First Impressions
Terriq=so what's for lunch?
Joy=today is italian day so anything italian.
Terriq=I am in a mood for a chicken parmesan sub.
Joy=I think I want spaghetti.
(soon after joy and terriq got they're food joy guided terriq to a table with all of her friends)
Bray=yo terriq and joy what's up.
Joy=hey bray.
Terriq=hey bray oh hey adele.
Adele=(he remembers my name)h hi terriq.
Joy=you have a giant mountain of food you will get fat from that.
Bray=I'll be fine.
Terriq=hey isn't that hunter?
Bray=yeah she is a lone wolf so she sits by herself everyday at lunch.
Terriq=well that not fun at all.
(terriq got up and walked to the table hunter was sitting at)
Terriq=hey you want to sit at our table you seem lonely here.
Hunter=I accept your offer.
(hunter then went to the table everybody else was sitting at)
Terriq=so the school is looking pretty great so far I love it.
Joy=that's great this school worked hard for it's reputation.
Terriq=oh and I got this crystal.
Joy=a familiar egg.
Terriq=yeah but I saw a lot of people with little chibified animals and people.
Joy=yeah we all got one.
(joy held her id up then a beam of light came out and purple and black chibi wolf came out)
Joy=this is rain.
Rain=nice to meet you.
Bray=let me show you mines.
(bray raised his id and a beam of blue light came out and a raven wearing a helmet visor with the tip of his feathers tip with spikes)
Bray=this is silver.
(hunter raised her id and a black beam shot out and it summoned a wolf with blood red fur with a dagger strapped to her side)
Hunter=this is scarlet.
Scarlet=hi I am hunter's familiar I like everything sweet and colorful.
Terriq=polar opposites.
Adele=I have one to.
(adele raised her id but there was a sapphire on it a baby blue light shine off of it and a baby blue chibi rabbit appeared the rabbit has a bow tie on)
Alfred=I am alfred nice to meet you.
Terriq=I cannot wait till mine hatches.
Joy=give it a week to incubate then it will hatch.
Joy=we should start eating now.
Terriq=we lost track of time just conversing.
(so everybody began eating their individual dishes)
Terriq=wow...That's delicious.
Adele=the school pays a lot of money for top of the line food.
Joy=thanks to yours truly.
Terriq=wow joy the kids must love you.
Hunter=the food is better than what I have at home.
(ten minutes later)
Terriq=that was the best dish I have ever had.
Joy=how about we go outside and let the food digest.
Bray=sounds good.
(in the courtyard)
Joy=we have thirty minutes to kill what should we do.
Terriq=how about we just chat for a little.
Joy=yeah umm let's see me and the other presidents of the other schools are having a meeting soon about battle season and who is going to represent our school.
Bray=this year competition is tough I want to do it but I need a team but nobody doesn't want to. This year we sort of have a losing streak.
Hunter=I participated in a tournament but my teammates worried about show boating then training leaving me to fight by myself I lost.
Joy=we lose every year but that's okay.
Terriq=we could make a team.
Bray=are you being for real.
Terriq=yeah I mean it can help our school. Bray=I will be your first teammate.
Joy=are you crazy we don't have a good funding for it.
Terriq=it will be fine we can get sponsors.
Hunter=I will join your team.
Bray=are you being serious.
(hunter punches the steel wall of the cafeteria leaving a big hole)
Hunter=do you doubt me bray!
Bray=no no no you can join.
Hunter=good and besides I respect the new guy as a warrior.
Terriq=hmm how about that one girl shina can she fight good.
Joy=yeah but she gets to crazy.
Hunter=I will keep her in line.
Joy=well alright heck I might as well join to.
Joy=I am joking.
Terriq=how many teammates can we have.
Joy=five plus a assist member.
Terriq=adele how about you.
Adele=I am not big on violence.
Terriq=you can be our team doctor.
Adele=okay I can do that.
Terriq=thanks adele you're awesome.
Adele=thank you.
Terriq=but we will need some training.
Hunter=my place.
Terriq=do you a good spacious area.
Hunter=I got more than that.
Shina=hey guys!!
Aoru=big sis wait up.
Joy=hey shina we are starting a battle league team you want to join.
Joy=okay simmer down hmm adele.
Adele=yes ma'am.
Joy=we need a team uniform.
Adele=what kind of material.
Joy=you pick you are the best for fashion I trust you.
Adele=I am happy you trust me so much.
Shina=this is really happening hear that aoru we can put our training to the test I cannot wait!!
Aoru=o okay.
Shina=if you think you're not ready we don't have to do it.
Shina=sorry guys we can't fight maybe next year.
Aoru=I I I'm ready to help your big sis I will be tough for me and you.
Terriq=heh heh.
(terriq kneels down to aoru's height)
Terriq=you are a tough nine year old aoru.
Aoru=thank you.
Shina=alright let's do this!!!
Terriq=somebody sounds excited.
Joy=wow terriq first day and you already made a impact on us and possibly the school.
Terriq=well that's me.
Hunter=nice job new kid I mean terriq.
Bray=(she has a lot of respect for him now).
Joy=well we got our team.
Bray=what is our team name.
Hunter=our name?
Bray=all teams should have a team name.
Terriq=team strikers.
Joy=team awesome!!
Hunter=this is dumb we don't need a name... The warriors.
Shina=team soul eaters.
Aoru=team element.
(everybody stared at aoru)
Aoru=I'm sorry that was a stupid name.
Terriq=no that was a great name.
Joy=yeah we all have some sort of elemental power.
Shina=good job little bro.
Aoru=thanks big sis.
Terriq=well I guess this is the beginning of something awesome.
(terriq put his hand out in front of him)
Joy=well this will be fun.
Shina=we can finally show everyone what we're made of.
Hunter=I can trust you guys not to quit on me.
Terriq=adele get in here you are part of the team to.
Aoru=I can't reach you guys are to tall.
(shina picka up aoru and he placed his hand in the middle and all of the the other teenagers did the same)
Team element=go team element!!!
(the end of lunch bell had rung)
Joy=everbody met me in my office for break period we can plan and talk there joy come on terriq me and you gotta head back to class.
Terriq=right behind you.
(loke had undid his camoflauge)
Loke=so my school has a new battle team how exciting!!!
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