The Cold Shoulder of Crime
That same night, was in matter of fact the Gotham Botanical garden party. Pamela had decided she wants to make a flashy entrance, and left (Y/N) and Bane while she prepared an outfit. The two went about procuring outfits that they could use as disguises when infiltrating the fund raiser. (Y/N) pretty much had to come with everything, as Bane pretty much had the brain capacity of a rock. (Y/N) went to the botanical gardens a few hours early and managed to steal three, pink fuzzy ape outfits. While they weren't the most ideal costumes, they cover the whole body which was the intended purpose. (Y/N) had actually hadn't seen the outfit Pamela had prepared for herself, as she was adamant it should be a surprise. Well it was weird, if they were to make an appearance and don't be identified, (Y/N) had whipped himself up something small. Nothing fancy, but it would sure to draw some eyes.
The night was eccentric to say the least, sweaty dancers atop columns, many purple neon lights swirling everywhere, businessmen in suits bidding for dances in beautiful women in plant themed dresses, and the defenders of Gotham on stage. As the night was heating up, Bane cleared a path for his masters through the crowed as Pamela wanted to a vantage point to make her debut. As Bane pushed sweaty dancers aside, with (Y/N) and Pamela ascending to a slim bridge with what seemed like teeth underneath, (Y/N) stole a glance at Batman and Robin.
They were dressed like complete idiots.
Their suits seemed to be made of rubber, which as far as (Y/N) knew wasn't the best material to stop bullets and blades. Batman's whole cowl seemed to be one piece, meaning he most likely couldn't turn his neck at all, such great design when you have to keep an eye out for attackers. Batman's whole outfit was a slight shade of blue, which didn't do much for the whole 'creature of the night' gimmick they were supposedly going for. And the most awful design flaw, the nipples. Whoever designed these suits, for one odd reason decided to have the nipples showing. Which just seemed to be comedic than anything. These were the valiant heroes who protect this city? This was going to be easy.
The music slowly began to slow , (Y/N) stepping back allowing Pamela to take the reins as in her gorilla outfit, began to sway and flow with the rhythm. Everyone down below seemed like ants, blindly turning their attention to Pamela who slowly and seductively removed her gorilla gloves and mask. (Y/N) doing the same, in a slow manner, as he drew the eyes of some of the women as his face was revealed. He made sure to do his hair, creating a parting left side of his hair, and a quiff. Though, Pamela instantly gained his attention as he saw her mere face. Leafs adorned hr face, particularly around her eyebrows, which then flowed into her hair. Adding to her beauty, and completing the assumption of what (Y/N) always thought, she was a goddess.
While gazing down at the crowed, Pamela bright her right palm up to her mouth and blew into it.
Instantly a bright pink dust pink dust with hints of purple swirled and spread across the crowed. Almost every man and some women, were infatuated with Pamela, even the Caped Crusaders themselves who breathed the dust in without resistance. Though it appears, that Pamela blew far too wide, as a small amount of the dust infiltrated (Y/N)'s nostrils. His eyes becoming sharp and narrow, taking in every inch of Pamela's body as she stripped herself of her gorilla suit. (Y/N) taking the same steps, using his increased strength to rip the uncomfortable, fuzzy suit off. Revealing the small outfit, (Y/N) had managed to put together. Parts of his body was covered in green moss and leafs, totally embracing his new persona. While other parts of his body were exposed, revealing his toned and lean body in some areas. Dressed in a red jacket, with the buttons undone however, and black pants. (Y/N) looked, and was stunned by what Pamela was wearing.
What could be described as a green swimsuit, littered in the colours of the Earth. Bright, sparkly leafs, stuck to her body. Supporting her well endowed, and (Y/N) noticed, enhanced breasts. Green stockings, clinging to her slim legs and up to her wide hips.
(Y/N) took a step forward, the small amount if dust wearing off, but he couldn't help himself as he saw Pamela eyeing him up and down. Pamela nothing how (Y/N)'s body had been enhanced, and biting her lip as she leant backwards. Just as Pamela fell backwards, with a flirtatious smile. She was caught, by the sweaty, almost naked dancers who escorted Pamela to the stage. With them making a road, at which Pamela stepped over them.
Smiling, (Y/N) took the initiative and leaped downwards. The crowed separating for him, as he landed on one knee, creating small cracks in the grounds much to the shock of everyone around him. Slowly making his way towards the stage, the crowed separating and making a path for him to walk down. With some women, mainly the wealthy, feeling up his impressive arms and chest as he passed them. Soon he reached the stage, shocking everyone around him, with eyes mainly glued to Pamela, though some to him. The goody presenter in a leopard blazer, was shocked at the performance, and mere beauty of Pamela.
"And you are?" he asked, putting a microphone to Pamela's mouth who looked into the heart of the crowed.
"Poison, Poison Ivy" she introduced herself, Christening herself with a new, more appropriate name.
"Thorn" (Y/N) called out, the presenter moving to him as Pamela played mind games on the Dynamic Duo. "You can call me, Thorn" he said once again, though he saw this as a stage name more than anything. And as (Y/N) saw Ivy rub herself against Robin and him breathing in the dust, (Y/N) couldn't help but grow jealous. Instantly the Doctor knew what was happening, the dust, it was a form of pheromones that heightened sexual infatuation with the user. (Y/N) already found Pamela to be a remarkable person with her brain and now Goddess looks, but the pheromones increased that attraction. Although due to the small strand, his body was able to fight off the dust, due to his body's mutated DNA.
(Y/N), now under his moniker of Thorn quickly moved across the stage grabbing the glamorous Wayne Diamond that was being held by Commissioner Gordon. It was a well adorned necklace, with many smaller diamonds, and the main centre piece large for all to see. Thorn took the necklace while flashing the Commissioner a smile, and spoke.
"We'll handle things from here" the plant human hybrid said snakily.
"Wouldn't she like the ear rings too?" Gordon spoke up, shacking the case slightly with Thorn shrugging. Holding the Wayne necklace in his right hand, while everyone was focused on Ivy, Then pocketed the ear rings for himself. Thorn then walked towards Ivy, taking a position behind her as he wrapped the necklace around her body, the Wayne Diamond hovering just above her breasts. Thorn involuntarily took a small sniff, nothing that Ivy's very perfume derived from the pheromone dust. Poison Ivy smirking as she went back to the crowed.
"Some lucky boy's about to hit the honey pot" she spoke, her very voice like honey to the ears as Thorn starred at his partner in crime. "I'll include an evening of my company for the winner, I'll bring everything you see here, plus everything you don't"she added which only seemed to get the crowed going as cheering erupted.
That's all what was needed as the crowed became a bidding frenzy. Dozens of old, stuck up, wealthy men started to throw out numbers, each sounding more excited than the last. Waving their hands around in an attempt to get the attention of Ivy. Though everyone was shocked when one of the Caped Crusaders spoke up.
"One Million dollars" Batman loudly, causing the crowed to 'oooo' in response and Ivy flashing the Batman a smirk.
"Two Million" Robin butted in causing more dramatic sounds, with Ivy again turning her attention.
"You don't have it, three million" Batman shot back as things began to get intense.
"I'll borrow it from you four million" Robin glared at his mentor as Thorn smirked and raised an eyebrow at the duo. Their human emotions getting the better of them.
'Not sure if that's how borrowing money works' Thorn thought to himself.
"Five million"
"That's a utility belt, not a money belt. Six million" Robin insulted, taking an aggressive step closer.
"Seven Million" Batman declared as the oddest thing occurred. Swiping something off of his utility belt, revealing a Bat credit card? "Never leave the cave without it" he added.
Thorn swore he even heard a sound effect as the card was pulled out. So many questions floated around Thorn's head as his smirk turned to a look of confusion. First of all being, WHY? Why would a vigilante, someone who is supposed to keep their identity a secret have a credit card? Is it state funded? How does Batman pay off the credit card bills without reviling his identity.
"You two boys aren't gonna start finding over little old me now are you?" Ivy asked, wiggling her hips back and fourth teasingly. Before anyone could say anything else, the colour of the gardens instantly shifted as a massive tank like vehicle crashed through the entrance. On the front were mounted spikes, and a cannon. The cannon fired a beam of light and dark blue swirls which when hitting someone, froze them solid in place. As more and more people began to run away in panic, the cannon's blast swept over and froze more people. Something exited the top of the tank, it was a man with light blue skin, covered head to toe in heavy armour.
"Alright everyone chill" he called out, his voice was deep and commanding. "Chill" he repeated firing a handheld version of the ice cannon and freezing more party towers. "Chill" once again sweeping his cannon across the room.
Poison Ivy and Thorn rejoined each other and looked on in fascination as Batman and Robin leaped into action. As the metal man ordered some hockey themed goons into the fray. Their fighting style was that of acrobatics and gadget usage. It was almost hilarious seeing the Police officers trying to hold down metal man only to fail.
One of the hockey themed thugs made a dash up to the stage and for Ivy, most likely for the diamond. Thorn stepped forward with a malicious grin, the thug was instantly caught off guard as Thorn used his right hand and grab the man's throat and lifting him high off the ground. Thorn was caught off guard by his new found strength, his eyes growing in amazement as he looked at his extended arm then back to the thug being choked. Ivy was then at Thorn's side, looking on as her partner unraveled more of his powers. Her right hand roaming Thorn's body which was visible due to the unbuttoned jacket. Thorn then threw the thug away and turned his attention to Ivy, both holding smirks.
"Things are getting heated" thorn said while looking into Ivy's jade eyes. "May I suggest a strategic retreat?" he asked with a smirk and raised eyebrow.
"I believe we should wait, and see what the tin man is capable of" Ivy smirked back, stopping her traveling finger just above his waist.
Speaking of the metal man, he swung on one of the vines from the ceiling and landed on the stage in front of the plant pair. Thorn standing in front of Ivy protectively while she simply looked the snowman up and down.
"Well look at you two" frosty the snowman said surprised. "Let me guess, Vine people? Swamp Things huh?" although he then took a step forward. "Hand over the diamond Garden Gal or I'l;l turn you into mulch" he barked at Ivy. Thorn was ready for a fight, creating incredibly sharp and visible thorns on his hands. Although he was surprised when Ivy stepped in front of him, a slight sway to her hips as she brought a palm up and blew a handful of pheromone dust into the face of the snowman who gladly breathed it in like the rest.
"Pheromone dust" he noted with a sinister smile causing Ivy's eyes to widen and Thorn to remain in attack position. "Designed to heat a man's blood. Doesn't work on the cold-hearted, now if you please. And you can back off Floronic Mac, unless you want the girl to become a Coneflower" he warned to Thorn as he held his freeze ray in his left arm.
"If you insist" Ivy said, bringing her head up as to reveal more of her neck. With one swift move with his right hand, Jack Frost ripped off the entire necklace and back up.
"Clever little clovers" he joked as he backed up further. One of his hockey thugs were thrown and landed in-between the plant pair and the ice man. "Ah, that's my exit cue. Thanks" he said holding up the diamond necklace and jumping back down making his way towards his tank vehicle. Thorn bringing the sharp weapons back into his body while Ivy gave a flirtatious wave, looking at her dust which proved useless on the frost giant.
"He's an interesting character to say the least" Thorn noted with crossed arms as the ice man barged his way back into his vehicle while the Crusaders dispatched what remained of the thugs. "Gotham City certainly has interesting individuals to say the least" he added.
"He did seem to match the brutish nature of all men" Ivy said as Batman gave an order to the Commissioner an order about thawing the frozen people. Batman then took off in pursuit of the tank, although Robin remained, transfixed and starring at Poison Ivy. She smiled at him, pursing her lips in a blow of a kiss as she took advantage of the attraction he felt for her. He seemed distracted from all that was happening ing around him, and Batman actually had to drag him away into the pursuit.
Everything then seemed to die down, and Commissioner Gordon walked behind both Thorn and Ivy. "Miss Ivy, Mr Thorn you've just met one of the most sinister men in Gotham" he said as he walked down to assist the people.
"That's far from a man" Thorn said with a smirk as he slowly thought of a plan. "That id a tool, we can use to our advantage" he said while smiling looking at the distressed humans.
"Oh?" Ivy wondered walking around to face Thorn. "And what exactly are you brewing up in that head of yours?" she asked with a smile and tilted head.
"First, the stench of humanity is making me sick" Thorn then noted that a certain pink fuzzy gorilla was behind him. "Bane bring the car round, we need a base of operations" he said with a smile.
"We've got work to do" Ivy added as Bane went and obeyed his masters.
Both (Y/N) and Ivy walked down an alleyway with bane following behind, it had grown dark and they couldn't remain out in the disgust of this city in some hotel, no, they needed an Eden. Ivy now wore a jade, plant themed cloak over her hair and flowing behind her. They looked through the dark streets in hopes of finding something that would suit their needs.
"Batface and Birdbrain turned out to be much more resistant to my love dust than expected" Ivy noted as her eyes dashed to (Y/N) who was doing up the buttons of his jacket.
"I viewed it as a success, they were at each others throats" (Y/N) disagreed as they turned another corner. "If the living popsicle didn't intervene, they would have torn each other apart to simply touch you" he added, as his own mind flashed back to the brief moments when the pheromones swirled through his system.
The pun caused Ivy to chuckle ever so slightly. "We simply need to isolate them" they turned another corner and were met with a boarded up building. Neon lights came from within, with some of the boards of wood having warnings such as 'do not enter'. "hmm, Turkish Baths" Ivy pondered looking up at the sign.
"This seems promising" (Y/N) said while nodding at Bane to get to work tearing the planks of wood off. With loud primal growls, Bane began to tear apart the wood covering the entrance. Bursting through the main entrance, the trio were met with a weird sight to see the least. What seemed to be a smalltime gang, dressed in dark robes and neon paint covering parts of the robes. The same neon designs littered the walls of the building, with the thugs alerted to the presence of the trio. "Promising indeed" (Y/N) added as he looked around the empty building and began to plan out where everything would go.
"A fixer-upper" Ivy noted also scanning the interior. "But with a certain homey charm" her eyes then landing on the thugs, "Ah a minus, current tenants" she added.
"Hello, my little pretty, pretty, pretty" what appeared to be the leader of the neon gang said his eyes glued to Ivy.
"Hello yourself" she scoffed back.
"You look good enough to eat" the leader went on further with a disgusting lick of his lips.
"That she is" (Y/N) said, pressing the button on Bane's chest to pump extra venom into his bloodstream. "Come get her, if you dare" he added, shooting a sharp thorn from his wrist which stabbed one of the grunts shoulders causing him to scream out in pain and falling backwards.
The gang leader looked to the dead thug then back to the trio, "With pleasure" clapping the gang sprung into action. Many of the thugs brought out green neon chains, swinging them around as they wrapped the chains around Bane's arm. (Y/N) and Ivy grinned, as Bane simply swung his arms backwards sending all of the thugs backwards towards the entrance, all of them scurrying to their feet as they ran for their lives.
"Easier than expected" (Y/N) joked as he looked at the corpse and dropped neon chains.
"That it was, let's redecorate" Ivy clapped her hands as the trio went to work. Bane burst down a wooden plank, allowing moonlight from the pink glass to flood into the room. While (Y/N) and Ivy tore down the sheets that was littered with graffiti and neon paint. "I've always hankered for something on the water" Ivy suggested as Bane tore up a water pipe. Allowing water to begin to fill a large hole, that would soon become a pond.
Although as Ivy went to order Bane around, (Y/N) could feel something, almost like a tingling sensation under his own feet. Kneeling down, (Y/N) punched a hole clean through the floor, which revealed a large amount of soil. By the looks of it, this place never finished construction and that ghoul gang moved in. (Y/N) placed a hand to the soil, and took a deep, slow breath. He slowly began to focus on that tingling feeling. He closed his hand into a fist, and the more he focused on the feeling the larger it became until
Plant life sprung to life from the soil. Vines and flowers long dormant and dead, found themselves living again and growing to massive sizes in the span of a few seconds. The ground began to crack as more and more plant life began to live again. Ivy who planted seeds which sprung to life, took notice of the vast amount of plants and walked over to (Y/N) who stood up and inspected his handy work. The vines began to spread further and further, within the span of a few hours Eden would be created here on Earth.
"Such a talent" Ivy called out as she walked over to (Y/N) with a sway of her hips, she too feeling the green getting stronger, as well as her own abilities rising. She turned her head to look at the brute, "Bane, go guard outside in case the animals return" she ordered with him nodding and marching outside.
"This is the proof we need. This is our purpose" (Y/N) said as a vine wrapped his hand like a pet would its master. "The green wants our protection" he said.
"And we shall protect it" Ivy said looking into his eyes as she stepped dangerously close. Her hands moving snaking up to grab his face, while (Y/N)'s hands settled just above her waist. Heads tilting and lips puckering, "Together" she whispered then euphoria as their lips made contact. Years of pent feelings exploded as their lips gently moved against one another, there was a brief moment when they expected toxins to take effect, but nothing. Neither felt death on their lips, further showcasing that they are each others equal. It was a gentle innocent kiss, fuelled by the years of pent up feelings and newly acquired powers, which seemed to amplify the attraction between the two.
Roses bloomed around them as their lips separated and both smiled at one another.
"We've got work to do" (Y/N) said, as the Turkish Baths were slowly shaped into a forest.
Author's Note
Sorry for this chapter taking so long, had some personal things to attend to.
After recently reading the Batman story by moydelgado2004
And it's got me thinking, after this story is complete. Would you guys want a story which covers all four Burton/Schumacher movies?
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