back making evan hiss. Tyler pulled back and frowns at him. "What's wrong vanoss?"
"My back hurts"
"Did you get fucked~"
"No I didn't get fucked i was the one fucking" evan smirked. Tylers eyes widen and he turned evan around and lifted his red jacket and his white shirt. Tyler gasped as he saw the scratches. "Duuuude....you must of spit her in half then" Tyler joked. "No his fine look well kinda" evan said pointing at delirious. "Um...im I missing something?"
"I fucked him"
"Fuck man....now I ow nogla 100 bucks..."
Evan frowned and looked at tyler. "I'll tell you about it later...so how was he~" Tyler smirked. Evan's eyes widen and a big smirk was placed on his lips. He graved his phone and showed him the picture he took of delirious earlier. Tyler snatched his phone and blushed madly. Tylers eyes shine and evan snatched his phone away from his hand. "Okay enough"
Time skip
"You have no idea how much I love you..."
"And how much you make me happy..."
"Your the best thing that I ever came across with..."
"You make happy...you make me feel warm and loved...something that I haven't experience with no one other then you..."
"the sky and the clean waters the ocean and rivers remind me of your amazing blue eyes..."
"Your big white smile that brights up my day....that laugh that makes me bubbly inside and that cute adorable baby face you have..."
"You make me want to keep doing what I'm best at doing...and I have o e question to ask you...."
("What are does?!?!" Jk XD)
"Jonathan denis....would you make me the happiest person in the universe and marry me?"
"Wooooohooooo! Come on delirious!"
("Fuck no...." jk I need to stop xD)
"Yes evan....I would love to marry you...."
Both evan and delirious gave a big smile and kissed each other. While the friends cheered the bell rang and they all yelled.
"Happy new year!!"
A/n happy new years eve! Love you guys and thanks for reading my shitty story's....I know this was long but....I haven't writen nothing in this book so....here ya go smut and a cute seen, love you all and be safe!
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