Together (Ohmlirious)
A/n fluff^^ comment vote and ill talk to y'all later^^
Jonathan runs around the house to speed up the cleaning proses. He throws the laundry in a pile of clothes behind the closet and does his best to make the bed as fast as possible.
Ryan went off to work in the morning and being the lazy person jonathan was he sleeps in without a care, Ryan's recording hours were about to be over and jonathan just woke up 3 minutes ago.
"Ohshit ohshit oashit ocean ocean ocean!" Jonathan says under his breath. His mind a still a bit fuzzy from waking up. Jonathan hears the door from the front door and jonathan runs towards the stairs but since he moped the floor and didn't let it dry, he slipped and fell.
Ryan was at the bottom of the staircase and manages to catch jonathan. Need they remind, that the stairs were about four to five steps, so even if Ryan didn't catch him it wouldn't be much of a fall.
"Wow! Be careful!"
"'re back"
Ryan smiles and puts Jonathan down, "you don't sound to excited-...."
Jonathan smiles sheepishly and Ryan glares playfully at Jonathan. "You just woke up, didn't you?" Ryan accused.
"I was awake hours ago....what are you talking about?" Jonathan defended but failed, "You're eyes are still droopy, you have messy hair and you have dry droll on your chin" Ryan said as he cups Jonathan's face.
Jonathan flushes and pushes away from Ryan. Jonathan stutters to say something but fails to make words and gets tounge tied.
"Typical" Ryan joked.
"Shut the hell up..." Jonathan mumbles as he walks past him. Jonathan sits on one of the chairs and sighs.
Ryan noticed the gloomy attitude jonathan had and by instinct he walked towards him and tried to comfort the man. "Im a mess, isn't even ready"
"It's not you're fault"
"Then who's fault is it? It's not yours and it can't be buddy's"
"Hey, relax..."
"...." Jonathan stays quiet and has a war inside his mind of how lazy he is.
"Why don't we make dinner together?"
Jonathan beams at the idea and he quickly gets up and walks to the kitchen. "Should I get start it and set up the table?" Jonathan asked and Ryan smiles, "Oh yes, please do"
"Ew, disgusting...." Jonathan said and Ryan laughs while giving him a confused look. "Excuse me?"
"It sounded so Sexual"
"Oh, stop it" Ryan said as jonathan walks away.
"What should we make?" Jonathan asked as Ryan walked into the kitchen. "How about some stake and potatoes?" Ryan said and jonathan giggles softly.
"You're fancy, but sure, why the hell not?" Jonathan said as he took a hold of the things they needed.
The table was set up a bit romantically and jonathan blushed at the small details. "You did feed buddy right?" Ryan asked as he checks up on the sleeping dog in the couch. "Yup" Jonathan said as he sits down.
"Dinner is served~" Ryan said as he serves jonathan a bit of mashes potatoes. "Why thank you kind sir" Jonathan says and Ryan laughs.
They eat peacefully but Ryan finds jonathan playing with his food. "Do you not like it?" Ryan wondered and Jonathan shakes his head, "No not at all, I think I make good mashed potatoes, thank you very much but....I'm thinking" Jonathan said as he takes a sip of his water.
"Thinking of what?"
" Yea me in general"
"What about you?" Ryan asked with a frown. "...." Jonathan keeps quiet and bites his lip slightly, "I-I....I'm kinda sacred..."
Ryan's frowns deepened and jonathan shutters a bit, "scared of what?"
"Of me??" Ryan repeated a bit confused, "No you idiot-"
"But you just said you were scared of me-"
"IM SCARED OF LOSING YOU...." Jonathan shakes as he raises his voice and Ryan quickly covers Jonathan's fingers with his hand. Rubbing circles on his knuckles for comfort. "But why would you be scared of that? I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you-"
"I know that's just...I feel like I'm pushing you away some how...maybe I'm not a good boyfriend or I'm not good at any house related things because I'm too lazy-"
"And that's fine...." Ryan said while laughing a bit. Jonathan's blue eyes sparkled while he smiles. Jonathan holds Ryan's hand tighter and Ryan pulls his arm closer to kiss his hand. "I love you because you are you, because you're personality intoxicated me and I fell for you so hard....I've never fallen for someone so hard like you....anything you do, any words you say, you make me go crazy for you" Ryan gets up and pulls his chair with him to sit next to jonathan. "I love you and not you or anyone is gonna change the way I feel about you"
Jonathan smiles and leans in to kiss Ryan's lips. "Thank you..."
"Are you feeling better?"
"Yes" Jonathan said and Ryan smiles, "good cause I'm really hungry"
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