November 11 2016
A week has passed, After Harvey's second breakdown, Dent, along with Anne and Grace were really concerned about his behaviour, Anne recommended him to go visit a psychiatric but Harvey was scared that this might ruin campaign, However he took her advice and decided to visit a psychiatric.
His split personality "Big Bad Harv" was revealed to the doctor, but Harvey begged her to keep it a secret and that he would visit her for daily sessions, They both agreed on it but unknown to them, Rupert Throne's partner Candice heard everything and she was going to tell her boss about it.
Today was another campaign party, The party was going to happen tonight, and Harvey already invited Anne and many other people to the party. Winters decided to bring Bucky with her again. However, he wasn't really happy to go after what happened last week when Harvey insulted and almost hit Anne in the face.
At the Manor, Winters was seen in her room while arranging her clothes for tonight while talking to Harvey on the phone, She wanted to know how he had been doing since his visit with the psychiatric, He told her that he was doing better so far.
Once their phone call ended, Anne left the room and was thinking about the party tonight , Winters made her way downstairs and made it to the living room to see Bucky sitting in the couch, deep in his thoughts while looking around the room.
Anne: Excited for the party tonight?
He sighed and nodded, Anne could tell from his expression he wasn't too happy, She joined him by sitting next to him as Barnes looked at her.
Anne: You don't look excited.
Bucky: It's not like that, I still can't forget what Harvey did.
Anne: Look, Bucky, It wasn't his fault, but I agree with what you said, I couldn't forget about it either.
Bucky: I don't know if he has anger issues or has a growing ego about his campaign.
Anne: Harvey isn't like that, I know he's not that kind of person.
Bucky: Some people can change, Anne.
Anne: I trust him, Bucky. I have known him for a very long time.
She was a bit upset that Bucky doubted her best friend, Barnes looked at her and noticed she was a bit upset, He knew it was understandable because she was really good friends with Harvey, If someone said the same to his friends, He would react the same.
There was silence between the two for a few seconds as Bucky took a deep breath and looked at her.
Bucky: Sorry, I think I shouldn't have said that. I just hated what he said to you.
She looked at him and had a small smile on her face, Anne understood how he felt when that incident happened as she patted his shoulder.
Anne: It's alright, Bucky.
Bucky: I just hope you didn't take that to your heart.
Anne just shook her head and had a small smile on her face, Barnes continued staring at her before he said something.
Bucky: You're amazing from the inside and out, Believe me.
Anne couldn't help but smile at him as She nodded, Bucky had a smile on his face as Winters said something to him.
Anne: Oh, stop, you might make me blush.
She joked with him as he had a smile on his face, Anne laughed a little as Bucky gently caressed her cheek.
She continued smiling and blushed slightly as Bucky smiled and moved his hand away, He noticed the blush on her face, That made him smile to himself and found her adorable, Even though it was very unusual of Anne.
Anne: Thanks, Bucky.
Bucky: No problem, Anne.
Anne: *Smiles* Besides, Harvey told me there was going to be an after party, Maybe you and I could have a dance?
Bucky was surprised by what she said as Anne continued smiling at him, He chuckled and looked at her while fixing his long hair.
Bucky: I think I'm up for a dance with you.
Anne had a smile on her face and nodded as Barnes smiled at her again before the two decided to pass some time by watching TV.
The campaign party was happening as everyone were in the party while the speech was happening, Anne and Bucky were seen in the crowd while watching the speech, They saw Harvey standing by the stage as his assistant Carlos was speaking in the microphone.
Carlos: Ladies and gentlemen. According to the latest count, Harvey Dent is receiving the mandate from the people of Gotham City in the form of a landslide!
Everyone began cheering in happiness as Harvey had a huge smile on his face, Anne and Bucky smiled and began clapping as Grace had a huge smile on her face and ran to the stage and hugged her boyfriend.
Harvey began thanking everyone as everyone continued clapping for him until Carlos approached Harvey and whispered something in his ear, Dent narrowed his eyes and nodded as he said something to Grace.
Harvey: Hold those lips, Darling. I'll be right back.
Grace smiled and nodded as Harvey walked away to the other room as everyone was looking at him, Anne and Bucky looked at each other and smiled at each other.
Harvey was in the other room as he grabbed his phone and looked at the unknown number, and answered it.
Harvey: *On Call* Hello?
???: Congratulations, Harvey! This is Thorne. Rupert Thorne
Harvey gritted his teeth when he heard the name as Dent spoke to him.
Harvey: *On call* What do you want, coward?
Thorne: *On Call* Now, now! Is that any way to talk to a man who is about to make you a deal?
Harvey: I'm not interested in your deals, Thorne.
Thorne: Oh, I think you will be, unless of course you'd rather I speak with. . . . Big Bad Harv? Or perhaps you'd prefer I speak to the press first?
Harvey's eyes widen in shock, "How did he know about his split personality?" Dent was now angry as he spoke to Rupert in an angry tone.
Harvey: . . . .What do you want?
Thorne: *Chuckles* There's a limo waiting in the alley. Take it, While you still have a career ahead of you.
The phone call ended as Harvey gritted his teeth and placed his phone on his pocket, He needed to see what Throne wanted from him. Harvey was about to leave the room until Grace walked in and spoke to him.
Grace: Darling, is something wrong?
Harvey: No. I have to see someone. Would you mind looking after our guests?
Grace: But the returns are just coming in!
Harvey: I won't be long. Thank you, darling.
He walked past her as Grace looked at him and was concerned and confused.
Meanwhile Anne and Bucky were talking to each other while drinking a glass of soda, The two continued speaking to each other until they saw Harvey walking away, Both of them were confused before Anne decided to check on him as Bucky was eavesdropping the conversation.
Anne: Hey, Harv! What's up?
Harvey: Uh, a surprise meeting, that's all.
Anne: Now? With who?
Harvey: Just mind your own business, alright?
Anne: *Raises an eyebrow* You're in trouble, aren't you?
Harvey: My friend, you don't know the half of it.
Anne stared at him in confusion, Dent was looking at her before he wore his coat and hat and walked away, Winters noticed the limo was outside as Harvey got inside the limo, Now Winters was feeling suspicious about this.
Batwoman shot a tracker on the limo as she began gliding towards the limo, She landed on top of a truck as Anne was watching the limo, She was really suspicious about this, and she had a feeling Harvey was hiding something from her.
Anne continued watching the limo as Winters contacted Bucky.
Anne: *On Radio* Barnes, Where are you?
Bucky: *On Radio* I don't fly, milady. That's your thing.
Anne raised an eyebrow and chuckled until she saw Bucky riding a bike while moving through the streets.
Anne had a small smile on her face and watched him as Bucky continued riding the bike while making sure no one saw him.
[Later On]
Harvey was at abandoned chemical factory as he was seen talking to Throne, Candice and Rupert's thugs were also sitting and were listening to the conversation as Harvey glared at Throne.
Harvey: Stealing someone's psychiatric file is pretty low,
Thorne. Even for a swine like you.
But it makes for such fascinating reading.
Rupert smiled and looked at the file as He began reading it.
Throne: Listen to this, boys. It says here when Harvey was a little boy, he was bothered by a bully. Every day the bully would bug him after school, until one day, little Harvey got so mad, he aggressively beaten the bully up by almost breaking his nose.
Harvey glared and clutched his fist as Candice and the thugs were laughing.
Throne: Of course, the bully ran away, which made little Harvey feel very proud. Until he heard the bully was in the hospital.
Candice: That was vicious
Thorne: That's what Harvey thought. Except the guy was in the hospital for appendicitis! *chuckles* But poor Harvey felt so guilty. He never showed his anger again. And that was the start of Big Bad Harv. . . .
Harvey: . . . . . What do you want?
Thorne: Just a few favors from the D.A.'s office.
Harvey: You're dreaming.
Thorne: Otherwise, as a concerned citizen, I'd feel compelled to give this to the press. After all, the people of Gotham have a right to know the kind of person, or should I say, "persons" they've elected. So, what do you say, Harvey? Do we have a deal?
Harvey was sweating as he clutched both of his fist tightly, Feeling the rage and anger inside of him until everything went blank. . . .
Harvey: There's just one problem. . . . .
Thorne: What's that?
Harvey got up from his chair and glared at Rupert.
Harv: You're talking to the wrong Harvey.
Throne was shocked and just before he could do something, Harvey punched him in the face and grabbed him by the shirt and threw him to his thugs.
The thugs along with Rupert was on the ground as Candice was unimpressed and didn't do anything about the situation and continued eating her lollipop. Harv had rage in his eyes as He began walking towards Throne.
Until someone landed on the ground and it was revealed to be Batwoman and Bucky, Harv grabbed Throne and was about to punch him again until Anne grabbed his hand as Harv turned around in confusion.
Batwoman: Harvey, Don't!
Harvey gritted his teeth and pushed Anne to Bucky as Barnes was holding her and heard Harvey yell in a dark tone.
Harvey: Get away from me! Thorne is mine!
The thugs got up and tackled Harvey to the table while three thugs ran towards Batwoman and Bucky, But both of them took them down as Harvey was fighting the other thugs.
Throne grabbed the psychiatric file and began running away as Harv was about to chase him until a thug grabbed his leg as Harv was struggling to move, While Batwoman and Bucky were fighting the thugs as Candice was smiling and watched the fight like it was a show to her.
Anne punched a thug on the face while Bucky threw the other thug to the wall.
Harvey: Get back here, Rupert!!!
Harvey kicked the thug that was holding his leg and chased Throne as they ran to the other side of the factory where it had dangerous chemicals around the area, Throne continued running as Harvey chased him through the cat walk.
A thug ran inside the room and was trying to shoot Harvey until Anne hit a shoulder block, causing the thug to lose his aim. However it was bad idea and. . . .
The bullets accidentally hit an electrical switchboard and causing a live wire to fall into a vat of chemicals and that resulted into an explosion while Harvey was still by the catwalk.
Anne and Bucky were in shock by the explosions as Harvey was laying on the ground, gravely wounded. Anne and Bucky immediately ran towards the broken catwalk as both of them looked at the wounded Harvey.
Anne: Harvey!!!
Winters slowly turned him around until both of them saw his face and they were shocked by what they saw. . . .
Anne: Harvey!. . . . . No. . . .
Both of them were shocked as Anne covered her face, Bucky began rubbing her back, comforting her as he couldn't believe what happened to Harvey.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and stay strong!!! :)
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