Wolf in sheep's clothing (Brohm)
A/n I love you Dially, thank you for this amazing idea ;)
Hope you enjoy :)
-Play song
"Hey Bryce, good job today!" Jonathan said as he pats his friends back. "You did good" Luke said as well and Bryce nods, "Thanks guys"
"Are you gonna stay over and celebrate this?" Ryan asked and Bryce shakes his head, "Nah, I'm tired. I should really get home to my cats" Bryce said and jonathan whines but nonetheless, they let Bryce of the hook and off that tall man goes.
He speed walks down the hallways of the police station and into the back where his car was waiting for him. He goes to the side of his vehicle and he looks both ways before getting inside the mysterious looking car.
The lights of his car go on and shine his path towards his house. A smirk played over his lips as he drove off.
"What a beautiful day to be alive~" he said as he laughs while looking over to a black plastic bag. "Once again, Bryce McQuaid has fooled everyone"
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Bryce puts on his outfit and walks around the shadows. A dagger under his coat just to make everything a bit easier for him since he is obviously very well known on the streets. He makes his way inside a house and murders a man that was watching TV in his living room. He calls the police station and according to plan, Luke picked up since he was on phone duty today.
"911, what's your emergency?" The call-talker asked.
Bryce has cleared his throat before doing this, making a very high pitched voice of a young girl. Of course, practice makes perfect.
"H-help....I think there's a man in my house"
From the other side of the call, luke has tensed up. Fearing for the little girl's life. "Little girl, do you know you're address?" He asked and you can hear shaky breaths coming from the human. "I-I do...it's 18831 501 street....south..."
"Good, I send a request. A few of our guys should be down at you're house in a few minutes. Where are you right now? In what part of the house?"
"Im...I'm in the hallway..."
"Are you alone?"
"My...my dad's here....his watching TV but....*gasp*"
Luke stops breathing, after 3 seconds luke answers, "Hello? Little girl?"
Harsh breathing were heard. "Little girl are you there? Can you answer me?" Luke asked feeling a bit in the edge.
"My dad..." she whispers, "His.....oh god...his....his laying on the floor..."
Luke bites his lip. "Step back, please stay calm and lock yourself in you're room sweetheart" Luke said but by the time he finishes his words, the other person on the other side had another thing coming for him. "Daddy!" The little girl shouts and then another gasp coming from the actor.
Bryce expands his reach and with his arm holding out the phone he turns his head and laughs. Quickly Bryce turns back and gasps and runs to the closest room.
Luke was holding onto the edge of his table. Hearing this was definitely gonna hunt you for the rest of you're life.
Bryce slams the door and throws himself on the bed. Making and 'oof' sound as he did so. "Little girl! Are you okay?" Luke asked.
"P-PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Bryce screams.
After that Bryce drops the phone and ends the call, leaving luke stunned.
Bryce relaxes on the bed and laughs, "Acting is fun, people should do it more often~" he said and laughs even harder.
Luke runs down the halls and into Ryan's room he storms into. "Jimmy disappeared" Luke said. "What?" Ryan asked in shock. "He disappeared yesterday when I got a call from a little girl....I don't know if there alive but there is a very high change the little girl's dad is dead....and maybe the girl is too...Jimmy....I don't know yet"
"But!-" Ryan exclaimed but was cut off, "I think it was that guy again...." Luke whispered. Ryan swallows harshly, "Jimmy's my partner....I need to go look for him-"
"Not a chance" Jonathan said coming in, "but!-"
"You are not going alone...and as second in command I say we go to the boss-"
"Jimmy is in danger" Ryan said. Bryce suddenly comes in and sighs, "or his probably dead by now"
Ryan looked at Bryce in disbelieve. "How could you say that?" Ryan said with extreme shock. "Bryce-" Jonathan tries to say but Bryce interferes, "If he needs someone to go look for Jimmy, I'm more then happy to be his buddy"
Luke frowns and looks at the back of bryce's head with suspicion, "weren't you just saying his probably dead?" Luke asked and jonathan frowns at luke. "Luke what?" Jonathan asked but luke ignores him and Bryce turns to look at him.
"Im just saying the truth. Since everyone in this hell hole is technology dying at a very fast rate-"
"We still need to have hope" Luke said and Bryce rolled his eyes, "Luke, I'm just facing the reality face first....I'm not gonna sugar coat things anymore cause there's obviously a psychopath on the loose running around murdering anything in its path"
After a few talks, Ryan was able to go out. Of course with Bryce at his side, just to have his back but what they didn't know was that Ryan was actually going alone since Bryce doesn't play on his team.
"So this is the place right?" Ryan asked and Bryce nods, "Yup...this is the house"
Ryan gets out the car and Bryce follows right after. "It is kinda spooky..." Bryce said and Ryan laughs, "Don't tell me you're scared~"
"Im not indeed scared but worried...." Bryce said and Ryan rolled his eyes, "Come on...we need clues"
Bryce nods and Ryan pulls open the door wide enough for Bryce to come in first, "Thanks" Bryce said and Ryan just winks at him.
Bryce didn't ignore the gesture but did indeed ignore him. The lights are all off and instantly, you can get a smell of the blood.
"Oh god..." Ryan whispered, "Tell me about it..." Bryce said as he pinches his nose.
"Should we split up? I go up and you stay down here?" Ryan asked and Bryce shakes his head. He reaches and touches Ryan's hand and Ryan blushes at the action, "No...I'll go up"
Bryce pulls him in for a hug and whispers in his ear, "Don't worry...I'll be back for you"
Ryan didn't know how to take that sentence. Was he flirting with him? Was he serious? Why is his dick getting wrong signals?
Bryce walks away leaving the shorter male stunned.
After a few minutes Bryce decided to take his plan in action. He goes to a small table place and takes a hold of an angel statue. "This should do the trick~" Bryce said and opens the door a bit. Bryce let's go of the thing in his hands and let it shatter under his feet. "Bryce!" Ryan screams but then Bryce closes the door softly and hides with a rag at hand, ready to strike.
You can hear Ryan's footsteps coming up the stairs. He takes a few seconds before opening the door and he comes in the room.
Bryce goes up behind him an before Ryan can even ask for Bryce, Bryce takes the chance and with the rag he stuffs it to his nose and mouth.
He kicks and wriggles but at the end, he just went limped in bryce's arm. Taking a note that Ryan is big bone, so Bryce keeping Ryan up was taking almost all of his strength. After a minute to check if he didn't fake it Bryce pulls his limp body and throws him to bed. "Oh Ryan...." He whispered as he touches his face.
"You'll stay by my side....forever~"
A/n! Creepy mysterious! Where Bryce is a bad guy working for the good guys! Of course no one knows since Bryce is a sneaky sneak! But I'm sorry it took so long to get this out....and it's a bit sucky cause I still have authors block and I'm forcing myself to get something out for y'all to read!
Sorry if it isn't what you expected dia! If you don't like it I'll make it up to you when in not sucking authors block's finger. Comment vote and ill talk to y'all later!
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