DaithiH2OVanoss: born ready
A/N When I saw delirious and fucking noglas new gmod video I fucking died....nogla named his video "Daithi de nogla X delirious" some like that and they where doing the naughty. Also in delirious video, delirious said "let's have a little fun of are own" to nogla and vanoss said "I want to have fun with delirious" *sniffs* I smell shipping....and I was looking at this video while doing this
Delirious pov
It was are day. The day we where gonna go sky diving into the big ass square pool. It might sound crazy and shit but there is nothing to worry about.
*a day earlier*
"WHAT?!" My sister yelled. "You heard me" i paused and turn around looking for clothes. "B-bu-but you cant!" She growled ones again. I grown in frustration " im old enough to do what I want! Unlike you, you need mom's promotion~" I smirked and looked at her blank face.
*going back to the real day/time*
" ye ready delirious?" Nogla said. I give him a thumbs up and laugh. "I was born ready!"he laughs and sits down. "Where's vanoss and wildcat?" He looks up at me and smiles. "I don't know does to can be a pain in the arse" I nod my head and laugh at the same time. "True, true" "and speaking of the Devils" I turn to the side to see vanoss and wildcat laughing. Something in me started to make me want to split tylers neck in half. I sigh and try to calm myself down. But all I can do was let low growls. I look at nogla and he was getting his thing ready to parachute. I grave my backpack and tried to hook it up but I coudnt. "You piece of shit..why don't you Wanna work with me- huh?"
I see nogla graving my hooking thing and raped it around me. We looked at each other and giggled. I felt eyes looking at me from the back of my head but I shrugged it off. "Thank you" he blushed and scratches the back of his neck. "Hehehe ye welcome" then as we turned around the pilot looked at us. "You guys need to be attached to each other, pick someone and go behind them and rap does damn ropes around your bodies" Evan shoot his hand up and made kid sounds. "I call first!" Then tyler jumps. "Second!" I sigh and rolled my eyes. "3rd" and nogla laughs "4th"
As we were getting the ropes around are selfs. I was struggling with it. I heard a chuckle and felt seems around my small body I gasped and jumped a little. "Calm down ye wanker in gonna help ye out" I whispered a thank you and I see vanoss just glaring at us. It made me uncomfortable but I shook it off. "All done" nogla said "now ye and me are gonna be together forever" I laughed and push him. "What ever helps you sleep at night dude" then the chain goes on.
Time skip Up in the are where they are waiting to jump
My eyes looked down to the pool as it got smaller and smaller. "YOU READY GUYS!?" Vanoss yelled I nod and tyler fist pumped the air "fuck yea!" "Im have never been this ready in my life!" Nogla yelled. I gulped and looked at them "let's do this shit!" Vanoss nods and counts down
"On go" we nod but I wanted to make shit better.
"Now!" I yelled as I ran to the door and jumped off. "WHOOOOHOOOO!" I laughed and I heard the rest of the guys scream. "You motherfucking clown!" I laughed but then vanoss wanted to dive straight down dragging wildcat and nogla. As he passed me I saw tyler tried to flap his arms like wings. It was funny and it made me laugh more. Then I don't know what happen but my string some how got raped around nogla's body and his string around my torso. "WE ARE FALLING! WERE FALLING!" we were getting closer and closer to the pool and then.......
I open my eyes under water and swim to the surface. "*gasp for air*" I look around and see vanoss smiling "BAM!" Nogla came out of the water but he was super close to me. Wildcat dragged us of the water and nogla was literally on my crotch. "Gonna suck on my dick nogla!" We all start laughing exept for vanoss. Then nogla started to do slurping sounds "quit sucking my dick! please!~" we continue struggling to get us untied but it just got worse and worse. "You- I'm literally in your fucking crotch!" Nogla yelled I kept on laughing and wildcat just kept on enjoying the show while vanoss was glaring at us. Nogla kept on moving and his hand past trough my crotch. I let out a high pitch moan and as soon as it came out I cover my mouth blushing and I see all the guys blushing aswell. Wildcat started whizzing like a bitch and nogla kept on laughing and vanoss was about to brake nogla in half. I moved to the right making noglas face move to my hip making me yelp. "Yikes! Mmm~" I blushed and nogla nibbled on my hip and I kept on holding moans in. "Ama get some carbio stuff if you know what I mean~"
Vanoss pov
'Fucking nogla....' I was so pissed. This day whent great, to okay, to fuck this day. Delirious kept on blushing and it looks like he was enjoying it too and nogla was just getting his fantasy and I see wildcat on the floor holding his sides having the time of his life. 'Im done! I can't take it' I stomped my way to them and graved noglas foot and push him to the side. "Alright we need to move now" but noglas face was attached to delirious neck. "Look at nogla" I said trying to come myself down and wildcat kept on laughing. "Mmmmmmm~" nogla kept on doing does sounds and delirious mouth was half open as well as his eyes. I let out a low growl. "Nogla why you gotta....be so weird"
After we got nogla off of delirious. Delirious was now attached to nogla. "Come on nogla let's have a little fun of are own~" my eyes widen and I felt my knuckles become numb for all that force I been doing. "I want to give fun with delirious" I wisper to myself. 'Im done, I'm done of fuckin seeing nogla get to be with delirious'
I walked to them and I froze. 'Fuck why did I come here!' Delirious turned around and gave me a questionet look. "What's up vanoss?" I felt my body become warm. "Ummmm....well I wanted to...uhhh...show you something" he looked at me for a while and smiled. "Okay" he turned around and looked at nogla. "I'll be right back nogla" nogla smiled and nodded "don't take to long, we where about to have some fun~" nogla smirked and made delirious cheeks turn pink. I growled and dragged delirious out of noglas sight. "whats wrong?" I rub the back of my neck and look away. "Fine, don't tell me I'm going back to nogla" he turned around and started to walk away "nooo!" I graved him and pull him close to my face. We both blushed and I got so distracted just staring at him I never notice where my hands where going. Delirious gasped and bit his lip. He was just so sexy. I kept on doing my action and I was enjoying how delirious was letting soft moans. "E-evan....please~" I smirked and stoped my action. "Please what~?" He looked at me and smirked letting a low chuckle. He attacked my neck and he droped me to the floor. I hated how he was being more dominated than I was. "I-Im not letting you dominate me~" he smirked and got on top if me so he was now riding me. I moaned and looked at delirious. "Im not letting you" I say and I flipped him making me the dominant one. "Im the one in charge here and for trying to dominate me you will get punished~"
To be continued xD
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