Tell me what's going on.
Pov Bill
I grabbed pinetrees hand and lead him up stairs. Fez and shooting star was watching Johnothn. We went into his room and sat down. I started to heal the wound.
"Is everything okay Pinetree? "I asked.
"everything's fine. " Pinetree smiled.
"Pinetree I know there's something going on. You looked and acted different when you saw him. I wanna know why. " I said.
"Ita nothing really. " Pinetree said.
"Okay but if you wanna talk I'm here " I said.
"I will. " Pinetree said.
"incase of their was any magic in that bullet I'll take out any magic that isn't yours. " I smiled.
"okay. " Pinetree.
I just looked at pinetree and couldn't help stop think that something's wrong. Something was glowing near pinetrees wrist. He looked at it and cover it up. Pinetree was using a magical remedy.
"Why were you using Magical remedy's? "I asked.
"I was hurt." Pinetree said.
I looked at pinetree and I uncovered his wrist. I saw so many cuts and scars, I couldn't believe it.
"Pinetree..."I said.
"I told you it was nothing. "He said pulling his arm away from me.
"Pinetree." I said.
"just please forget you ever saw that." Pinetree said.
"pinetree."I said a little louder.
"just forget about it " he said .
"Why?" I said.
" it's nothing too serious, just please." He said.
" why didn't you tell me, this hurts me to, that you didn't tell me about this. I never want to see you like this, I love you and I don't want to see you hurt." I said.
" this was happening before we even met, before I even met my great uncles. Mabel didn't know and she still doesn't." Pinetree said.
" please tell me if you're feeling hurt, come talk to me when you're feeling like this promise me that you'll stop. " I said.
" You just can't ask me to stop, it's hard the struggle something I can't deal with it." Pinetree.
" I'm sorry pine tree, I know it's going to be difficult, but you have me you have other that care and I can help you deal with this problem. I don't want to lose you." I said.
" I don't want to lose you either I know you're going to try to help and I thank you for that I'll try and I'll talk to you when I feel like this." Pinetree said.
" let's just get you fixed up first and I promise that I'll be there for you no matter what." I said.
Pinetree hugs me tight and I hugged him back. It's good for me to know that he's going through things and I'm willing to do anything to help him. After I healed country completely I wrapped the injury and we both went back downstairs.
We're coming downstairs I could hear baby Johnthon crying and that isn't good. Pine tree races downstairs once he hears the child. Shooting star is trying as best as she can to calm down Johnthon.
" how do you calm down this child." Mabel looked at Fez.
" don't look at me I've never raised children." Fez said.
" I've never reached children either." Mabel said.
" I've never raise children either and I'm good with Johnothn. " pinetree said.
Shooting star gave pinetree Johnthon . Once she did that he started to clam down. Shooting star got a little upset that she couldn't clam down Johnthon.
"Hey little one I'm back. "Pinetree smiled at the baby.
"pfffffff. "
"their we go, clam. " Pinetree said.
" why are you a natural at this?" shooting star said.
" I picked up a few things from Mom." Pinetree said.
" but she never babysat for any kids." Shooting star said.
" that's not true kiddo before you were born she was working for a daycare." Fez said.
" also the summer you came here she started to babysit again and I picked up a few tricks." pinetree smiled.
" what about Bill he's at natural at it too." Shooting star said.
" actually that's not true I'm terrible with children, but I picked up a few things from Pine Tree, he's helped me with the child at times." I said.
"Johnothn." Pinetree said.
"mmmmm. "
"Your so cute. " Pinetree said.
" so isn't he going to turn the one tomorrow?" Fez asked.
" he is or he's going to try to one today because sometimes the demon aging for children is very slow or very fast." I said.
" say that he was eating a little too fast when we're at your place?" pinetree asked.
" yes or any moment he could actually turn one without us knowing, but me of course and probably pine tree." I said.
"That's true. "Pinetree said.
" how do we know if he's already one."Shooting star asked.
" well he's going to start talking and probably walking at that age." Pinetree said.
" I'm getting my camera." Shooting star said.
" okay, kids I have to do quick errands, but if anything goes wrong Bill you handle it." Fez said leaving.
" okay bye Grunkle Stan. "Shooting star said.
He left us here in the living room and Pinetree sat back down. I sat next to him and smiled. Pinetree placed Johnothn down to let him crawl.
" has he even tried standing?" Shooting star asked.
" no you haven't really tried but I'll let him take his time. "Pinetree said.
"pfffffff. " Johnothn laughed after
"silly baby. " I said.
"Johnothn try to say M-a-b-e-l" Shooting star said.
"pfffffff. "
"Try to say D-i-p-p-e-r. " Shooting star said.
"pfff. "
"B-i-l-l" shooting star said.
"pfffffff. "
"I give up. " shooting star said.
"shooting star I don't think he's one yet. " I said.
"then how old is he?" She asked.
"nope he is one. " Pinetree said.
" I don't understand demon children and their aging process." Shooting star said.
" the aging process is pretty confusing, but it's just that it's just how us demons are born." I said.
Jonathan crawled to pinetree and started to stand up. He put his arms out and start to smile.
"pa-pa-papa ." Johnothn said looking at Pinetree.
"His first words! " shooting star yelled.
"Johnothns first word is Papa. " Pinetree said.
"D-D-Da-Dada. "Johnothn said looking at me after
"yes! " I said.
"two words, great start. " Pinetree said.
"Dada papa" Johnothn smiled
"your so adorable. "Shooting star said.
"thar. " Johnothn looked at Shooting star.
" I guess that's how he's calling you until he learns how to pronounce S's" I said.
" still worth it." Shooting star said.
"pfffffff. "
After he said those three words that's always hard to say repeatedly. I'm fine with that of course and I'm glad he knows new words. The hard part is that we are going to deal with him learning magic. That's gonna kill us.
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