someone in the woods
Pov Mabel.
I hate waking up early for no reason. My hair is a mess and I fell like crap, But there something on the tip of my tongue. Am I forgetting something and it seems important.
OMG did Dipper take his medicine! I quickly brush my hair, change my clothes and tied my sweater around my hips. I went to dipper's room and opened the door.
Dipper was already awake. He's shirtless and on his phone.
"did you take your medicine last night!" I said .
"no, but I'm taking it now. " Dipper said.
"okay. " I said.
I went down stairs and sat down. I saw Grunkle Ford working on something.
"what's that? " I asked.
"it's something to protect us from Bill." Grunkle Ford said.
"what does it do. " Grunkle Stan asked walking in with peach soda.
"It can tell us if Bill's magic is in the area. The bad thing is it won't tell us where he is. I don't have enough parts to track down Bill. " Grunkle Ford frowns.
"it's okay Grunkle Ford" I smiled.
I see dipper come in with his messy hair . It's sooo fluffy in the morning. I love it so much. He sits next to me and smiles.
"your hair is so fluffy. " I said.
"thanks? " Dipper said.
"good morning kiddo. " Grunkle Stan said.
"good morning Dipper. " Grunkle Ford said.
"g-goodm-morining " Dipper stuttered.
I see Dipper somewhat shaking. I think his anxiety is kicking in. I look at Dipper and smile. He smiled back and looks down. I hear a knock on the door.
"I'll get it. " I said.
I got up and opened the door. Dipper is wearing a navy blue sweater with his signature pinetree on it, His necklace, his black pants and one of his bracelet that he didn't forget.
I opened the door and saw Gideon. He's taller than me and slimmer than before. Why is he here?
"hello Mabel. " Gideon smiled.
"Gideon what are you going here?" I asked.
"I came to see you and talk to your great uncles . " Gideon smiled.
" okay I'll tell them your here. " I said.
I let Gideon inside and Grunkle Ford and Stan smile. I see Dipper on his phone quietly. He gets up and leaves the shack. He's going for his morning walks.
Pov Dipper.
I feel left out here. I went outside to take a short or long walk. I don't understand, why did Mabel want me to come here?
I don't belong here at all. I tried to find that place I found yesterday. After a few minutes later I found it. I laid down and looked at the sky. It's a very nice blue color today with the white fluffy cloud above me.
I heard footsteps behind me. I sat back up and turned around. I see someone standing there. He had blonde hair on top and black hair on the bottom. He was tan, He had a yellow sweater with a triangle in the middle. He had a cute black tie too. He looks like my age.
"h-hello. " I shyly said.
"hello." he smiled.
He came closer and sat next to me. A few inches away from me. He has these beautiful Amber or golden eyes with some freckles across his cheek and nose. He has a black earring on his right ear.
"I haven't seen you around here. Are you new around here?" He asked.
"y-yes, this is my first time here. M-My sister been here before. " I said.
"I like your necklace." He smiled.
"T-Thanks. I like your Sweater." I said.
" name is Bill, and yours?" He said.
"My name is Dipper P-Pines. " I said.
"you mean as in Stan, Ford and Mabel Pines? " Bill asked.
"y-yeah my sister and great u-unlces. "
I said.
"they don't like me that much. " Bill frowned.
"Why? I-If you don't m-mind me asking. " I said.
"They just hate me. When we first meant they've hated me. Just one looked." Bill frowned.
"I-I'm sorry to hear that. They shouldn't judge you by your appearance. " I said.
"yeah.... " Bill said.
"y-you seem nice. " I said.
"you seem nice too. Your not like them." Bill said.
"Y-Your r-right I'm d-different from them." I said.
"wanna be friends? " Bill asked.
"s-sure. " I said.
Bill was a pretty nice guy. We talked for a few minutes until I hear something call my name
"Dipper!!!" Mabel yelled.
"I-I need to go. " I said getting up.
"okay bye Pinetree. " Bill said.
"P-Pinetree? " I said.
"It's a nickname. " Bill smiled.
"okay. " I said
"wait can I see you again? " Bill asked.
"s-sure." I stuttered.
"tommrrow morning? " Bill asked.
"okay. " I said.
"Dipper!!!!!" Mabel can yell really loud.
" coming. " I said.
I gave a soft smile and waved goodbye to Bill. I wonder why Mabel doesn't like Bill? I should ask her? I'm not telling her that I've meant him.
"Mabel can I ask you something? " I asked.
"what is it brobro ?" Mabel said.
"I heard from someone was talking about Bill. They said that you hated him. Why do you hate him so much? " I asked.
"B-Bill? " She stuttered
"yeah. " I said.
"I-I... Oh look Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford are doing something. " Mabel said.
I looked down while she ran to our great uncles. I'm such an idiot . Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut. Like he said ' your a fucking dissapointed '.
Why am I such a screw up?
I walked pasted them and went in my room. I was clean for two weeks ,but now I'm not.
They were right, I am broken.
Pov Bill
I can't believe that kid is related to Shooting star, Sixer and Fed. Wow.
That kid seems different from his sister and uncles. He seems nice.
I'm stuck in this human form forever, but I still have my powers. The down side is that I have meatsack feeling and meatsack needs in order to survive. Why do humans need so much do survive.
I've still have my bow tie. I'm eighteen in human years. I'm pretty good looking if I say so myself.
Back to Pinetree. This is his first time here. So he's never meant me. I have another chance to rule gravity falls.
Guess who's back gravity falls?
Pov Mabel
Where did dipper hear that name. Why did he even ask me?
"Grunkle Stan Grunkle Ford we have a problem. " I said.
"what is it sweetie?" Grunkle Ford said.
"Kiddo claim down. " Grunkle Stan said.
"Dipper asked me about Bill. " I said.
"what! How does he know about him." Grunkle Ford said.
"He heard someone and then he asked me. He said that the person who told him said that we hated him. That parts true. " I said.
"It's only been two days and he already knows about Bill. " Grunkle Stan said.
" I'm gonna go ask Dipper more questions. " I said.
"I'll finish working on the tracker. "
Grunkls Ford said.
"I'll stay here. " Grunkle Stan said.
Rushed up stairs and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door and saw Dipper sad. I closed the door and smile.
"hey Dipping sauce, what's the matter? " I asked.
"n-nothing. " Dipper responded
"Can I ask you something? " I said.
"s-sure. " Dipper said
"where did you hear about Bill?" I asked.
"T-Two people were i-in the woods and they b-brought up the guy. " Dipper said.
"Okay. " I said leaving.
Pov Dipper
She almost caugh me. When she left I rolled up my somewhat bloodly sleeve. I grabbed the bandages and wrapped my wrist. I changed into another shirt and stayed on my room for the whole day.
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