chapter 7
(Y/n's pov)
"So we going to follow him or "
"Yeah come on " Semi said and walked towards the door
"...ok then "
We walked in silence for a while not awkward silence but not comfortable silence
But thank god we found Tendou before it was awkward again
I walked towards the vending machine he was standing infort of and then looked at him
" soooo what do you want "
"Can I have a ice coffee? "
" sure "
"Make it 2 I've still not woken up yet "
"Okay 3 ice coffees " he said putting in the code for it
" since when did you like ice coffee? "
"Since it was the closest thing to monsters there is "
" yeah that's my reason too" as I said that Tendou bent down to pick up the drinks
"Here you go " He handed me mine and Semi he's and walked to the bench
"So how did you learn piano if you don't mind me asking " Semi said
" my parents they're musicians so ever now and then I sat next to them while they practice and watched so every time they went out I would practice the songs they were writing"
" sooo you tort yourself how to play because you watched your parents " Tendou question probably not getting it
" that's really impressive I find it's hard to look at someone play something and do it perfectly let alone only seeing it once "
" wait that's what that meant ?" Said a now even more confused Tendou
" what do you play then ? " I questioned tilling my head a bit
" oh just the guitar I can sing as well but I don't do it much "
" the only way this could get more confusing is if you knew how to play other instruments the same way " Tendou said probably thinking it was In his head
" I do actually "
I nodded my head
" don't mind him he's weird "
" HEY "
" Shut up anyway what other instruments do you know how to play "
When I heard that I I started counting how many I knew on my hands
Then Tendou started yelling again after I got pass 4
" about 8 "
" what sort of musicians are your parents anyway to know this many instruments " said twitched his eye a bit
" Well my mum does therater, R&B , k-pop , country and rock whilst my dad does classical, heavy metal, jazz , blue and reggae "
" what sort of instruments did you learn for them then cause that's a wide variety "
" bass guitar, guitar, drums, saxophone, violin, vocals, banjo, flute and ukulele "
" that's alot " Semi said and smiled a bit
" ... "
" I know English French and Polish "
Semi then hit him on the head cause he was getting way to Loud
After the drinks we parted and I went back to my dorm
It was boring and lonely as I don't have a roommate
So instead of being bored I put my headphones on and started watching my piano from this morning judging it
My hands were a bit slopy but apart from that it was good so I put my phone down and then I just looked up at the ceiling
"... this is so boring "
I could go see Lou because he was a gymnastics practice
And Eri was at a school borad meeting
Luna was at her volleyball practice
Same with tobio
And my parents were in Hollywood with my brother for some movie
So I'm all alone
" ... I really need a pet "
So that's what I did I got up and went to buy a pet
A few hours later I came back with a little black mouse
I set up it's cage and put the mouse inside
" now what should I call you "
I thought about it first a good while until you thought of one name
" How about ghost ?"
The little mouse squinted so I took it as a yes
For the rest of the day you just stayed in your room and that stayed like that until the next week of school
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