Hey wonder people...yeah sry for the late updates but you know..its life anyway hope you enjoy and it's just me(scooter_luver) writing the story...now. ..anyways that's cool is oke
Diana hen had called Bruce to see what's going on so far.
"Think before you act" Bruce hadn't gotten the call yet as they where scouting out a old Gotham Coliseum. It was where his father had taken him as a child. He had given Damian a scope.
"Surveillance cameras. Someone's watching...very well...you lead father" Once they had gotten In There was 2 guards patrolling each corridor.
"How did you know this was here?" Damian looked towards him in question putting down a floor opening that they have just came through. He looked at him.
"I make it my business to know" Diana stood up and looked through a small door.
"We can jump them"
"We have to find langstrum....quietly"
The swifter pass he guards to some stairs case.
"Down there" they jumped off he stair case to the bottom. Bruce opened a vent and let Damian go in first. He swooped in and closed it back. They kept crawling till they had seen a light. It was langstums room. They slipped in quietly as they did so langstrum was working on some type of mutagen.
"Langstrum" he say hoarsely. He quickly turned to he batman.
"You have to come with us"
"What? N-n-no..I-i- can't" he backed up and knocked over a glass filled with it. He gasped and our his hands to his head.
"Deathstroke has my family..he says he'll kill them if I don't do what he wants"
He stayed in he Sam place with Damian by his side.
"Where is death stroke"
"I-I don't know you have to believe me"
"I'll make you talk!" Damian ran for him and threw him into the door alerting deathstrokes guards...and that's when Diana finally calls him again and he picks up.
"Robin!" They piled up in the place.
"Bruce?...who are you talking to?"
"Diana?...no one..I'm-" he seen Damian pick up a sword.
"No swords!"
"Excuse me??"
"Nothing...excuse that. What did you want?.."
"Are you on a mission now?.."
"Somewhat" as they where fighting langstrum made his getaway. Diana paced in his room worried..she knew something was up. She knew that there was so far no other robin that he has mentioned to her.
Damian jumped one a guys head and twisted his neck and threw him to a wall.
"Hehe...that was fun" he smirked.
"Which way now?"
"Time to retreat" as more of them oils in the room.
"I am no coward" he glared at he men and growled.
"Don't be stupid" he threw down smoke bombs and made there own getaway.
"Bruce who are you talking to and what's going on?" He had forgotten he was still was talking with Diana.
"I'm sorry but I have to go"
"Bruce don't you dare-" he hung up on her. He stopped.
"Wait...you hear that?" Soon human like bats had opened their wings at the top of the. Coliseum. They had screetched and looked down to them.
"Man bats..." He said aloud as they where then being tromped and tackled by them. They then worked as a team and beat some of them. BATman grabbed robin and propped up onto a railing. As they where running man bats came I. Front of them but they kicked and punched there way out.
Damian took his sword and stabbed it into one of the bats back. He propped led to a large sign letting one hit he wall going through it. Batman stood where he stood and threw A battering at the top of the Coliseum.
"Now what??" He shot his. Propeller to the roof and Damian follows behind him. The bars had followed and as they got ontop of the roof he pressed a button and turned it on blowing he entire place up.
Before batman had knew it Damian jumped off on the. Coliseum and read towards to get langstrum.
"Stupid kid"batman had mumbles. Before robin had a chance to hurt him even more grams N showed up.
"Robin" he had said sternly.
"Lucky" with that...they headed to the batcave
Guess who's back....back again
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