One drink, two drinks, three drinks. .drink after drink after drink. I think that I had finally had enough. Being drunk was fun but it also wasn't fun feeling sick for hours. At the moment, I was laying face down on the club's sofa. Gracie, Lynleigh and Jason were trying to sober me up before Drift came back to get us. I had no clue when that would be though. I didn't even know what time it was, and right now I was nowhere near being sober.
I sat up slowly and looked at the three faces in front of me. Gracie started laughing and I immediately reacted.
"What's wrong? Is it my face?" I asked, reaching up to feel if anything was on my face.
"No. It's your hair."
I calmed down after she said that. I just shrugged at her response and stood up, nearly falling over in the process.
"Where are you going?" I think Lynleigh asked.
I pointed over towards the bathroom.
"To take a leak, man."
I walked over to the bathroom as best as I could. Once I managed to pry the door open without falling on my face, I walked in and chose a stall. It took me about five minutes to figure out how to get my dress down, but I finally got it. After I relieved myself, I stumbled out of the stall and over to wash my hands. After washing my hands, I made my way to the door.
Using all of my strength, I pushed the door open, tripping over the door in the process. Instead of hitting the floor, I felt two warm arms wrap around me. I focused my vision and looked up to see a very attractive man smiling down at me.
He had dirty blonde hair that was tousled on top of his head and the lower half of his face was lightly scruffed. He was wearing a tight white v-neck shirt and a pair of black jeans along with black boots. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of bright blue I had ever seen. It was like they were glowing even from the illumination from the club lights.
He steadied me on my feet, but didn't release his hold.
"You should be careful next time," he told me.
His voice was the most amazing thing I had ever heard in my twenty two years of life. I just gaped at him, just trying to think of something to say to him.
"Um. .thank you," I said.
He smiled at me again and I practically melted at the notion. How could one human being be crafted so perfectly?
"You're absolutely welcome," he replied.
I just smiled. I had no clue what to say to him. My mind was drawing a blank and he seemed to notice that.
"I can see you're having trouble, so how about I start us off. I'm Brayden and you are?"
It took me a few seconds to even think of my name.
"Rosalie Stalin, I think."
He laughed.
"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he gushed.
It was my turn to smile now.
"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself," I told him.
"Oh you know. I try," he said.
"I see that."
"You look pretty hammered right now," he stated.
"Yeah. But, I just peed so I should be getting back to normal sooner or later."
He laughed and I suddenly realized what I said.
"I'm so sorry. You didn't need to know that," I said quickly.
"It's fine. I understand."
"Okay good. Normally, I'm not like this," I told him.
He gave me a look.
"Are you positive?"
I just nodded. My head was starting to hurt and I was feeling more and more nauseous as the seconds ticked by.
"Are you okay, Rosalie?" he asked me.
I shook my head.
"No. Not really. My head is killing me and I feel sick."
"Maybe you'd like to go back to your friends?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Yes. Thank you for not letting me fall earlier," I told him.
"It was my pleasure. I hope to see you soon though. Goodbye, Rose," he said.
I smiled at him.
"Goodbye, Brayden."
He winked at me before walking away. I walked back over to my family who were still sitting in the lounging area. They looked at me as I sat down on the sofa.
"That was a very long bathroom break," Gracie laughed.
"Who's the guy?" Jason asked.
He had a smirk on his face. I smiled.
"His name is Brayden. He saved me from falling," I told him.
"Well, if you don't scoop him up, I will. He's fine," Lynleigh exclaimed happily.
I shook my head at her.
"All I want to do is go home and go to sleep."
I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes, ignoring the sound of music around me.
"Drift is outside. We can go now," Jason said.
I didn't bother answering him or getting up. All I did was lay there, and soon enough, I was fast asleep.
My head was pounding, almost as if my brain was ready to burst from my skull. The sick feeling in my stomach was growing stronger and stronger, and I could feel the bile coming up with every single breath I took. Quickly, I got up and ran to my bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and vomitted up everything in my system. After flushing the toilet, I stood up and wiped my mouth and then washed my hands. I made my way back out into my room, the sunlight blinding me and worsening my headache. I shut the curtains and walked over to my dresser to pick out some clothes. Considering we probably didn't have any medicine in the house, I guess I'd have to go get some.
Hangovers were one of the main reasons I hated drinking. They made me feel like absolute shit and I didn't like it. I've been like this for the past three hours and only now did I actually have the energy to even get up.
I picked out a pair of grey Nike sweatpants, a white tank top and a tan cardigan. I put on my white Vans and threw my hair up into a messy bun before moving to look at myself in the mirror.
I was actually appalled at my appearance. There were purple bags under my eyes, my usually bright olive skin was now dull and very pale. I looked dead. It was absolutely awful.
I sighed and put my glasses on. I grabbed my wallet and phone before heading out of my bedroom door and down the stairs.
Avoiding Lynleigh and Gracie, who were in the family room, I walked down the hallway and out the front door.
The Autobots were all in their regular spots, including Bumblebee which was very surprising to me. I walked up to them and they looked at me.
"Woah. Rough night, huh?" Hound said.
I nodded.
"You look absolutely revolting," Crosshairs remarked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious."
He laughed.
"What do you need, young Rose?" Drift asked.
"I need one of you to take me to the store so I can get some meds. My head is killing me and we don't have any," I answered.
Bee stood up and walked over to the driveway. I glared at him.
"So, you're actually free to transport me somewhere now? Did you get tired of your man friend already?" I snapped.
Aside from hangovers making me really sick, they also made me incredibly grumpy.
Bumblebee, obviously used to my shitty attitude, just rolled his optics and transformed. The passenger's side door opened but I just stood there. He revved his engine in annoyance.
"Get in, Rose," he commanded.
I groaned and walked over to the car. After I got in, the door shut and we were off. As Bee pulled onto the highway, the seat belt tightened around me. I sighed and leaned my aching head against the window.
"Are you mad at me?" he asked me.
I rolled my eyes.
"What do you think?"
He whirred.
"You shouldn't be."
"You left me for Sam. Every time I asked you to go somewhere with me, you would blow me off for him. I'm more hurt than angry actually. I just thought you were going to leave me for him. .for good," I explained.
"I could never in a million years think about leaving you, Rosalie."
I sighed.
I hoped his words were true because me without Bumblebee would not be a good thing.
"Good, because you promised me that you wouldn't," I told him as we pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot.
Bee released me and opened up the passenger's side door for me. I stepped out and shut the door behind me before heading into the store.
After pushing my way through several people, I finally managed to make it back to the pharmaceutical department. I began searching the back shelves for the medicine I was looking for, but with no such luck. After searching two more, I finally found it. I grabbed the fairly large bottle of Ibuprofen off the shelf and turned around to head up to the front, only to run into someone in the process.
I ended up dropping my pills, so I reached down to get them, only for a large hand to beat me to it. When I stood back up, I met the eyes of a very familiar man. He stood there, a smile plastered onto his gorgeous face. He handed me the bottle of pills and I smiled at him.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, Rosalie," he told me.
I gaped at him. How did he know my name?
He chuckled at the expression on my face.
"Ah. I forgot. You were drunk last night when I met you. I'm Brayden."
I racked my brain as hard as I could to get at least some of the memories from last night to come back. The only things I could remember were falling asleep on the couch and nearly falling on my face last night only to be saved by a very attractive man. My eyes widened in realization and I looked at the man standing in front of me. This was him. .
"Yes! I do remember you," I smiled.
He smirked.
"I figured you would."
"Stalking me now, are you?" I teased.
"Not exactly. I just so happened to see your beautiful face from the other aisle and decided to come and talk to you," he explained.
I blushed.
"Well, aren't you sweet."
"I try, sweetheart."
"You're quite the flirt, aren't you?" I asked.
"No. Not really."
I laughed and leaned back against the shelf. Big mistake though. I knocked almost every single bottle of Ibuprofen off of the shelves. Brayden laughed at me and bent down to pick them up. I followed shortly after to help him.
"I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz," I told him.
"I can see that," he teased.
We finished picking up the bottles off the floor and placed them back in the correct spaces on the shelf. I placed the last bottle on the shelf and turned to see Brayden staring at me, a smile plastered to his face.
"What?" I asked him.
"Nothing. You're just very beautiful," he informed me.
I blushed, yet again, at his words.
"Thank you. Even though I look like complete death right now, that means a lot to me," I told him.
"Actually, I think you look much better like this. Last night you looked gorgeous, but right now you look absolutely breath taking."
I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.
"Thank you, Brayden."
He grinned at me.
"Anytime, gorgeous."
"I think I need to be going. My friend is outside waiting on me," I informed him.
"Well, before you go, what do you say you and I go out sometime?"
"Really? When?"
He thought for a moment before answering me.
"Tomorrow night at seven. The Emporium downtown. I'll meet you there," he told me.
He turned to walk away but I stopped him.
"Wait. What do I wear?" I asked him.
"It doesn't matter to me, sweetheart. I think you'd look great in anything. I'll see you tomorrow, Rosalie," he said.
He walked out of the aisle and I smiled.
Wow was the only word I could think of for what just happened. He was so sweet and not to mention incredibly gorgeous. What I wanted to know was how a human being could sound and look so perfect without even trying?
I broke out of my trance and quickly headed back towards the front to pay for the bottle of pills. I shoved through several bodies and went to self check out. After I paid for the bottle, I practically skipped to the car, obviously in a much better mood now than I had been in when I had first walked in and it was all thanks to Brayden.
The passenger's side door opened as I approached the car. I hopped in quickly, not wasting any time at all. I buckled in and sat back in my seat. Bee seemed to notice my changed mood immediately and spoke up.
"Why are you so happy?" he asked me.
"Last night when I got hammered, I met this guy. His name is Brayden and he saved me from falling on my face when I came out of the bathroom. Anyways, I had forgotten about him until five minutes ago. He saw me in the store and came over to talk to me. He ended up asking me to go out with him tomorrow night," I explained to him.
"Hm. .sounds fairly interesting."
"So, will you take me to Emporium tomorrow night at around seven?" I asked him.
"I would, but I'm going to hang with Sam."
"That's okay. I'll just get Drift or Crosshairs to take me," I told him.
His rejection didn't even bother me. I was in too good of a mood to let his words falter it.
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