Daw shit [h2Ovanoss & friends]
Evan and his friends along with his lover jonathan and there son where walking in the park. "Evan I'm going with droid to the store real quick okay?" Jonathan said. Evan glared at his lover and Jonathan sighs. "He won't try anything I promise" Jonathan smiled. Evan shakes his head. "No take someone else" evan growled. "Evan your making a seen I'll tell you if he tries anything" After a few minutes of them arguing he finally said okay. "Thank you sweetie I'll be back take care of Eric" Jonathan placed a kiss on Evan's forehead and left with droid. Evan being the jealous parter he is he glared at Droid.
"Calm your tits evan, droid isn't gonna try anything funny anymore" lui said. "Hope your right...of not I'm kicking your teeth in" evan growled. Tyler and lui laugh and smiled at evan. "You sound like the overly attacked girlfriend"
Evan was gonna grave his phone but it was no were to be found. "Daw shit! God dammit" Vanoss yelled. "Jesus Christ, sounds like somebody just stole your...children" Tyler said smiling. Evan and lui started to laugh. "Awww shit!" Tyler mimics.
"Would that really be the same reaction?" Evan questioned.
"Someone stills my kids 'aww shit' " Tyler said. Lui laughs and takes a sip of his water. "I don't know if that's the fitting reaction" vanoss teased. "That's my kid! Gimme back my kid! Daw shit!" Tyler yelled. Lui coughs and rolled his eyes. "Why would he be wide eyed and open mouth" lui smiled.
"As he watches some fucker still his child" Tyler finished lui's sentence. "Like I'm not doing anything about it, I'm just standing there with my mouth open" evan said and open his mouth.
"Daw shit!.....Never gonna see him again" Tyler sings. "No, the way I picture it is like, some kid is in the back sit and evan is standing like a few feet way, some guy is like pushing him in and evan is just pointing at him" evan cracks up as he Imagen that happen. "Eyes wide open, just pointing at my kids getting stolen.... 'Daw shit' " evan said. Lui and tyler started to laugh.
They where having a great time just messing around but what they didn't know is that Evan's son was getting stolen and that two people heard all there conversation. Two man show up and calls Evan's kid over. "Hey Eric do you want to go get ice cream" the tall man asked. Eric nods his head and the bearded man laughs. "Alright cool! Wanna prank your dad too?" The bearded man said. "Yes!" Eric said. "Remember Eric....just a prank" the taller man nods.
"Alright buddy, your gonna call out for your dad and he will turn around and we will push you inside the car then we will drive and get your other dad at the store" Eric nods and smiled. "Show time kid" the bearded man smirked.
"Hey where's Eric?" Tyler asked. "Oh his over there-" evan points at the playground but finds no sign from his kid. "Eric?!" Evan yelled. "Dad!!" All three man turn around to see two man pushing Eric inside the car. "Eric!" They soon drove away and evan ran to the car but was too late. "Aww shit!" Evan yelled. "Jonathan is gonna kill me!" Evan yelled "Delirious is gonna dump my ass for this!" Evan snapped.
With delirious
"Im glad we all went to eat ice cream I needed some, how are you enjoying your ice cream Eric?" Jonathan asked. "I like it! Thanks uncle nogla and luke for taking me here!"
A/n: if you didn't get it basically evan, lui and tyler where messing around with Evan's "Aww shit" reaction and that does two man where nogla and luke hearing there conversation. So they deside to prank them. Then luke and nogla took Eric aka delirious and Evan's son and evan flipped out and while they where flipping out delirious, droid, luke, nogla and Eric where in am ice cream shop eating ice cream. Still doesn't make Sence well fuck you it makes Sence in my head! Blue is out!
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