Attention (Daithi de lui)
A/n requested by BoogieStories124
I do hope you enjoy^^
"Im home!" Lui announced as he walks inside the house with grocery bags in each side of his hands. "David?" He called out but no response.
"He might be sleeping-...." Lui noticed the note in the counter as he puts the grocery bags down on the table.
"I'll be coming back at 8. Meanwhile have a potato" Lui read out loud. He sighs and crunched the note in his palm. "Whatever...." Lui mumbles as he throws away the crumbled up note to the garbage, where more notes like that reappear again.
"Not the first time you pull this on me"
The next day
"Nogla, wanna play some games with me? I'm bored..." Lui said as he heard footsteps become louder behind him. "Sorry, gotta go-"
"Go where? Today is your free day" Lui whined as he twisted his body to look back at David with his outfit for work. Luis face dropped and David noticed the unhappy aurora coming from his friend. "Boss called of the workers called in sick and-"
"Then you call in sick!" Lui whined. "I can't just say that-" David explained but lui didn't want to hear it. "Alright, whatever, cya then" Lui mumbles as he turns back to the screen and continued to play his game.
David felt bad for leaving his friend, but how else would he be paying the bills? How else would he be buying the food they ate? How else would he buy that new console lui wanted?
Lui needed to understand, that they are grown man with jobs to do, they can't always stay and play games all day, even if David wanted too.
"Bye lui..." David whispered as he walks right out.
Lui has become more clingy to David, of course when David starts pushing him away lui takes it to heart and locks himself away.
If he wanted to afford the toy lui wanted he had to work extra hours making lui more and more upset.
David wants to make this a surprise. Just to show lui how much he cares for him, so he can realize how much he means to him.
Not only does David value there friendship, he wants to hold does moments close to him.
It was late at night and David has finally gotten back from work. Once he turns on the lights a small angry figure stands infront of him, David knew he was gonna get it this time so he didn't bother to say not even an "Im home".
"Do you realize, what time this is?" Lui asked in a annoyed tone. "'s-" David tried to take out his phone from his front pocket to tell the time but lui bit him to it, "It's 2:20 in the morning, David" Lui growled.
David gulps as he rubs his tired eyes. "If you are doing something between hours, David, you need to tell me" Lui snapped.
"You are not getting any sleep, you're not home, I can't be with you for a second because you are always on the move! You don't even try to spend a few seconds to spend with me!" Lui said as he taps his foot on the floor rapidly. "Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Did you get butthurt from something I did?" Lui raises his voice just a bit making David a bit upset.
There is no need for yelling, they are in the same room and they are not 30 miles away from each other. Besides, lui is not his wife or his mother to be telling him how to live his life.
"Well I'm sorry, I'm too busy trying to make a good use of myself" David said.
"Are you trying to tell me something nogla? Cause if you are, say it to my face" Lui growls, his patience blowing off.
"Yes, I do want to tell you something, I am working my arse off for ye and for ye only! Remember that focking thing you wanted? That focking hunk of junk! Yea? Well it's in my car! And I used my money to pay for it, and for what? To make you happy!"
Luis angry fave drops. Intestine regret swells up inside him. "Yea. Fockin surprise" David mumbles.
Lui gasped softly a he feels his eyes water. He covers his face under his hands and looks down at the floor.
David looks worryingly at lui and he tries to find words to say but everything vanishes.
"You....idiot...." Lui mumbles.
David frowned and lui continued. "You big dumby....that console, even though I do want it- it isn't gonna make me smile...." Lui said.
"What do ye mean?" David asked confused. "I mean that...all this time, all I wanted was your attention....and I didn't get any of it cause all you did was work to buy me something....and that something isn't gonna fulfill the whole in my chest...."
"...." David was speechless.
"You wanted to make me happy me happy. You make me smile and you make me laugh, there is nothing else in the world that I would want more then you...." Lui walks over and wraps his arms around David's torso, "you are my happiness David...that's why when you weren't around in made me cranky...cause you weren't here to make me happy"
"Oh man....I bought that thing for nothing then"
"I do appreciate you buying it for me David....I.....I love you" Lui mumbles and David tensed up. David pulls away and looks at lui. "What did ye say?"
"That I appreciate you?"
"No the other part!"
"I...I love you?"
David leans over and while bending down just a bit to reach Luis face, he smiles and kisses Luis cheeks. "I love you too" David said and lui laughs. "I always did"
"Same" Lui sighs as he wraps his arms around David's once more.
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