The mission
mostly in Keith's POV unless I say that it isn't
I was in the Blades of Marmora without the paladins. Now I know what you're thinking, 'oh Keith you should go everywhere with them and tell them all your secrets'. Well not going to happen sweetheart.
I need personal space. Look I love them but they can be very nosy. Especially Lance.
"Keith! Are you listening." Thace shouted. I nodded.
"Keith we need you to go to Zarkons ship and pretend to follow him to figure out what he's planning."
"What about the paladins?"
"They don't necessarily have to know." I nodded.
"When do I leave?" I asked.
"Go pack and keep your suit it looks nice." I looked down at my Blades of Marmora suit. It was really nice and comfortable. More so than the armor.
I walked to the small pod I took down here and flew up to the castle. When I walked in the paladins were all in the lounge room glaring at me.
"Where have you been?" Lance asked. "We had to take out a fleet of Galra by ourselves!"
"You're still alive aren't you?" I said snarkly.
"Yes but we need you Keith we called you like 50 times!"
"I didn't have my helmet on as you can see." I said gesturing to the hood on my head.
"Well you need your armor on at all times."
"Who made you the boss?"
Shiro walked over to me." He's right. Why are you always hanging out with them?"
"Because I can now leave me alone!" I shouted. I ran to my room and started packing. That's the one thing I won't miss. But I will have to come back but.
In the morning, I heard banging on my door. I leave today. I groaned. I got up and opened my door. The boys and Allura were there glaring at me. Except Shiro. He looked disappointed.
"We called you like 100 times! Were you asleep?"
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