first to everything (h2oVanoss)
Jonathan wakes up and looks at the clock. "Time to get ready" he says. He gets up and walks towards his bathroom.
He walks inside the office and his blue ice coloured eyes scan the big lobby area. It was big, spaced out and comfy.
It had its charm and looked extremely nice. Fancy to say the least. "Hey! You there!" a person yelled. Jonathan quickly turned around and flinched at the person behind him. He swallows and stared at the angry person. "Y-yes?" Jonathan said. "Your Jonathan Denis am I right?" The person said. Jonathan nods and the person scowls. His brows farrow down. "Good!" He sarcastically said. He graved Jonathon by the side of his suit and dragged him down the hall and into another elevator. He pushes him inside and pressed the button 20 and glares at poor Jonathan.
"W-what was that for? I know I needed directions to where the hell I was suppose to go but-"
"You're 30 minutes late"
Jonathan gasped and quickly pressed the button to close the doors and hops from feet to feet, hoping and praying to not get fired in his first day at work.
"Come on.....come on...."
Jonathan is stumbling down the halls, trying to get as quickly as possible towards the main office. It was a few steps away from him, the door was there but before he could even get close to it another tall man came thru the door making him freeze.
"Don't ye worry, I'll get him here, poor ladd must be lost" the thick Irish accent made Jonathan distract himself and pay all attention to the Irish man. His faded green eyes land on Jonathan.
"Oh, is this the guy Tyler said he pushed in?"
"T-that's me"
"Evan, I found the lil feller ye where looking for"
Unlike the other guy Jonathan met today, this guy actually walked beside him and have him a little push to walk inside.
Jonathan gulps down and feels himself becoming smaller and smaller, wanting to disappear and never come back but he can't do that now even if he wanted to.
Jonathan takes a step forward and the tall Irish man puts his large warm hands in both of Jonathan's shoulders making Jonathan squeak a little but compose himself as soon as possible.
"So you're Jonathan Denis, aye?" A voice said. His voice was calm and smooth almost relaxing. Jonathan felt a little better knowing that this guy didn't yell at him as soon as he walked in.
"Yes, Jonathon Denis at your service Mr. Fong"
The man that was staring outside the window turns around and it made Jonathan's palms sweaty. "You may leave David"
"Ye got it boss" David took his hands off of Jonathan and walks away. Jonathan wanted to call for him and ask him to stay by his side but that was gonna look horrible. "Do you know what time is it?"
"S-sorry, the place is so big and fancy I kinda just stood there to look around-"
"I don't care about that, I asked you what was the time"
"'s 8:20"
Mr. Fong hums and sits down in his chair and he looks at Jonathan in the eye. His chocolate eyes scan his body slowly, almost like if he was checking him out. His eyes wonder back up at Jonathan's red face and sighs. "Well, I'm suppose to get a call about now so I suggest you to hurry up and get into you're place"
Jonathan's eyes widen and he looks at the male sitting down in shock. "I-I....I get the job?"
"You're going to be my personal assistant, another guy will come and direct you to your place"
"Thank you..."
He leans in his chair and shifts his wait to one side. He looks at Jonathan for a while and gave him a look.
"For for giving me a chance"
A smile formed in the Asians man's lips making Jonathan a little nervous. "Don't worry about it, just don't get use to it"
"Of cores not!"
"You may leave"
Jonathan nods and walks off, closing the door behind him as carefully as he could of cores.
Evan only chuckles and shakes his head. He stretches and rubs his face. "What I'm I doing?"
A few months have past and Jonathan was just going back and forth around the place. Jonathan finally got a chance to sat down in his chair and relax. He looks at the clock lazily and gasped. "I worked over hour again....fuck, I need to be faster at doing things"
Everyone was gone, and he was the only one left or so he thought. He looks to his side and notice that Mr. Fong's lights where on. He makes his way towards the office and opens the door slowly. "Hello?" He asked.
"Is anyone there?"
"Yea, I'm still here. Need anything Jonathan?"
Jonathan gasped at the sound of his bosses raspy voice. "N-no! Nothing sir, I saw the lights and I thought you forgot to turn them off and-"
"Don't worry about it" he said. Jonathan stops his rambling and looks at the male. His eyes where half way opened and he had bags under his eyes. He still had paper work to do and it was already past 7.
"Sir, I'll bring you some coffee" Jonathan said. "No, it's fine-"
"Sir you're gonna fall asleep while doing you're work"
Evan looks up and Jonathan flushes he began to tug on the ends of his jacket and he swallows harshly. "With all respect I-"
"Don't you dare apologize" Evan warned. Jonathan closes his mouth and bites his lip.
Evan groans and shakes his head. "Don't bite you're lip- ugh....just bring me tea...I'm not a fan of coffee. It's bad for you"
Jonathan blinks and nods. Quickly making his way towards the table with the ingredients and bags of tea's.
Evan just watched him. He watched him from behind and gave him a long and almost lust full stare.
"T-this is my first time making tea...." Jonathan mumbles. Evan smiled and closed his eyes to embrace the males cuteness. "It's fine..." He answered. "There's always a first to everything"
Jonathan walks with the cup of tea. Shyly looking at his feet as he walked. "Here..." Jonathan said. Evan took it from his warm hands and took a sip of it.
He smiled and drank all of it. "It was good"
Jonathan perked up and smiled. "Really?! Then I shall bring more tea the next day!"
Evan shakes his head and laughs. "Do as you please"
Jonathan was happily humming as he did Evan's tea. It was his every day thing. He goes to work, checks in, paper work, answer calls, tea, more work, brake, more work, tea and another brake. He didn't mind at all. He was happy he can make the man smile.
He was so kind to him all this time and jonathan just wants to give back to him for all he has done for him.
Craig passed by and looked at jonathan. "Jay?"
Jonathan looked back and smiled. "Hey Craig!"
"What are you doing?" He asked. "Tea for Evan..."
"Evan? Since when did you start calling him Evan?"
"*gasp* oh I'm sorry! It just slipped! I've been use to calling him Evan it juts come naturally"
Craig frowned but nods anyways. "Can I try the tea?"
Jonathan gives him a cup full of the tea and waits for Craig's reactions.
Ones the tea touched his tounge he wanted to spit it out. He runs to the sink and spits it out. "Is it too hot?" Jonathan asked worryingly. "Not only that, it taste awful!"
"What?!" Jonathan quickly graves a cup and sips it. He then covered his mouth and ran towards the sink next to Craig and spit it out.
"H-how?! I always give him this tea?!"
Craig stayed quiet and put all the pieces together. After he came to a solution he gasped.
"And his been drinking it all this fuckin time?"
"That man....oh my god..."
"What? What are you talking about?!"
Craig smiled and shakes his head. "Nothing let's go and make a good tea"
Jonathan finally walks in and evan looks up. "What took you so long?"
"Sorry...I was with Craig...he made me make better tea"
Evan hums and takes the tea from Jonathan's hands. "Is that so?"
He takes a sip of it and nods. "It's good ...but I like you're tea better"
"What? But it tasted bad"
"Not to me, it had its own charm to that tea you made..."
"But if it was bad why did you drink it sir?"
Evan smiled at him and shakes his head. "It wakes me up that's for sure~"
Jonathan smiled and laughed. His laugh pierced Evan's ears making him feel butterflies in his stomach.
After Jonathan's laugh dies down, he stands next to the male sitting down and smiled warmly. "Thank you for being so kind to me....I ow you everything sir, thank you a lot....I heard from lots of people that you where just the worst....but I can confirm that there wrong"
"Yea..." Jonathan turns around and chuckles. "If I was a girl I would of fallen in love with you instantly"
Evan looks up at him. His eyes shined and he blinks a couple of times. He looks away and hums. "I see....but like I said before Jonathan"
Jonathan looked down at evan and evan smirks. "There's always a first time to everything~"
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