Baby name's!
Pov Dipper.
Mabel and I fell asleep on the couch.
I think bill fell asleep on his desk researching of how to be a father. Before me Mabel and Bill fully fell asleep , he told us that in the nightmare mindspace time goes faster and that regular world time goes quicker.
I got up and start to stretch for a little bit and went to look for Bill. Mabel still asleep because she's a heavy sleeper. Our first walk around and I found his huge Library.
The good thing is that it wasn't an organized and I can see Bill from the front door. I see Bill completely passed out with his hair a total mess. I walked over to him and the books are everywhere and he looks pretty uncomfortable in that position.
I kiss him on the cheek and he immediately wakes up. He stands up and hugs me.
" good morning Bill. " I smiled.
"Hey sunshine ." Bill smiled.
"Really. " I said.
"come on babe. " Bill said.
"Stop it with the nicknames Bill. " I smiled.
"even" Bill said.
"Only you can call me pinetree. " I said.
"fine. " Bill said.
"so how are you feeling?" Bill asked.
"I'm feeling fine. " I smiled.
"Where's your sister? " Bill said.
" she still sleeping on the couch." I said.
" you should be sleeping, you need your rest." Bill said.
" Bill I'm fine I'm barely tired anyway." I said.
" you sure cuz I could always sleep with you." Bill smiled.
" that would be nice but I'm fully awake now, so there's no point" I said.
" okay but tell me if you feel any pain." Bill said.
"I will. " I smiled.
"okay " Bill said.
" wait is the child going to be demon or human. " I asked.
" well I'm not very sure but it can't be half human half demon. " Bill said.
" what happens if he or she is fully a demon? " I asked.
" it's rather you become fully or half demon....or. " Bill started to tear up.
"Bill it's okay. " I said.
"no it's not..... I want you to live too. " Bill said.
" I will, I'm never going to leave you." I said.
" I'm sorry I just get carried away sometimes." Bill said.
" so I'm going to know if it's a girl or a boy?" I asked.
" we can check right now if you want." Bill said.
" sure ,will tell mabel when she wakes up." I said
" okay. " Bill said.
Bill give me a very long hug which was very confusing. Then while I'm talking to you tried to explain why he doing this. Since he didn't want to hurt me you have to do it this way but non-painful. You smiles and looks at me and tells me if it's a boy or a girl.
"You ready for the reveal?" Bill smiled.
"I am. " I said.
"it's a baby boy. " Bill smiled.
" I'm so happy." I said
I heard someone run down the hall and into Library.
"IT'S A BOY! " mabel yelled.
" I thought you were asleep." I said looking at her in surprise.
" when I heard the gender I ran here " Mabel said.
"wow. " Bill said.
" you could have walked here seriously we like 2 rooms away." I said.
" important issue is baby names. " Mabel said.
" that is very true we do need to discuss the child's name." Bill said.
" I haven't really thought about the name since I didn't know the gender." I said
" brainstorming time!" Mabel yelled.
We all headed back to living room, Bill took out a piece of paper and a pen. Bill wrote the name said he thought was appropriate for the child. Bill wrote about two names ,Mabel wrote about three names and I just wrote one .
" okay, Mabel tell us the names that you picked" I said.
"okay... Dan, Jacob and Ryan." Mabel said
"I picked Daniel and Phil. " Bill said.
"I picked Johnothn." I said.
"I like Daniel and Johnothn. " Mabel said
"Wait what about the baby's last name." Bill said.
"well put both of our last names. " I said.
"so it's going to be Daniel Pines Cipher or Johnothn Pines Cipher. " Mabel said.
"Johnothn." I said
"I like Johnothn. " Bill said
"your calling the baby Johnothn. " Mabel said.
"yep." Bill said.
I was watching TV with Bill and Mabel. We still haven't left Bill's house and I didn't mind. Mabel jumped off the couch and looked at us.
"wait does the baby age the same as regular baby. " Mabel said.
"I have no idea. " I said
"well once the baby is born it will age faster than a human child. " Bill said
"wait so no baby? " Mabel said.
"in two or three days it's going to turn one year's old and then it would age like a regular human child. " Bill said.
"nice to know that. " I said.
"don't babies learn how to talk and walk at that age?" Mabel asked.
"yes. The learning process is the same no matter what. When Johnothn turns one he's going to start saying words and start to crawl or walk. If he's part or full demon magic will start to happen too. " Bill said.
"do we need to baby proof both houses. " Mabel asked.
"yes. " Bill said.
"magic proof? " Mabel asked.
"definitely. " I said.
"we have to start doing that for this house. " Mabel said.
"we can do it later. " Bill said
"later. " I said.
"you guys are so lazy. " Mabel said.
"I know. " I said
"wait, Bill I NEED to go baby shopping!" Mabel said .
"okay. " Bill said.
"why? " I asked.
"I need to buy baby clothes and baby stuff ." Mabel said.
"okay." I said.
Bill made a portal so Mabel can go shopping. Bill sat back down and smiles at me.
"Pinetree what do you think about being a parent? " Bill asked.
"I don't know really. I'm scared but excited at the same time. " I said.
"If the baby is part or fully demon would you be okay with it? " Bill asked.
"I'm fine with the baby being human or demon. " I said.
"What about you being a-" Bill asked.
"I'm fine with being a demon as long as I'm with you, my family and the baby." I said.
"I love you pinetree. " Bill said.
"I love you too Bill. " I said.
Okay guys you now know the baby's gender and name.
I based the gender on how many people wanted a girl or boy and guys won.
I asked my friend with names and my own vote counted too. I like johnothn and so did they and some friends on Wattpad.
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