dancing on blades (h2oVanoss)
"Evan you coming?" Tyler asked his friend.
"Just a minute!" The Canasian yelled back as he continued to tie his skates, making them a little tighter then usually
Walking a litte wobbly to the ice area he catches a glimps of a guy slowly skating around.
"Tyler, I thought coach said only us?" Evan asked.
Tyler looks back at Evan and points with his thumb back at the guy skating. "Talking about him?"
"No shit, his the only one here either then us" Evan smart mouth the taller male and Tyler just rolled his eyes at him. "Well fuck you then. I was gonna tell you about him but you can totally fuck yourself-"
"Fine I'll ask him myself" Evan said simply. "Wait! Evan no-"
Evan ignores Tyler and skates towards the guy that was just twirling around while humming a soft melody. He seemed to be in his own world for the matter of fact. "Yo!" Evan called out.
The guy let's out a surprise gasp and he looses his balance making him fall into his back and a small 'ouch' scaped his lips. Regret quickly washes over evan and he quickly goes over to the man.
He looks at the guy and scans him briefly.
Pale skin, short brown hair with some dazzling blue eyes. He was wearing black gloves and a black jacket. The sleeves of the jacket were rolled all the way up to his elbows and he had regular pants on.
Evan reaches over and gives him a hand to stand up. The male under him was looking between Evan's hand and eyes but takes the hand anyways.
"Sorry for scaring ya, didn't really mean-"
"It's fine" the other male quickly answered. Tyler skates right next to evan and waves at the mysterious guy. "Hey, are you okay Jon?" Tyler asked. "Hey Tyler, apart from my ass and back killing me just about now, I'm fine thanks" Jon said.
"So your name is Jon?" Evan asked curiously. "Jonathan, Jonathan Denis" Jonathan told the male. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked.
"Are coach told us we can practice here are new moves for hockey" Tyler said. "I see, well if that's the case-"
"What were you doing here?" Evan asked. Jonathan looked at him and smiled softy. "I practice here"
"Practice? Practice for what?" He asked once more. "Dances" Jonathan simply answered.
"Like I figure skater?" Evan asked. "Yea, or the dream" Jonathan said.
A smirk played on Evan's face and he scoots a litte closer to jonathan. "Let's see how good you are~" he played, his pink tounge sticking out just a bit.
Jonathan flushes and quickly skates backwards. "Not a chance dude...." He mumbles. "Aww why not?" Evan asked. "I...."
"He just isn't good when people are lookig at him. He gets really nervous and he looses his shit" Tyler helped Jonathan finish his sentence and jonathan just nods. "Well you practice all this time and you might be really good at it but...no one can see-"
"It's difficult" Jonathan said quickly.
"Well Jon, how would you like to watch us for a bit and then you can continue what you where doing?" Tyler afford and jonathan agreed.
Once it was over evan skates towards Jonathan and smirks. "How was that? Impressive m'right?"
Jonathan rolled his eyes and leaned over. "Be a little more loose in your moves, if not you'll keep on slamming into the walls~"
Evan keeps that in mind but he huffs anyways and a small pout appeared. "How about you stick to your moves and I'll stick to mine?" Evan said and jonathan laughs. "Can't even take an advice?"
"Wanna come here and show me big man?" Evan teased the male who was clearly shorter them him by a few inches. "Your on!" Jonathan said. His ego taking over him, not clearly realizing evan was tricking him to skate.
Evan smiled wider and pushes himself off the wall and let's Jonathan in. "Catch me if you can!" Evan said and jonathan smoothly skates his way towards evan. "Oh when I'm close I'll beat the shit out of you" Jonathan said playfully.
Tyler watched from outside the ring and smiled seeing that strong connection forming between the two. He hears them laugh and he smiled at the way Jonathan moved so smoothly, it brought a smile to his face. All the (3) years he had known the man he never seen too much movement from him before he starts to brake down which didn't take long before Jonathan starts to realize what was happening.
Jonathan freezes and Tyler's eyes widen. "Jonathan!" He called for him but he was already freaking out.
"Jonathan! Breathe dammit breathe!"
Tyler was about to walk on ice with just his shoes on but he saw evan coming Jonathan's way. He watched how evan unfolded Jonathan in his arms and jonathan holds on for dear life as he looks up at him.
"Breath, your fine...." He said slowly.
Jonathan's mind clears up and he can hear Evan's voice. "Hey, hey.....you did good" Evan said. Jonathan smiled softy and pants. "Im gonna let go and I'm gonna want you to start moving your legs-"
"Trust me"
Jonathan pressed his lips into a thin line and let's go of evan. Evan backs away slowly and jonathan followed him slowly.
"Good job" Evan praised.
-8 weeks later
"Nice job!" Evan shouts. Jonathan confidently and proudly dances around with all eyes on him. Jonathan's mom and brother clap and Tyler along with a few other people clap along.
Evan smiled and watched Jonathan spun around. He skates towards evan and smiled. "I did it" He said in disbelief. "I did it!" He repeated. "I knew you could" Evan said.
"That's my little brother! He did it all on his own!" His brother Eric said. "No....somebody believed" Jonathan said and hugged evan.
"Now are you ready to compete?" Tyler asked.
"More then ready" Jonathan said.
- 3 weeks later
Jonathan taps his foot and looks around. "Jonathan are you ready?" His mother asked. "W-where is Evan?" Jonathan asked. "He isn't here yet honey but your up next..."
Jonathan looked at the clock and back at the ring.
"Hurry please...." Jonathan whispered.
Jonathan stands in the middle of the ring and he takes a deep breath.
He repeated in his head.
Soon he imagined evan telling him that, all that he thought him. Then-
A whistle was heard and jonathan automatically starts moving.
Evan finally made it, he sits on the his place and watched as jonathan moves around.
He zigzags and spins around like a tornado. Jonathan goes low and then high. He stretches his limbs out and poses. Finally it was the final thing and jonathan goes around as fast as he could. "Come on, come on....you got this" Evan whispered. "I've got this" Jonathan said to himself. "Just relax"
"Just Dance with the blades" They both said and jonathan starts doing spins. Evan bites his nails and shakes his leg rapidly. Jonathan sinks down a little and then....
Everything went in slow motion and evan watched every second of it.
He sees the tip of Jonathan's skates land and he sinks in.
He lands it. Jonathan lands it and spins around backwards while doing more dances.
"YES!YES!YES!" Evan screamed and watched the judges give Jonathan a perfect 10.
Flowers fall from the tops and into Jonathan's area, making a small heart. Evan jumps over and stumbled over the Ice. He goes to jonathan and hugs him tightly. "You did it!" Evan said. "I-I-I Did it!" Jonathan screams.
They look at each other amd lean in, smashing there lips together as the crowd rises from there sits and clap.
Jonathan pulls away and holds Evan's hands. He pulls evan along with him and they dance around slowly. Of course being careful not to slice Evan's toes.
A/n Comment, vote all that good stuff and I'll talk to you all later. Inspired by yuri on ice, kinda xD
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