Crazy (BasicallyDelirious)
Inspired by "uninvited" so spoilers if you want to see that movie!
□Out of place, out of space? and time, wide awake
Out of papers I am, not okay
I am out my mind
Outer space, that's where I been goin
To a place where, place where nobody knows
Floating at a pace where now you see me and now you don't□
Soft breathing, slow heart beats, it's hard to stay alive in the cold atmosphere.
In and out.
One at a time.
One life and one aportunity.
The male floats there, no movement, paralyzed. He can hardly keep himself up. His face slowly sinking in as his breathe slowly betrays his lungs.
He gets out of the area and walks away. His head hanging low like if he was in shame. He gets on a car and drives away, his mind going a little insane every stop light he passes. He stops in a quiet place, the house was a soft creamy color and had windows all over the place. He drags his feet slowly as he slowly steps inside the house.
"Oh your back!" A voice said. His blue eyes suddenly snap, he looks up and sees a familiar face smiling back at him.
"Marcel..." He whispered. A smile was placed on his face and he runs to the male infront of him. He wraps his arms around the males neck and marcel wraps his arms around his hip tightly. Jonathan's flat chest was pressed right up against marcel. No space between them as they hugged.
They let go and a knock was heard on the door.
"Jon! It's me, Scotty...." A guy said from the other side of the door. "Coming!" Marcel said. "Yea coming!" Delirious said to him. Marcel stays behind and gets lots in kitchen, jonathan felt the cold air and then turns around. He looks at marcel frowns. "Aren't you coming?" Jonathan asked.
"Nah, his your boyfriend not mine~"
"He is not my boyfriend"
"Right~" Marcel teased and walked away.
Jonathan rolled his eyes and he walks towards the door he swings it open and luke smiles at him.
"Hey!" He said. "Hey Scott" Jonathan said. He opened the door further more and he steps aside so Scotty can come in. They sit on a few chairs in the kitchen and luke sighs.
"Have they told you how she died?" Scotty asked. "Mom? No...."
"I know what happened..." Scotty said. "It all started at the party we went to-"
"Oh Scotty, Jonathan....didn't even heard you come in" Evan said as he walks in slowly from the hallway. "I've just got here and so did Scott" Jonathan said. "And you couldn't even come up and said hi to me?" Evan asked. "I said hi to marcel though, I thought maybe he told you"
"Marcel?, he...he didn't tell me" Evan said and jonathan just hums. Evan leans in and hugs Jon from the side and looks at Scott, "I think you need to leave's dark and we wouldn't want nothing bad to happen to you" Evan growls. Scott Nods slowly and walks away, closing the door behind him.
■I do not feel the fear of fallin, I wanna fly
If it all goes well then I will
But what if I don't?■
After a while Scott came back again and he saw Jonathan swimming by himself, but he was laughing.
Jonathan swims around and gets out of the water a few seconds later. He lays on the wooden floor and turns to the right. His back facing Scotty.
Jonathan smiled and touches marcel's hands. "I missed you" he whispered.
"And I missed you too..." Marcel said as he touches Jonathan with his cold hands.
"Jonathan!" Scott called out. Jonathan gets up and looks at Scotty. "I'll leave you to it then!" Marcel said and took off. Jonathan turned around and watched marcel walk away.
"Jon, what are you doing here?" Scotty asked. "Swimming, not much but now that we are alone! Can you tell me what happened?" Jonathan asked and Scotty nods. "Like I said, it started at a party and you came out of the garage-"
"Scotty!" Evan called out. Both males freeze and they look at the Asian man infront of them. "Get back in the house Jon" Evan snapped and jonathan quickly picks up his stuff and runs inside with a quick glance at Scotty.
"Fuck off Scott" Evan snapped. "He needs to know the truth!" Scotty yelled.
Jonathan cried in the bathroom with blood slowly coming out of his old scars on his arms. "Jonathan?" Marcel asked. "Mar...."
"Whats going on?"
"I....I don't know" Jonathan answered and slides on the floor. Marcel walks towards him and hugs him. The cold embrace makes the man whimper, but it wasn't like he wasn't use to the cold touch. "I love you...." Jonathan whispered and he closes his eyes. "I love you too" Marcel whispered.
■I'll be right where I was before
But I'm not alone, you said take my hand and we go, and we go .and I hope that we don't overdose
Cause we don't
No we don't
Ever know when we have had enough■
He wakes up in the night and not only that, he was laying down on his bed. As soon as he looks up, he goes into a panic state. Blood everywhere, on the wall, on the bed and the floor. Jonathan gasped and scoots away from the blood. "E-evan?" He whispered. "Scotty? Marcel?" He wondered but nothing, no response.
He gets up and slowly walks towards the stairs. He took a few steps downs the stairs before he let's out a silent scream.
"S-scotty... oh god Scotty" Jonathan mumbles in his hand as he sees Scottys body at the end of the stairs. He slowly walks pass him with a sob and he heard Evan's laugh. He runs outside thru the back door and finds more blood.
"M-marcel...." He whispered but no answer. "E-ev...."
He sees blood splattered all over the garbage disposal and he opens it quickly. "....."
Scared shitless, he backs away and then a familiar male was looking at him with blood splattered all over his clothes and hands. He was holding a bloody kitchen knife and jonathan stays there in shock. "Marcel....why? Why did you kill Scotty and evan?" He asked and marcel picks up Jonathan. He embraced jon and let's go for a second. He looks down at Jonathan and kisses him. A soft tender cold kiss.
Car lights appeared and jonathan saw a familiar car.
"L-luke!" He shouts and marcel stands behind him. "L-luke!"
"Jonathan?" He asked and then a smell of blood got to him. "Jonathan....what's going on...what happened!?" He asked afraid. "I....."
"Evan was a bad person and so was scotty! They wanted Jonathan all for themselves and I took over" Marcel explained.
Jonathan nods and looks at Luke. "They where- wait..." Jonathan looked back at marcel and hugs him. "All this....for me?" He asked and marcel nods.
Luke grabs Jonathan and shakes him. "Jonathan....Jonathan! Snap out of it!" Luke yelled. Jonathan looks at Luke in shock and fear.
"Baby, there's no one there!" Luke yelled and jonathan gasped.
Jonathan pushes himself away and turned around and saw no one. At the corner of his eyes he sees marcel running. Jonathan runs after him and luke goes after Jonathan. "Jonathan!" Luke screamed but he didn't stop. Jonathan walks towards where marcel was hidding and he sees marcel hide into the shadows. Jonathan took a step and the lights where on.
The light blinds hims and he rubs his eyes to get his eye vision to focus and then he freezes.
It was a reflection of him. Bloody and with a knife. Then everything came to his mind. He killed his mom. He killed marcel and he killed both Scotty and Evan. Marcel was just someone in his imagination. The boyfriend that was soon murdered after that small incident.
Luke stands behind Jonathan as he pants and jonathan turned around. "Drop the knife..." He ordered and jonathan runs. "Jonathan!" Luke yelled. He watches him run and stop a few inches in the car. He hangs his head low in shame and drives away. Luke pulled out his phone and called the police and the ambulance.
Jonathan drives and his body kinda just gives up. He drives into a lake and sinks inside. Glass broke and it pierced Jon right thru.
He managed to get out and he floats up. His face verly getting out of the water. He lays there laughing and laughing. Pushing and moving the glass that has cut him. Blood oozed out and mixed in the the cold water.
Loosing all of his senses and his mind more then he already was killed the crazy man. He slowly sinks into the bottom of the lake and took his last breathe under water. Only one person came in mind in his moment of dying.
"Marcel" he whispered and his vision became dark.
'I love you,' he thought 'and I'm sorry....'
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