We went to the mystery shack so Mabel and Grunkle Ford can see Johnothn. Mabel loves babies and I'm afraid that she will kill the child with one hug.
Apparently I was a demon this whole time during the pregnancy. Now Mabel and Stan need to know. I don't really care what I am. I just wanna be with my family. We knocked on the door and I hear Mabel run.
"Hey Mabel. " I smiled
"Hey Dipper. " Mabel smiled.
"hello shooting star." Bill said
"Hey Bill. " Mabel smiled
"mmm... " Johnothn waved at Mabel
"Oh my god this child is adorable " Mabel squealed
"yeah Johnothn 'grown'. " I said
"Johnothn looks like he's been born about 7 or 8 months now " Mabel said.
"Demon child age faster but once he's 1 he will age the same as human child. " Bill said.
"The baby is demon that's so cool " Mabel said.
Mabel let us in the house and we all sat down. Bill let baby Johnothn crawl around. Demon baby's are very strong. Mabel was just admiring Johnothn.
"So when did it happen. " Mabel asked
"Middle of the night. " I said.
"wow. " Mabel said.
"Johnothn don't chew on that " Bill said taking away Fords ray gun.
"you can't play with weapons. " I said
"Kiddo have you seen Ford's ray gun?" Stan yelled.
"it's in here " Mabel said.
Grunkle Stan walked in and saw little Johnothn .
"who's kid is this? "Grunkle Stan asked
"It's my child Grunkle Stan. " I said.
"This is the kid uh. "Stan said.
"yes little Johnothn. " Bill said.
Grunkle Stan picked up Johnothn and smiled at the baby. Johnothn started to giggle and grabbed Stan's hat.
"You have an adorable one." Stan smiled letting Johnothn put on his hat.
"I love his eyes." Mabel said.
"There hazel aren't they." Stan said.
"yes they are. " I said.
"with his dirty blonde hair. " Mabel said.
"a mixture of blonde and brown " Bill smiled.
"he acts like Bill. " I said
"just cause he grabbed the ray gun it doesn't mean he acts like me. " Bill said
"Where did he get the ray gun. " Stan asked
"He found it under the table. " I said
"I thought it was on top of the shelf. " Stan said.
"he must of teleported it into his hands." Bill said.
"he's demon? " Stan said.
"were not sure if he's full or half. " I said.
"I can check. " Bill said.
"you can. " Mabel said.
"of course I can. " Bill said
"okay then check. " Stan said.
Bill took Johnothn back and there eyes started to glow and so did mines. I felt Johnothns power and it was amazing.
"full. " I said.
"I wanted to say. " Bill said.
"sorry I just had too. " I said
"How did you know? And why were your eyes glowing. " Mabel said
"I'm a half or full demon Bill. " I asked grabbing Johnothn.
"You were half but now your full because of Johnothn." Bill said.
"Your a full demon? " Stan said
"during fee pregnancy I was half but when I have birth to Johnothn I turned full. " I said.
"correct. " Bill said.
"I have a demon for a brother, that's so cool. " Mabel said.
"Well I want you guys to stay safe. " Stan said.
"we will. " I said putting Johnothn back down.
"how old is the kid anyway. " Stan asked.
"Now he's 9 months by tomorrow he will be 1 year's old. " Bill said.
"Okay. " Stan said.
"so does Johnothn need a birthday party." Mabel asked .
"no he doesn't. " I said.
"Please. " Mabel said.
"fine. " Bill said.
"yes!"She shouted.
"but it can only be us. "I said.
"okay." Mabel said still happy.
"okay " I smiled.
" gaga " Johnathon said.
" Johnothn so cute. " Mabel said.
We started to talk about random things. Johnothn was playing with some toys Mabel got him. It was pretty funny when Johnothn to be scary. He wanted to scary someone so bad.
I hear loud footsteps coming from somewhere. Johnothn started to get scared and almost started to cry. I picked him up and started to comfort him. Bill started to have a bad feeling.
'Pinetree we should probably take everyone out of here ' I rolled my eyes and I thought. ' Bill were safe nothing's going to hurt us' Bill looked at me and thought. ' Johnothn is getting scared and I feel like we're not safe here ' I looked at Johnothn and he looks terrible . ' I think your right. ' Bill held my hand and we looked at Mabel and Stan.
Once I was about to speak someone stormed in with a gun.
"Mabel Stan theirs three demons in the house. " Ford yelled.
"Grunkle Ford it's alright. " Mabel said getting up.
Their was something in his hand that kind of scared me, besides the gun.
"Grunkle Ford claim down. " Mabel said.
"When did Dipper come. " Ford said.
"just now." I said.
The thing in his hand started to beep even louder when he went near Johnothn. I held my child tighter and tried to keep him claim.
"Why is Bill here and why did he bring two other demons with him. " Ford said pointing the gun at Bill and Johnothn.
"Stop it. " I said taking the gun away from Ford.
"why you little." Ford said.
"your not hurting anyone. " I said.
"Where's the third demon. "Ford said.
I gave the child to Bill and looked at Ford. What ever he was holding started to beep as fast as it could.
"Ford I don't know why your acting like this. You have to expect that demons and be our friends. It's never going to work if your trying to kill one ever single time you see one. "I said.
"This thing is broken. Your not a..." Ford said looking at me.
"So what. " I said.
Bill stood up and held my hand. I didn't care what he thinks of me. I'm demon and I have a choice to do what ever I want.
"Mabel close your eyes. " Ford said getting our another gun.
"Your not hurting them. " Mabel said.
"You agree with this." Ford said.
"I do. " Mabel said.
"Stanley? " Ford said.
"The world has changed and I'm okay with this. "Stan said.
Ford pointed the gun at Johnothn and I was filled with rage.
"Your not hurting my son." I yelled.
"You slept with my nephew! " Ford yelled.
"Sixer I never forced him ." Bill said.
"Your dying first. " Ford said.
Ford had his finger on the trigger and I stepped in front of Bill once he pulled it.
"DIPPER NO! " Mabel yelled.
The bullet didn't hit anywhere important it just hit my arm.
"You can hurt me as much as you want but you will never hurt my family. " I said.
Johnothn started to cry and Ford was shot up in the air. I carried Johnothn with my good arm.
"Your okay.... Shhshhhsh... Your alright. "I said.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away" I sang softly
"aaaaaa " Johnothn smiled.
"theirs that smile. " I said.
"Dipper are you okay. " Mabel said.
"I'm fine. " I said.
" Your bleeding." Stan said.
"I know I am but I'm fine. " I said.
"I'm going to get a first aid kit. " Mabel said.
"Mabel can you watch Johnothn for a bit I need to talk to pinetree. " Bill said.
"okay. " Mabel said.
I handed Johnothn to Mabel and Bill lead me up stairs to talk.
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