Bruce finally heckled up on Damian.
"Damian wheres the oil rig?"
"Close to you"
"How close?"
"Scottland...off the island of heberties. What's wrong??"
"Damnit he's gone!~ he took his uniform."
"Bruce chill. The rig is 50 miles off the coast. What is he gonna do? Swim there?" And that was right.
Him and Diana had swam together. They shot uo and landed secretly hiding not causing disturbance till Damian had knocked a guard out. Diana followed Damian. There were guards and both of them got them out. They entered a room and seen an elevator with a man and death stroke.
"Stay on alert. If so a awful tried to land on this rig. Shoot it" he said with a gruff voice as Diana pried the elevator doors open.
"Hurry go in" Damian nodded. And jumped in. They landed on the roof of the gator now waiting for it to stop. It lead underwater.
Deathstroke exited the cart as Diana started to bust the tip of the cart so they could get out and followed him.
We encountered two guards.
"It's Wonder Woman and a kid! Get them!" They pointed and started running as we both began running from them.
Meanwhile batman just arrived.
They found a large door with a key ode. They found a bent and went through it. Just to say Diana and Damian made a pretty good team.
They slid down. It lead to a cave. A cave a green pit pool of water. Or so it looked.
They walked forward to it. Damian looked up to se man bats all around.
"Wonder Woman? Hm. I wouldn't be making any threatening moves...they won't move as long as I don't tell them to." He held talia.
"Now. Wonder Woman why are you here"
"I do not speak to men like you" he shrugged.
"The Lazarus pit"
"That's right boy. The only thing this rig pumps is ever lasting life.to he highest bidder"
"Looks like your mother could use a dip"
"Let her go you monster" he pulled out a gun and aimed it to slade. Diana took his hand.
"Don't child"
"Now this is what is called a tabs off. Now not even he put could bring back mommy if her head blown off. Your play Damian"
Damian dropped the gun.
"Maybe...." He looked to Damian.
"You an arrogant little boy. So blood thirsty. So easy to manipulate. I brought you here for one reason. To kill you" he aimed he gun to Damian. And shot.
Wonder Woman got in front of him and reflected The bullets.
Talia knocked out on the ground slowly dying. Barman ran through he halls hearing the shots. He followed them. Diana blocked he shots for Damian.
Batman flew from the vent and threw a batrang looking at us.
"Diana...?"she looked at him and robin hen Talia and shook her head.
"Kill them!!" Slade orders the bats and they flew in. Bruce threw bat signals and as doing so batman began to fight off slade and Diana with helping Damian. I looked and slade had gotten away. But not before I had heard a shot ring out. Damian ran out to get him and I felt a pain shoot through my body.
Slade and Damian where bare long it out in he area. The place was filled with flames as the swords clinger together.
"You have some luck"
"It's not luck. It's skill!" He spit in his face and kept fighting.
Diana was shot. Shot in the stomach. She collapsed to the ground and held her wound. The place was falling.
"Diana!" He ran to her and tried to pick her up.
"No Bruce....go..go help your son.."
"How did you."
"Not even the greatest detective I. The world was needed to find that out. Go now"he closed his eyes and laid her down. Got Talia and ran to Damian. They got in a pod and left before the place fully exploded.
Diana knew what she had to do before it exploded. She fell into the pit....as it healed her she shot out before the place exploded.
Damian said goodbye to his mother. She left. He stayed. Diana devastated and waited for her to leave.
She left. Damian got in a boat as Wonder Woman came from the rocks and went to batman.
"Diana...I can explain-"
"No Bruce. I knew he was your son from day one. I was waiting for you to tell me but...you had lied to me. You lied to me again and betrayed our love. Our trust."
"I didn't want you to...to hate me for having another child with another woman"
"I would've gotten over it. I know the truth. I know that....that love.....that love will tear us apart." She kissed him passionately.
And left.
With her deepest. Deepest secret.
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