Cycle of Life and Death
In this world, human beings have always been at being at the top of the food chain. The apex predators, that the Earth itself should bow down to humans, as they have the strength and intellect in order to achieve whatever they imagine. The cycle of humans destroying the planet, then complaining about themselves destroying the planet, while still do nothing to better themselves is a tale as old as time. But that however, will change. Deep in the jungles of South America, hidden from prying eyes, was what could only be described as a castle. However it was decrepit, falling apart as vines and vegetation from the jungle seemed to overrun the castle like structure from both the outside and inside.
Within a greenhouse section of this castle was a man in his late twenties to early thirties. Messy (H/C) hair that was all over the place, a scrawny figure that seemed weak, with his attire which seemed to be mixture between laboratory and gardening dirty and creased up. This was Doctor (Y/N) (L/N), graduate of Metropolis University, employee of Wayne Enterprises and currently working towards the salvation of nature itself. (Y/N) had managed to obtain an employment from Wayne Enterprises right out of the gate of university, due his research into the genetic modification of organisms. Although beforehand most of his research had been simply on paper, but due to his employment, he could actually prove his theories.
During his research, (Y/N) had extracted several snake venom samples with a human based drugs to create his own small concoction known as 'venom'. A combination which would enable the splicing of DNA strands simpler. However the many samples (Y/N) had created were taken from him and his coworker by their superior-
Maniacal laughter then rung out throughout the castle derailing (Y/N)'s train of thought. Doctor Jason Woodrue, a mad man in everything sense of the word. Through a series if unknown events Woodrue had managed to obtain leading management position of this project site, which he abused in order to further his own, secret research.
And as a frustrated (Y/N) noted down his findings of his recent failed experiment, he looked up to see his coworker with a similar frustrated expression, Doctor Pamela Lilian Isley. The two had actually met before, at a convention held between many of the highly prestigious Universities from across America, both studying botany and similar interests, naturally a friendship was struck up. Though Pamela's current attire matched (Y/N)s, in the vain of being messy and dirty as the two had been working non-stop in an attempt to have some level of success.
(Y/N) looked to his left, seeing the last of his venom supplies had almost gone dry, with barley half a beaker left. Just then he overheard Isley was recording her log.
"Personal note, our work would proceed faster, if Doctor Woodrue weren't always whisking our venom samples back to his mysterious Gilgamesh wing" she stated holding the recorder in her right hand up to her lips.
(Y/N) arose from his seat, and practically ripped his medical gloves from his hands. "Bastard" he growled while looking in the direction of the metal, vault like door to Woodrue's lab. "How does he expect us to get any work done if he keeps steering our supplies?" he asked interrupting his friends log.
Pamela gave her lab partner a slight look of annoyance yet understanding. (Y/N) calming down as she continued, "Why won't he let us into his lab?" she asked herself, the recorder and (Y/N).
Suddenly a loud crazed 'Ahhhh' rung out from the mad man's lab starting Pamela.
"What's Doctor Frankenstein working on in his lab?" (Y/N) joked as he crossed his arms, causing a smile to grace Pamela's lips.
Both (Y/N) and Pamela looked at each other then back to the large metal door adorned with 'keep out signs', an unspoken agreement between the door. Both walked up to the door, and using all of their might began to push it open. A loud squeaking noise echoing through the castle but the two continued none the less.
As the door was fully open, both doctors then looked at one another yet again. "After you my dear" (Y/N) motioned with a playful smile. To which Pamela smiled back, and indeed took the lead into the mysterious dungeon area of the castle. The stone hallway was lit only by lanterns with dim orange flames. Each of them covered in many cobwebs and dust.
"Ladies and the gentlemen of the un-united nations" the voice of Woodrue yelled as (Y/N) and Pamela hurried through the passageway. Inside Woordue's lab was a madhouse, stolen equipment, wires travelling across the walls and onlookers from the balcony. All of which seemed to be from distant foreign countries, with (Y/N) recognising one or two such as the Military Dictator of Markovia. Centre of Woodrue's lab was a large operating table, with a glowing mist surrounding the table. "And our mystery bidder" he continued as (Y/N) and Pamela hid behind some nearby creates.
"May I present, Antonio Diego" two masked men then dragged in a very small, weak man who struggled against his captors. "Serial murderer serving life in prison and sole surviving volunteer" Woodrue explained as Diego as lifted up onto the table and spat at Woodrue. (Y/N) took notice that Diego was wearing a military like best, with a glowing button on his chest and a tube going into his spine. "HA, HA, and a charmer he is. By merely drilling three concentric holes into directly into Antonio's cranial cavity..." Antonio was then strapped to the table by chains. "...I have created viaducts into the most primitive part of his brain the limbic system HA HA" Woodrue laughed like the lunatic he was. As a lucha libre like mask was forcefully put on the subjects face.
"And now I add, my super solider serum code named" as Woodier spoke he pored an entire jerry can of, "venom" Woodrue finished.
Seeing this, and Woodier claiming credit for his work yet again almost snapped (Y/N). Letting out a stern, yet low growl and was ready to pounce on Woodrue. Although a hand on his shoulder from Pamela calmed him down, she was often the voice of reason when dealing with Woodrue.
"To which I add my very own recipe of steroids and toxins" he said as the experiment was about to begin. Woodrue then attached a tube to Antonio's chest, "Plug him in, team to scream" Woodrue finished as venom flooded Antonio's system. Tubes attached to Antonio's head and chest soon began to pump mass amounts venom onto the mans body. The man couldn't scream as the mask muffled his voice as his body spasmed and morphed. Instantly Antonio's body grew in mass, his skeleton like structure packing on muscle in mere seconds.
(Y/N) and Pamela could only look on horror, and almost intrigue as a monster was created before their very eyes. Antonio's voice growing deeper as his body mutated.
"GENIUS!" Woodrue yelled as Antonio's screams died down and he became calm. "Behold, the ideal killing machine, I call this little number Bane. BANE OF HUMANITY" Woodrue introduced as the diplomats looked on with smiles. "Imagine it; your own private army, made up of thousands of these super soldiers. Bidding begins at a mere, 10 million" he exclaimed pressing the newly Christened Bane's centre button. "Turbo, show off for daddy" Woodrue called out as more and more venom made its way into Bane.
Bane continued to growl and roar, as his muscles continued to flare up. Monstrous screeches were created as Woodrue backed up, grinning at his creation. It was then however, that Bane's left leg sprang free from its restraints and one of the goons who brought him in attempted to restrain him. The thug was easily kicked aside, into a shelf full of chemicals and electronics. Bane's right arm then snapped free of the chains, and another goon tried to hold back Bane, but was flung high in the air and landed quite close to the duo observing the experiment.
"BANE!" the monster called out, flexing his muscles.
(Y/N) and Pamela could only look on in horror at the monster, with the latter terrified and startled with many sparks flying above.
"Doctor Isley" Woodrue said as he saw the two onlookers, but paying no attention to (Y/N) what so ever. Woodrue walked past (Y/N) who was picking himself up, and went straight to Pamela, helping her to her feet and hurrying her back up the stairs. "Welcome to my parlour" he said and took her back to the green house, followed by (Y/N) with a very unhappy look.
"You're insane Woodrue" (Y/N) said sternly, making tight fists.
"You monster, how could you?" Pamela asked, fear clear in her voice.
"Calm yourselves, our original sponsor had no stomach for military applications. He cut, the funding for our work" Woodrue exclaimed, keeping his arms around Pamela.
"Our work?" Pamela asked, breaking free of Woodrue in front of her latest, failed experiment. "You stole (Y/N)'s venom formula for your own twisted desires" she went on, but it seemed that didn't get through.
"But your work was the most important Pamela" Woodrue then put his hands on Pamela's shoulders. "Without your work I could never have come this far" Woodier brought his head closer to Pamela's angering (Y/N). "Join me, forget (L/N), the two of us entwined side by side" he finished and tried to kiss Pamela.
While (Y/N) ripped Woodrue away, Pamela pushed him.
"Join you?" she asked as (Y/N) got between them both.
"That's enough Woodrue" (Y/N) said sternly as he did his best to stand his ground. "I've had enough of your lunacy, buffoonery and insanity. I suggest you retreat to your little lair down there" (Y/N) ordered, stepping forward to challenge Woodrue.
Although neither (Y/N) or Pamela could see it, Woodrue was rapidly trying to grab something behind his back that was on a near table, which was actually (Y/N)'s work station. Woodrue's hands scrambled to find it, then actually found it, with him putting on a false expression. "You've been a Thorn in my side for far too long Doctor (L/N)" Woodrue angrily said with a violent twitch. Leaping forward and stabbing a small yet deadly, blade into (Y/N)'s stomach. Pamela yelled out in panic and fear as (Y/N) looked down at his wound, seeing vast amounts of blood leak from it. (Y/N) used his strength to pull the blade out of his stomach, then looked back at a grinning Woodrue. (Y/N) leapt froward with a raised fist, though he was sluggish, his movements and form was off as his eyes started to drain of life.
Woodrue easily side stepped, and the struggling (Y/N) had no time to react, crashing into the table and straight through it. (Y/N) could feel himself loosing consciousness, chemicals, liquids and plants all gathering around his body as his eyes shut. The last thing (Y/N) could hear, was the frightening screaming of Pamela, as she was pushed onto a table of her own experiments. Woodrue standing over both corpses, with a sinister, maniacal grin.
Days Later
(Y/N)'s eyes slowly opened, almost as if they had been shut for years. His breath was caught in his throat as memories of what had happened flooded his mind. Soon enough, (Y/N) began to move his body from under the vegetation that covered him, but it was so unusual. It was almost as if the leafs and vines parted for him, as he tried to push through them they almost knew his action just as he was doing it. As (Y/N) stood up, he looked down to inspect and feel his body which he remembered the agonising pain of the knife entering his body, inspecting his body (Y/N) was amazed. The only remaining evidence of the knife was a small scar along the centre of his stomach, but that wasn't just it.
His body had almost completely transformed.
Going from a scrawny, frail, weak body to a chiselled, ripped, muscular build. It was nothing herculean or the monster that was Bane, but miraculously a six pack of abs had formed along his body, and muscles along his forearms popping for a lean build. His outfit from before had been torn to shreds, with his trousers almost now shorts and nothing covering his torso. He looked to his wrist, which underneath seemed to have something growing out of them as his anger and memories flooded back to him. It was then, that a sharp, wooden object, almost like a wooden thorn, was ejected from his right wrist shocking (Y/N). Though, as he seemed to calm down, and the growth retreated.
(Y/N) made a fist, thinking of Woodrue and what he did to himself and Pamela. As he made the fist however, a small amount of vines curled and wrapped themselves around (Y/N)'s fist. (Y/N) looked curiously at his fist, then stopped making it, watching the vines drop the ground. It was then (Y/N) felt it, almost like a tingle shooting through his being and looked round. It was almost like a pulsing sensation, from from all around him. He was slightly frightened, and doing so more and more plant life came to his aide. (Y/N) was about to speak out loud, that was until he could hear a powerful feminine voice echo.
"Hell I am Mother Nature, and the time has come for plants to take back the world so rightfully ours" it was a voice that seemed so familiar, yet so different. "The world so rightfully ours, because it's not nice" a container of chemicals was spilt on the floor. "To fool with Mother Nature".
"Pamela?" (Y/N) spoke out loud startling the woman who turned around, both in shock at the other. (Y/N) examined Pamela and like him, she had changed dramatically. Her once brown hair, had transformed into a fiery red waterfall flowing down her body, her ripped clothing exposed her slim waist, she was the embodiment of beauty. "What, happened to us?" he asked concerned, although catching her eyes traveling his own body.
"Woodrue" she said with spite, looking down at the corpse which she stood over. "He wanted to us to be with our beloved plants as he called them, well it appears we got what he wanted" she said looking around the area.
"I feel amazing" he noted, looking down at his hands and feeling the plants shift beneath his feet. "I feel like a-"
"-A God?" she finished, "You sure look it" remarking. "Nature, has chosen us to protect it" she added.
"Yes" (Y/N) agreed, walking forward and looking at the corpse of Woodrue, seeing that the veins around his mouth had turned bright green. "Protect it from people like this" he finished, with a one of anger. Holding out a flat hand at the corpse, the plant life around him, bending to (Y/N)'s will, almost absorbing the corpse into them. Flowing around and into the corpse, new nutriment for them.
"Where do suggest we start?" she asked playfully, holding up a beaker with the logo of their former employers.
"Wayne Enterprises, one of the biggest extractors of fossil flues in the world" (Y/N) agreed, taking the beaker and throwing it into the ground.
"Seems like a nice place to start" she added
Just then, a loud deep scream echoed through the castle, both knowing who it was. The monster Bane, was still here.
"Woodrue called him a solider" (Y/N) said with a smirk, looking at the vault door then back to Pamela. "And every solider needs a war to fight", her own expression matching his own.
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