everyone wants delirious part 1
Noglas pov
It was jolly good day. Birds where chirping, nice lovely soon and I soon remember. "Shit if I don't go with delirious to the store lui will beet me to it" I ran to my garage and looked for a car that delirious would find cool. I look at my "cholo" car and I smiled. "Perfect this will do" I Jump in the car and drove to the store. As I arrived to the store I see delirious waking out. I honked at him and he turned around. His eyes light up and ran to my car. "Waw! It looks like your living in a watermelon" then I heard another laugh. I turn to see lui walking all cool. "Well what do we have here~" I glare at lui and I see delirious run to him and hug him. "Lui!" (In this story everyone is taller then delirious ) I grip the wheel harder. "Let's do something....let's see who's car you like more" he nods and I smirk. "Okay let's bring everyone into this~ let's meet up at wildcat's" delirous then bumps his hips with lui's making lui loose his balance and almost falling. Delirious laughed and jumped into my car. "Let's go nogla! We are starting a gang war" I see lui smirking amd making his may to my car. I know what his capable of doing so I press the gas pedal and left. Delirious calls lui in his phone. "You don't want to start a gang war with lui! His El Diablo puta" I heard both man laugh. Then delirious tried to say the El Diablo witch was really funny. "Oh no~ not El Diablo" we all laughed and we arrived at wildcat's house. "We in the hood" I laughed then delirious said "this is where we should be" j then pressed a button that made the car go up and down. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Delirous kept on repitting himself. "Nogla I didn't tell you to take me to an ally and start bumping the car up and down" we all laughed and he then told me to stop. "Nogla can I get on top of the car" I nod and he quickly slid out of the window and jumped into the roof. I started to bounce and he kept on laughing. "Higher! Higher nogla!" He laughs I then see lui's car come in. I stoped the bouncing and delirious slid down the car. "Lui! Your like in a mexican clown van " delirous looked at the car and made lui laugh. Delirious then gets next to lui's window. "Delirious" lui smirked. Delirious quickly looks up at him
"Get in~" lui said suductivly. Delirious looked at the car too see all the doors open. Including the front of the car and the back. He laughed and I got out to see it myself. "Waw! That's sick" I pout "I like how you said his is sick but you call mine a fucking watermelon, thanks man" they both laughed but delirious hugged me and giggled "Sorry nogla" my heart started to feel loved and I hugged him back. I looked at lui and lip him. "Nogla one, lui zero~" he gave me a dirty look and flipped me off. Then I heard delirious gasp. "Tyler!" He lt go and ran to the taller man. He picked him up and hugged him. "What are you doing with this fuck boys~" he laughed and pulled him towards us. He bro hugged me and he did a hand shake to lui. Delirious phone whent off and he Escuse himself for a while.
"Alright, what do you idiots think your doing?" Tyler groweld. We glared at each other. "We are here to win delirious heart" lui said. I nod and quickly smirked. "And he will be mine" they both laughed "your joking right?" Lui asked. "Nope" Tyler laughed. "Yea like he would like any of you fuck boys" then we all hugged each other as we see delirious get close to us. "Well then~" I coughed and looked at delirious. "Ahem....who was that in the phone?" He looked at me and smile. "It was evan saying if he can meet us in front of his house" my blood boiled. Don't get me wrong I like evan his a cool guy, but I don't like how close he is with delirious. "Sure man" we said. "But I need a ride that'd fast that can take me to the store to by some chips that evan said to by" Tyler goes to his side. "Well I have my motorcycle~ may I gave this gentleman a ride~?" I glared at tyler. "Really?! That be great! Thanks tyler" he looked at us. "You too go change and we will meet up at Evan's place" we nod after delirious turned around we attacked tyelr. "Don't try nothing funny" he glared at us. "One point for wildcat you bitches" he then jogged to delirious side and flipped us off.
Tylers pov
"So wich motorcycle would you prefer~?" Delirious knows I'm a sicker for motorcycles and waky cars. "How about that black on" I nod and gave him his favorite helmet. "As you wish" he giggles and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks for taking me there" I smiled and placed my head in his head. "No problem, now let's get going" he nods and we take of.
Evans pov
'don't think about it then evan you dumbass' I said to myself. I want delirious for myself and all my friends are fighting for him. Don't get me wrong I love my friends, just don't get close to my delirious. Me and lui are more of a expensive Cars and nice clothes with cool stuff. Tyler is always the guy with the fast and weird cars. Nogla is more of a gangster type of cars and we are all just dying to kiss delirious. I know there jealous of me cause I'm more closer to delirious then anyone, well exept cartoonz cause that guy has seen his face and has grown up with that guy. I smirk and stretched. "Well I'm gonna take them to the factory and play a game of slasher, that will be fun"
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