Chapter 3
My vision was hazy when I opened my eyes. The room spun as I struggled to get my bearings. A steady throbbing began in my head and I winced. When I touched the back, my fingers came back slick with blood. As soon as I saw the blood, it all came rushing back. David. Jay. That merman... All the color drained from my face when I realised who it was.
He was David and Bella's father. If he had worked with Tiger Shark... I shuddered. The door opened just then, a worried face peeking through. I gave Jay a weak smile as he swam in and closed the door behind him. He visibly relaxed as he swam to me and took my hand.
How are you feeling, he signed. His brown hair was messy, like he'd been running his fingers through it.
I clutched his hand, struggling to sort through the tangled thoughts in my head. My head is killing me. Where are David and Bella? My entire body protested when I struggled to rise.
Jay put a hand on my arm, stopping me. You need to rest. You sustained a concussion in the struggle. What do you remember?
A burst of pain exploded inside my head when I tried to think back. I remember David tackling that merman... I shuddered again. Where are they?
He sighed. Bella's resting. David's with her. After we carried you here, we had just swum into the hallway when we heard a loud gasp. Bella was on the ground, struggling to drag herself to the couch. A makeshift bandage on her tail was soaked with blood. We got her cleaned up and into bed; I've been here ever since, waiting for you to wake up.
The merman's face swam in my mind, taunting me. As much as it terrified me, I knew I had to find him. My arms shook when I pushed myself to a sitting position and pulled on my shirt. The world spun in my vision as I rose, gripping Jay's hand to steady myself.
He put a hand on my back. Where are you going? You need to rest.
I shook my head, wincing as the world spun. I have to find him. He's the only one who has any information about my father.
Repulsion boiled inside me as I signed. I should know better than to refer to Tiger Shark as my father. He had never been my anything.
Jay shook his head as he rose. I'm coming with you.
As much as I wanted to dissuade him, I knew I wouldn't be able to face this merman alone. Okay.
I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. The contents of the bag rattled against my hip as I swam to the front door. He grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently. Whenever you're ready.
A sob rose in my throat as I nodded, swimming out of the house. I took a shaky breath, exhaling deeply as I clutched my bag and began swimming. There was only one problem: I had no idea where to go or who we were looking for. I didn't even know what David and Bella's father looked like. I doubted Jay did either.
A few hours later, we had just passed the outskirts of Pelathas when a hand clamped painfully down on my shoulder. I cried out as I spun around and met cold brown eyes. His skin was identical to that of his children.
Jay's body was taut beside me, trembling with barely-restrained anger. The merman barely spared him a second glance before training his gaze on me.
For a heartbeat, I could see what he and Tiger Shark had in common. They both shared the same cruel expression and demeanor. I grabbed my notepad, scribbling a message. It took a minute thanks to the shaking in my hands, but I managed.
You're David and Isabella Solomon's father, aren't you? I handed the notepad to him, taking a stroke backwards as I did so.
His brown eyes hardened as he read the words. Nodding, he wrote his response before shoving the notepad back in my hands. Don't come looking for me again. Before I could so much as take a breath, he gripped my injured shoulder. A million tiny lightning bolts exploded inside me and stars swam in my vision. Our surroundings slowly faded away as my eyes closed and a vision began.
I had never been in this house before, but I recognized it. It was Bella and David's childhood home. A mermaid and a mermen were floating in the kitchen, screaming at each other. The mermaid's trembling hands were fisted at her sides, tears streaming down her face as she stared at the merman.
I took that as an opportunity to look around. A beer bottle lay forgotten on the table. My heart stopped completely as I noticed another merman hiding in the shadows, a sadistic grin on his face. My own hands clenched into fists as I recognized him: Tiger Shark. I shook my head, horror sluicing through me.
David was only half-right: his father had been drinking that night, but that wasn't the deciding factor in his sudden departure. Tiger Shark had heavily influenced his decision.
As quickly as it had begun, the vision ended. I turned and swam away, barely able to breathe past the sobs rising inside me. I had barely swum in the door before I felt hands on my arms steadying me and eyes on me. Jay didn't say anything, only put his arm around me. I didn't realize I was crying until I started hiccuping.
My shoulder felt like it had been dunked in lava. I struggled to stay awake as we swam into our bedroom. I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.
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