July 2 2017
After what happened yesterday, Janet was determined and made a crusade to stop the vigilantes in Gotham City, Something the government hasn't made an effort, She wanted to end The Batwoman's reign and send The White Wolf back to the raft, Once and for all.
It was the next day as a rolls royce car was parked outside the restaurant, Anne came out of the car and fixed her hair before entering the restaurant, She saw a woman sitting by the chair and it was revealed to be Janet
Janet smiled and got up from the chair as Anne gave a friendly smile. Both of them shook hands before taking a seat.
Janet: Hello, Anne. It's good to see you.
Anne: Janet, I'm so glad we're able to meet on such short notice.
Janet: Same here, Miss Winters.
They continued talking to each other, Janet and Anne only arranged a meeting to discuss a few things about the city and other things. They ordered a drink for themselves as Anne asked her a question.
Anne: It seems every place I look at, there's our crusading DA leading the campaign to get rid of our Batwoman and White Wolf
Janet: Oh, please. I don't want to talk about them.
She looked a little upset as Anne nodded and continued staring at her.
Anne: Still, you have to admit
Batwoman's come through now and then. The same goes for the former HYDRA assassin.
Janet: *Scoffs* But look at the lunatic fringe the Batwoman has created. The Joker, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, and many others. Batwoman's responsible for every one of them.
Janet fixed her hair as Anne just nodded, knowing how much Janet was against them.
Janet: And don't get me started on Bucky Barnes, That man is nothing but trouble. He's a former Hydra assassin, and we're supposed to trust him? Right, He's dangerous and unpredictable. He could snap at any moment again, I'm telling you, that man is a ticking time bomb.
Anne felt a bit upset by her comment and chose to defend him and herself.
Anne: Yes, it's true that the Batwoman has created some of the most notorious villains we know, but she's also stopped countless more schemes and saved countless lives. And as for the White Wolf, he may have a dark past, but that doesn't mean he can't change. People deserve a second chance, right?
Janet raised an eyebrow and spoke to her, not convinced by how she was defending them.
Janet: So you're saying "He" deserves a second chance? This man was an assassin for Hydra, the same organization that tried to take over the world. Why should we trust him?
Anne: I agree that his past is. . . Something. but I believe in redemption. Everyone deserves a chance to make amends for their mistakes.
Janet: And what about the Batwoman? She's nothing but a violent vigilante, bringing chaos and destruction wherever she goes. We have law enforcement for a reason.
Anne: That's true, but the Batwoman has also helped the police many times, stopping criminals they couldn't.
Janet: Yes, but she's the most infamous, the one that inspires others to do the same, and most of the time, that leads to disaster.
She spoke as Anne decided to stay quiet, Winters knew this had been going on for a long time since she began her reign as the Batwoman. Janet took another sip of her drink until she had a phone call as Anne looked at her.
Janet answered the call as Anne was silently tapping the table until Janet hung up the phone and frowned.
Janet: I'm sorry, Anne. But the office called, They said its an emergency. I won't be gone for too long.
Anne: *Smiles* No problem, stay safe.
Janet smiled and immediately got up and left the restaurant as Anne decided to text Bucky till then.
About half an hour as Anne smiled to herself and continued texting Bucky. However, she realised how much time has passed as Anne closed her phone, For some reason, she had a strange feeling about this. Anne looked around and saw the waiter walking past her as she spoke to him.
Anne: Uh, excuse me, have you seen Miss Van Dorn?
Waiter: Not in the last half-hour, Ma'am.
Anne just nodded as the waiter walked away, She looked through the window and noticed something in the sky as her eyes darkened.
Batwoman was seen at the rooftop as she was talking to Benjamin, and next to him was Alex and Jack,
Benjamin: This message was coming from Van Dorn, It was dropped on our front desk twenty minutes ago.
He handed her an envelope as Anne opened it and began reading the message.
" To The Batwoman and The White Wolf"
"Come to where
lives hang in the balance."
"or the law in Gotham dies."
Anne stared at the letter as Alex spoke to her.
Alex: This message doesn't seem like it's from her. . . She could be in danger.
Jack: I'm sure you would have a clue to where she is. Be careful, though.
At Gotham's courthouse, Anne, along with Bucky, made it there as it was silent and quite ominous. They took a look around, staying cautious in case of any threat.
Anne: The courthouse is completely deserted. . .
Bucky: Agreed. Something's not right. We need to be on our guard.
Anne: Keep an eye out for anything suspicious. We don't know what we're walking into here.
Bucky: I trust your instincts, but are you sure we're not stepping in a trap?
Anne: Why do you ask?
Bucky: I'm having a bad feeling about this.
They continued looking around, taking a few steps. Their footsteps were loud and echoed around the courthouse until Bucky noticed a shadow
He immediately pulled Batwoman close to him, protecting her as his arm was around her waist, keeping her close.
Bucky: Stay behind me. I'll take the lead.
Anne stared at him, feeling her heartbeat faster by his protectiveness.
Anne: Don't get overprotective on me, James.
He looked at her before walking forward, and there was a silhouette hiding in the corner, Bucky immediately punched the person in the face. However, the head completely fell off as Barnes looked confused.
Anne walked forward as both of them noticed it wasn't a person, It was just a statue. Both of them looked at each other until they were shot with something as they grunted and turned around to see Poison Ivy.
She smirked while reloading her gauntlet, It was true. This was all a trap all along. Anne was starting to feel weak for some reason, Bucky felt the same but was able to stand as Winters tried to throw a batarang, but she missed her aim.
Pamela smiled as Bucky pulled out his pistol, Her smile faded away as He was about to shoot her until. . .
Harley kicked the gun off his hand as Bucky gritted his teeth and tried to punch her, His body felt weaker, but he was fighting it. Anne ran and was about to attack Harley until. . .
Harley: Oh, no, you don't!
Harley: Ta-Da!
Anne fell on the ground as Ivy hit a spinning heel kick to Bucky before stepping away. Harley was smiling, satisfied with her work, until Bucky grabbed her and threw her to Ivy.
Both girls fell on the ground as Anne and Bucky were losing their consciousness, Their vision became blurry as Ivy and Harley got up and began walking towards them.
Before it faded to black.
At the asylum, Janet was kidnapped and was at a cell, She began hitting the door while yelling to let her out. She continued hitting the door as she stared in anger, but deep down, She felt a little scared.
Suddenly, the door opened as Janet's eyes widened and saw someone she never expected to see.
Two-Face: Welcome to Arkham, Van Dorn.
Janet: Two-Face. . .
She immediately ran out of the cell and looked around the asylum, She noticed the doctors were walking by, but they didn't do anything, They seemed blank.
Janet was shocked about what was happening as Two Face spoke to her.
Two face: Don't bother screaming for help, The white coats can't hear you. Matter of fact, they can't do much about it. . . Thanks to the Mad Hatter.
Janet: . . . .You're going to escape?
Two Face: Eventually, We've got some legal business to settle first.
Janet:What do you mean?
Two Face: I'm talking about a trial.
Her eyes were widen as Two Face continued speaking to her.
Two Face: Me, the prosecutor. You, the defense. And your clients. . . .
The door opened as Janet saw Killer Croc, He was dragging Batwoman who was wearing a straight jacket as Anne was struggling to move while gritting her teeth, Bucky was still unconscious as Croc continued dragging both of them.
Two face: Is Batwoman and The White Wolf.
Croc placed them on the ground as Anne looked at Bucky, who was still unconscious, She felt worried about him but didn't want to show it.
Soon, Janet and Anne were alone in the cell as Van Dorn stared at her in anger.
Janet: This is insane! Me defending you? As far as I'm concerned, you belong in here with them!
Anne: You've gotta go through with it. . . .It's their game and their rules.
Janet stared in anger until the cell door opened, and it was revealed to be Croc, Two Face, and Mad Hatter.
Obsessed from a young age with Lewis Carroll's books Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through The Looking Glass, Jervis Tetch, an expert hypnotist, embraced a delusion that he was the incarnation of a character in the story, The Mad Hatter.
By using his skills for mesmerism, the Mad Hatter committed many crimes that were often themed around the book that inspired him and his love of hats and headgear, and went so far as to implant his hats with mind-control chips to amplify his hypnotic abilities. The Mad Hatter was also obsessed with the concept of "Alice" and brainwashed countless young women in his attempts to find Alice and murdered them when he was finished with them.
Croc: Let's go. Move it.
Two Face: Indeed.
Mad Hatter: *Laughs* Can't keep the judge waiting.
Croc grabbed both of them and began dragging them away as Two Face was speaking to Janet.
Two Face: You've said it yourself, lady, Batwoman made every one of us. So, we're placing her along the white wolf before the bar
to face our justice. And me? Basic 50/50 option.
He began flipping his coin as Janet stared at him.
Two Face: You get them off. You a go free. They go down, You take the fall with them.
She stared in shock as Anne was glaring at the villians, Until they opened the front door and heard a crowd of inmates, cheering in happiness as Janet was shocked by all of this.
As they continued walking, Scarecrow and Croc grabbed Anne and began dragging her to the chair as Anne tried to break out but continued to struggle as they managed to make her sit down.
Bucky finally woke up and noticed where he was at, His eyes widened as the crowd continued cheering, He turned around and noticed the villains trapped his vibranium arm as he gritted his teeth.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and stay strong!!! :)
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