Your Okay Pt. 2
Pov no one.
Dipper started to stand up slowly because of the pain. He wiped the blood away from his lips. He remember what Bill told him a few days ago.
"Pinetree you shouldn't give up. You should face the fears and tell them your not afraid anymore. You do it for the people you love. You fight for them."
That was the only thing going through Dipper's head. Thinking of Bill and how much he cares for him.
Bill was running to the shack. The shack was miles away from that opening. When Bill walked with Dipper it felt like seconds. Know it feels like hours. Thinking of what dipper said to him.
" Your dumb Bill. It really doesn't matter what you say. What really matters was the action you take when you want something . Demon or not your my friend. Your my angel. "
Thinking about those words Bill ran faster. Bill was complaining about how his human form and how it didn't run fast enough.
Mabel was trying to find grunkle Stan. Mabel felt bad of what she did and nor helping dipper. She knew she wasn't that strong. She wanted to save Dipper. She couldn't find Grunkle Stan anywhere. She finally thought of looking in the lab. She got slower and slower by the second. Since the lab was huge it took longer than she eexpected.
Dipper looked at Ford. Ford smiled and looked at Dipper.
" What are you going to do Dipper?" Ford laughed.
" I'm not letting you win. " Dipper said.
"What? " Ford said.
" I'm tried of you treating me like this! I never asked for this. I wanted to make Mabel happy and lying to her that I was okay. Your just like my father a bastard how doesn't give a shit. You only abuse me for you pleasure. " Dipper yelled .
"oh wow. A little speech." Ford clapped.
" what's funny is that I've been seeing Bill this whole time. He cares about me. He helps me, he doesn't use me for his own games. " Dipper yelled.
"I told you not to see him. " Ford yelled.
"I don't care! All you care about is hurting me because you blame every mistake that you make on me. " Dipper yelled.
"Shut up you piece of shit. " Ford yelled.
Ford punched Dipper across the face. Dipper didn't fight back at all. He pushed Ford out of the way and run out the door. Dipper locked the door from the outside.
At the time that Dipper locked the door, Bill was five or four feet away from the shack. Mabel was explaining to Stan what was happening.
Dipper ran outside and saw Bill there. Bill looked at Dipper and almost cried.
Pov Dipper.
I ran outside and I froze when I saw Bill. I started to walk to Bill and then I ran to him. I jumped in to his arms and cried. Bill held me in his arms and smiled. Bill looked at me and placed his hand on my cheek.
"are you okay. I had a bad feeling so I came as quick as I could. " Bill said
"I'm okay now. " I said.
"can you please tell me what happened. " Bill said.
"I'm fine. " why am I still doing this?
"I know your not! I'm worried about you Pinetree. I don't like you being hurt. I want to help you." Bill said.
"you really do care." I said placing my face on his chest.
" I do pinetree. " Bill said.
I looked at Bill again and smile. He placed his forehead on top of mines and smiled. I smiled back.
"please tell me. " he said
"I'vebeengettingabusedbyFordbecauseIwasseeingyouandIdidn'twantyoutogethurtsoItookallthepunchesIdidn'twantyoutoworrybecauseIwasalreadyusetoit. "
Bill's eyes widen and looked at me. He kissed my forehead and hugged me. I saw him tear up.
"Why didn't you tell me? " Bill said.
"I was scared." I confessed.
"it's okay to be scared, but you shouldn't be afraid anymore because I'm here. " Bill said.
"I'm glad your here. " I said .
"pinetree please tell me next time okay. " Bill said.
"I will. " I said.
I didn't let go of Bill. He didn't let go of me either.
"just remember that I care about you." Bill said.
"I know. " I giggled .
"Theres the smile I love. "Bill smiled.
"*giggles* " I giggled
"I'm just glad your okay. " Bill said.
"thanks for everything. " I said.
"as long as your happy. " Bill said.
"This is why I love you. " I mumbled to myself.
A faint blush appeared on my face. I didn't mind it this time. Bill lowered his hand to my hip. I didn't mind. I just felt safe in his arms. I looked at Bill and my blush was a deep red at this point. Every single day my feeling grow for him. I just want to know if he feels the same. My first crush.
"your so cute when you blush. " Bill said out loud.
"W-What?" I stuttered.
"N-Nothing. " Bill said.
" *I giggled * "
"Your just perfect. " Bill smiled.
"You too." I smiled.
Then I said something that I regretted.
"I'm glad that I have a friend like you. "Me too. " Bill said.
Pov Mabel
I look out the window and see Dipper on safe hands. I guess Dipper was right. Demons can change.
Grunkle Ford is knocked out because grunkle Stan fought Ford. Grunkle Ford removed his Metal plate because he thought Bill would be gone forever. Boy was he wrong. We got the memory gun and I erased his memory of ever meeting Dipper. Or anything related to dipper. We placed grunkle Ford on the couch and left him there. Grunkle Stan went down stairs to destroy the memory.
I went outside and saw Dipper smiling at Bill. I guess he isn't a bad guy after all. Maybe dipper changed him.
I walked out and smiled at dipper. I see Bill still holding on to dipper. I think he's not gonna let go of Dipper any time soon.
"Bill? " I said.
"yes shooting star. " Bill said.
"You can let go of Dipper now. Fords memory was erased and he knocked out. " I said.
"My pinetree. " Bill hissed.
"*chuckle *" Dipper was laughing.
"Are you okay Dipper? " I asked.
"I'm fine. " Dipper smiled.
"your adorable. " I said.
"no. " Dipper said.
"let's go into town. "I suggested.
"everyone in this town hates. " Bill said.
"Not everyone. "I said pointing at Dipper.
"true. " no way! Bill's blushing.
"Let's go then. " Dipper smiled.
Bill carried Dipper over his shoulder. Dipper laughted and looked at me.
"B-Bill. " Dipper laughed.
"I'm not leaving your side. " Bill smiled.
"I'm not gonna say anything. " I said.
Now we're going go have a little adventure.
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