S27 E3- Paintball
SkaseAndEvershall- Welcome back fans! Today, the pups are in for a big, colorful surprise.
SkaseAndEvershall takes out a bullhorn, covers her own ears, and shouts,
SkaseAndEvershall- WAKE UP!!!!!
Rocky- I thought we were allowed to sleep a little longer!
Everest- Obviously NOT the case.
Rubble interview- Oops. Kinda forgot about that.
Rubble and Chase ran over.
SkaseAndEvershall- In this game of paintball, each player will run into the cave and try to find a spot to be their base. They will put a "flag" there. If your flag gets hit with a paintball, or if you get hit with a paintball, you're out! By the way, YOU WILL BE PENALIZED IF YOU TRY TO FORM AN ALLIANCE. Chase and Rubble, since you two won, you AND your flag have to be hit for you to be out! The first player to get out may be eliminated.
Skye interview- I already know who I'm plotting against, and I apologize in advance. But I feel like if Rocky and I weren't partners in the tennis thing, one of us would have won. We make a good team and all, but...
Rubble interview- Everest isn't staying here on my watch!
Rocky interview- I'm definitely going after Rubble. He's too good with aim and such to NOT be chased after. Speaking of which...
Chase interview- Don't get me wrong. I KNOW what Marshall did. But I can't blame Everest for it. I really don't want to do this, but Skye is just too... erm, distractive... to stay in the race with me. Ya know what, forget I said anything.
Everest interview- Chase is going home today.
As soon as the whistle sounded, the pups ran with their flags into the cave. Everest looked around to see an extension to the cave.
She smiled.
Rubble found a circular rock wall with an old bag of chips.
Rubble interview- Bingo.
Skye was thinking a little more outside the box. She ran into the cave and found a hole in the ceiling. It was clear that a mini cave was inside of the hole.
Skye interview- I know people will be expecting an attack from above, but I'm gonna give it a shot.
Chase placed his flag out in the open, then ran around, playing offense.
Chase interview- Using the advantage to the fullest.
Rocky went away from the other bases and dug a hole into a dirt wall.
Chase went over to Skye's base and hid. He hesitated.
Chase interview- I can't do it, I can't do it.
Chase squeezed his eyes shut, and pulled the trigger. He missed dramatically. Suddenly, he felt a paintball hit his side. Everest snickered and ran off towards his flag. Chase growled and aimed for Everest but kept missing.
Meanwhile, Rocky was creeping up to Rubble's base when he was shot by Skye. Rocky walked towards the entrance of the cave, head hanging.
Rocky interview- I know I'm going home.
Back to Chase...
Everest was shooting at Chase's flag and missing terribly, but suddenly, Everest growled and turned around. Rubble had shot at Everest, and she was mad.
To Skye...
Skye interview- My next victim? Chase! He's out to get me too, I just know it.
Skye looked around from above and saw someone running. Thinking it was Chase, she shot him. But it wasn't Chase.
It was Rubble.
To Rocky!
SkaseAndEvershall- Rocky, you have gotten out. You are the first to come back hit. But... this is a non-elimination leg.
Rocky let out a sigh of relief. He looked up at the sky.
SkaseAndEvershall- Are you crying?
Rocky- N-no, my eyes are sweating.
To Rubble...
Rubble interview- Skye shot me? Now I'm in trouble because Everest is going for my flag.
But by the time Rubble got into his base, his flag was stained green.
Meanwhile, Chase was trying to guard his flag from Skye. But suddenly he heard something. Someone shot him and his flag. He turned around to see Skye who smiled and jumped out of sight.
Skye, and Everest were the only two left, and their duel lasted forever. But suddenly, Skye's flag fell from its perch, and Everest shots it.
Skye offered a pawshake to show respect, and the two walked off together.
SkaseAndEvershall- Everest will get yet another advantage next time. As for Rocky, he will have an extra task to complete to stay in it next leg.
Rocky interview- Thank dog that this was non elimination. I want to stay in the race. For me and for Zuma!
SkaseAndEvershall- Stay tuned! Next time, well, let's just say it'll be a swampy day.
All pups- wait wha?
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