disconnected (h2oVanoss)
My phone rings.
I lazily turn over my side and open one of my eyes slightly. The warm sunray touches my face making me groan. I reach over and grab a hold of my phone and I turn it on. The screen goes white for a second and then my background pictured comes on. I look at the time and noticed it was around 10:38 in the morning. I looked at the notifications and noticed I've got a message.
I smiled softly at it and unlocked the screen.
I clicked on the notification taking me straight towards the message and I rub my eyes.
"Morning...." I read.
I typed the same thing and send it. Got up and put my phone down, my feet touching the cold wooden floor as I sit there for a second.
I've got up and walked to the restroom to do my business and brush my teeth. I wash my face with cold water and looked at my reflection in the mirror, seeing my hair got longer then I naturally have it.
I mess with it and leave it like that and walked out. A ding sound comes on and I hurry up to the phone. "How are you doing?" I read out loud.
I think for a second before answering, "Im doing fine, just woke up....how about you?" I typed.
I take my phone with me and let it fall and get lost in my large pockets that belong to my baggy sweats. I walk out and I struggled to scratch my back. I heard another ding but I ignore it and made my way to my quiet kitchen.
I saw a fluf ball poke his head thru one of the corners he was laying at and he makes his way towards me.
"Hi baby" I said and pet my small dog that happily rubbed his face all over my leg like a cat. "Weirdo" I teased and I pat my leg motioning for him to follow me.
We both walk to the kitchen and I poured him a nice bowl of wet food mixed with a dry one. He jumps around and I motioned him to sit with my hand and he sits his fluffy butt down waiting excitedly making a few whimper sounds.
I called his name and he looks up at me. "Okay go" I tell him and he attacks his food.
I chuckle and took out my phone. I click on the text and frowned. "Doing fine, a bit tired..."
"Did you get no sleep again?" I typed.
And in almost seconds I've got and answer, "I did, but not that much like I'd like too"
I hummed and typed, "What where you doing?"
I put the phone down on the counter and left it there and walked towards the fridge to take out the milk. I walked towards the area where I put my white dishes and I take out a bowl. I carefully put it down and as soon as I did that another notification happened.
I once again ignore it and continued making myself some cereal.
Another ding.
I sigh and ignored it.
Another ding.
I put down my bowl and walked towards my phone.
"This massage has been deleted by user" I've read twice.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
I waited for a minute and then it said, "Im sorry"
Confused I put three dots and then 'it's okay'
After that no response.
Nervously I bite lip and liked my dry lips.
I sighed and decided to leave him alone for now. Maybe space is what he needed, but maybe not what he wanted. I always worry for him, but I can never give him my help or an advice.
I can only imagen how miserable he must feel but I'm just as bad as he is.
I found myself staring at the counter, thinking of him. I blinked a few times and I lowered my phones volume. I finish my food and I turn my back to the electronic and ignored it for the whole day.
It's been 2 days since I've texted him and his been blowing up my phone. I don't want to text, I don't want to talk to him or anyone for the matter. I wanted to be left alone, playing games by myself or catch up on doing other stuff but I can't, I always end up talking to him because I feel guilty and not only that, I love his attention, his company.
I love him in general.
I crawl on my bed and opened the text messages. I read all of his text and smile at every single one. Finally I texted a hey and waited for him to reply.
We talked once again like normal but I was a little off. I could feel it in myself.
"Are you okay?" I read.
I stare at the screen and gulped silently. I asked myself if I was okay and I felt myself wanting to type no but instead I placed a "Im fine, why?"
I sigh and rolled my eyes at myself.
Again I disconnected myself from him and the Internet. I lay in bed looking at the white wall that was next to my bed and I sigh. I heard my dog come in my room and I pick him up and he lays with me in bed.
I don't know why I do it but I think it's the best for both of us.
Breaks like this are nice sometimes, there good and stuff. I'm not a person that texts all the time but he is the only person that can get me into it. I could never text too long cause I would get bored but with him...it's different.
My phone rings and I grab it.
It was a call.....from him.
I quickly accepted the call and slowly brought it up to my ear.
I hold my breath and I heard an awkward cough buzz my ears.
"Umm....Evan?" He said to me.
"You seem a little...Umm out of it.."
I let my breathe go and anxiety takes over me.
"E-evan? You're cutting out"
Jonathan stays quiet and let's silent tears fall down his face. He could only hear the dead silent of the line cutting off.
"W-what happened...?" He asked quietly to himself as the phone falls to his lap.
He cried and cried until later he was told evan had died from a car accident. He wasn't laying in bed with his dog, he was driving intoxicated and drove off the high way and crashed onto a lake.
He disconnected and jonathan couldn't save him even if he wanted to.
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