chapter 2: old wounds
A crowd of cars pulls up outside Wayne manor. Some of the most beautiful and expensive cars were being parked, and men and women stepped out.
The women dressed to the nines. All dolled up, looking very pretty, some hoping to find someone for the night, men in tux and suits who are looking for a peace of arm candy.
And all Jordan Kent (Ahsa Butterfeild) can think is how his mother, his boss, must love messing with him.
Jordan steps out of his modest rental car. He didn't see much point of bringing his own, Sarah needed it for work after all being a child. Psycholist mean she needs to drive to work....when Jordan doesn't fly her, of course. Shoot, Jordan got sidetracked, thinking of Sarah .
He stepped out a simple brown slack and a brown suit jacket with a white shirt. And sighed " work time"
Jordan adjusted his pass for the press and moved towards the door, he see's the security is tight for this event.
" Um, hi, Jordan Kent... I'm here to take photos for the Daily Planet, " he gets to the gaurd and fumbles a bit.
The security looks at him. He looks almost like he is about to dismiss him before looking up. "Im sorry, sir. Did you say The Planet?"
"I sure did," he says, his voice a bit too high for his own liking.
The security guard nods. " Of course, sir, Mister Wayne was waiting for arrival. You've got the interview for tonight, correct "
Jordan thinks to himself (Y/N) always so clever with his cover stories.
" Yes, sir, here for the daily planet," he smiles.
The security guard looks at him. " Step right in, sir," the gaurd steps out of the way
"Thank you, oh and mister," Jordan speaks as he walks in
"Yes?" The security guard looked at him
"Hopefully, you don't have a rough night," he said sincerely.
The gaurd looks at him and nods with a small smile. " You too, Mister kent, you too."
Jordan walked in his camera, ready to take some photos for the planet.
He sees Connor Hawke and his half-sister Laurrel Queen . He asks both of them to take their photo.
Connor, Laurrel, and him give each other a knowing look as they smile for his photos
The next person Jordan gets a photo of is of the commissioner Barbara Gordan and her husband Dick Grayson-Gordan. The couple smiles as the photo is taken.
This happens throughout the night
You get your
Lena Luthers,
Micheal Holt,
Maxwell Lord,
Ted Kord,
Sapphire Stag,
and finally
Veronica and Bonnie Vreeland.
The who's who of the rich. Getting their photo taken with smiles and laughs. Mostly likely fake, but hey, they try!
But soon he makes his way and sees The man of the hour (Y/N) Wayne with a group of women fawning over him to which Jordan rolled his eyes.
He listened in with his super hearing to what was being said
" Oh, come on (Y/N) all alone in this big house. Haven't you ever thought about marriage, even once ?" The blonde one asked. Jordan found it hard to hide his laughter as he looked at (Y/N) for a split nano second. He said he'd rather be fighting tooth face than being stuck listening to this conversation.
The girl beside her clining to (Y/N) side much to his annoyance though he hid it extremely well spoke up.
"Oh, never say the M word in front of (Y/N),makes him nervous."
Then, to add insult to insult to injury, another girl walks up.... and she's not very bright if Jordan is honest.
"What about the I word?" she speaks
"The,I...Word ?" (Y/N) asked, confused
"Engagement," she smiled
And somewhere, Jordan heard a glass brake and an apology from Seilna Kyle.
Oh, come on, you can't make this shit up , Jordan was laughing on the inside as he watched ANOTHER WOMAN walk up to (Y/N) with an expensive glass of champagne in her hands.
I'd watch out for (Y/N) if I were you . First, he wines and dines you, makes you think you're the only woman he's ever been interested in, and just when you were wondering where to register the China. He forgets your phone number."
She throws a glass of the expensive champagne into (Y/N) face
"That's (Y/N) Wayne's style," and she storms off.
The other girls try to get his attention while (Y/N) slips away. And finally notices Jordan.
They share a look (Y/N) shurgs his shoulders and give Jordan a small smile. Jordan nods his head. Going back to work.
As (Y/N) walks away to dry his face, someone shoves a hanker chiff in his face.
"A friend in need?"
Arthur Reeves stands there looking at (Y/N) with a smug smirk on his face
"Council man," answered (Y/N) back with an even tone. He quickly dries his face as he looks at him. "So how goes the bat bashing?"
"Better than your love life," Arthur answered snidely. "Seriously (Y/N), it like you pick them because you know there isn't a chance for a serious relationship." A server walks up, and Arthur takes a drink
"At least since that one girl , what was her name? Anne,Andy, Andrea, Yes Andrea Bomont."
(Y/N) looks at Reeves, his annoyance, and hatred on full display.
" There was a sweet number,How'd you let that one get away?"
(Y/N) angery quickly turned into pettiness as he saw his very angry, very protective mother standing behind Arthur with a look that could kill
"Hi Mum, thanks for the hanky Arthur. You know where you can stick it,"
Arthur watched as (Y/N) walked away before looking at Miss Wayne.
"Big talk from the guy she barely knew existed, Councilman, don't throw stones at glass houses , because you'll break your house too." Seilna didn't give the man a chance to respond before she went to turn and 'accidentally' tripped spilling red wine all over his nice suit.
"Oh, Councilman, im so sorry,you might have to go home and change," she protend innocent as everyone looked at her and him.
Arthur barely hid his rage. " It's no trouble, miss Wayne....have a lovely night.
(Y/N) evades his way out of the party and into his father study. And sighs as he stands at a fireplace. And think of her for the first time in a long time.
He's tried so hard to forget her. He needs to try harder.
He needs to remember that he made a promise
September 1974
(Y/N) pulls up to the cemetery. It had been four months since he lost his father. It was a cool autumn that the and the breeze caught him as he moved to his father grave.
Bruce Wayne buried with his parents Martha and Thomas , and the man who rasied him and (Y/N) grandpa
Alfred Pennyworth.
(Y/N) had brought 4 roses with him, and
placed all of them on the grave.
His Solomon vow.
Until suddenly.
And without warning, her hears a voice. A beautiful voice. A woman voice.
"Right, and if Daddy gets any more protective, he'll build a moat around my bedroom," she laughs as she stands there
(Y/N) moves close to the woman.Was she talking to him, or the air???
" it's times like this. I wish you were still -" The woman turns around and looks at (Y/N)
"Yes?" She looks him up in down a small glare on her features.
"Excuse me, I thought you were saying something , (Y/N) answered, "looking at her, he scratches his head . Um, well, to me, I mean"
The girl looks away from him and simply says, "No."
(Y/N) nods his head.Typical Gotham, he thinks to himself, "Ooooh Okay," and begins to walk away.
As (Y/N) walks away, he hears her speak again. " You know who that was, (Y/N) Wayne, you know Wayne Enterprise,"
(Y/N) turns around an incredulous look on his face
"I've seen him around campus, He's very moody.....cute though," she ads to herself. She spots him walking back and smiles.
(Y/N) points to himself, " I heard my name, I thought ,who are you talking to?" He asked as he finally made it to her.
The girl points to a grave. " My mother," she answers.
(Y/N) looks at her.A look of complete understanding takes his face. " Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
(Y/N) is surprised as she waves him off. " That's okay. We're done. Mum doesn't have much to say today."
(Y/N) looks at her. She smiles as she walks away. " I'm not the only one who talk to their loved ones " (Y/N) looks alarmed , his voice a bit high-pitched. "I didn't say anything." he raises his hands up as he begins to walk after her.
(Y/N) catches up to her, and soon, the pair begins to walk at a pace
Finally, she speaks,
" It's just when I talk to her out loud, I can imagine what she would say,I can hear her, it's like she right there"
(Y/N) nods his head in understanding, " I talk to my father."
She looks at him. "Whatcha say."
He takes a moment to answer
"I made a vow."
"What vow?" she walks slower just a bit
" a secret one ." (Y/N) a hint of jovial in his voice
She ran to the front of him and almost bumped into him. "Oh, a man of mystery," she smiles as she looks away and turns her head back. " I like mysteries." She walks towards her car.
"Have you kept your vow?" Her tone flirty
"So far." (Y/N) smirking back at her.
She stands at the door of her car, "Andrea Bomont."
"(Y/N) Wayne"
"I know the prince of Gotham," she moves towards him and fixes his collar . so tell me, with all that money and power, why do you always look like you wanna nose dive off a cliff?"
(Y/N) looks at her. " Why do you care?" Andrea steps into her car and starts the engine
"I don't mother was asking." she smiles at him as she drives off.
She leaves (Y/N) smiling as he watches her go.
His smile fades as he remembers. What he needs to do tonight.
2 nights later
On a Gotham rooftop. Robin, the boy's wonder, stands watching the scene as a local clothing factory was being robbed.
Robin stands there in his black and red suit, his cape blowing in the wind.
He sees the thugs moving the stock of the factory into a truck and had the security guard tied up.
He watches them as he sees their getting ready to leave
"You can do this." Says to himself as he Robin glides down and lands infront of all the thugs.
"One chance, on your stomachs arm spread." Robin orders as all the thugs look at him.
"It's just the punk," one says
" You heard him, boys." The main thug speaks.
"Oh yeah, without Batman with him, I'm so scared."
"Let's show the Wonder brat how tough it is," another jokes.
Robin sighs as he grabs him. Robin rings and throws them into the guns of the thugs the guns go off, and they drop them as their hands get brunt.
Robin does as someone swings a tire iron at him. Only for him to uppercut them sending them flying.
One thug catches him by suprice as he grabs robin from behind and puts him into a chokehold.
A Thug gets a couple of good shots in on (Y/N), but he eventually gets out by headbutting the guy who had him in the chokehold. And elbowing the other guy so hard he hear his jaw crack.
Robin moves as he hears a shotgun being racked as he grabs the security guard the dives for cover.
He looks to the security guard and speaks. "GCPD will be here soon," as he runs and chases after the truck.
He jumped onto one of the swinging back door they didn't close. Robin almost falls off .
But a hand grabs him.
" You couldn't just wait five minutes. Could you "
He looks up to see nightwing staring at him as he sighs, " Come on, we can stop this together."
Nightwing and Robin climb up and reach the top of the truck. Both Robin and Nightwing start punching the glass, casting the driver to start swearing, and soon, he runs into a wall. With nightwing pulling him out before the crash
Both Nightwing and Robin stand there as GCPD arrives along with commissioner Barbara Gordan.
" Well, well, thank you both for helping us. Any idea when batman back from his mission with the JSA." Barbara speaks using the cover story as to why Batman isn't around
What she is really asking, is have you two fucking idiots decided when one of you is Batman.
Nightwing looks to his wife. " Not yet, Commissioner." she nods her head
"Well, I better get him. My husband and I are in need of a long overdue conversation, " and with that, she walks off
" Would you at least come eat breakfast ? It's gonna get cold. " Selina speaks as she watches her son practise some martial arts in the yard of Wayne manor. He had a badge hand, which cause him to wince every once in a while.
"Their not afraid, mum. I've been doing this since I was 11 years old, but they aren't afraid of me, not like they were afraid of him." He puts his fist out again, controlling his breathing.
Selina sighed. She didn't want to have this conversation again. Butnshe was a mother, and when her child wouldn't listen, she had to tell them the truth even if he didn't want to hear it or not.
But Selina hears a car pull up.
"We'll talk about it later (Y/N). she answers
(Y/N) goes to look at his mother, but see's Andrea standing near her.
"Apologies for the intrusion, miss Wayne,but I'm here to see (Y/N)."
Selina rasie her eyebrow and smiles " (Y/N) you didn't tell me you had a friend coming over "
Andrea looks at him and moves closer to him, looking at his hand. " God, what happened to you? Tripped over some loose change," she tried to joke, but (Y/N) pushed past her.
Oh, Oh Selina liked her. But Selina slowly slips into the background, still watching the pair.
She's a moma bear at heart.
"It's been three days since we met, and still no calls." she moved closer to him. " I figured you must be dead or something"
"You expect every guy you met to call you up" (Y/N) continues to practice while Andrea remarks
" The ones who are smart enough to dial a phone "
Oh Selina REALLY likes this girl.
"What is that " Andrea ask pretending not to know much to Selina amusement.
(Y/N) oh sweet (Y/N) her baby boy.feel for the trap, eh like father like son.
"jiu-jitsu" he answered
"Gesundheit" (Y/N) looked annoyed " It's a joke " she laughs moving closer
She takes off her hat as (Y/N) is lost talking ' jiu-jitsu is no joke it takes years to Mast-"
Only for Andrea to toss him on his ass.
"I got a few moves of my own " she smirks resting her hand on her hip.
"Miss Hovey's self-defense class for girls" she smirks.
This causes (Y/N) to start laughing
"Oh he laughs " she looks supriced.
(Y/N) then trips her up , she falls to the ground and grabs her hands.
Andrea is supriced as she looks up at (Y/N) " Nice footwork , but tell me pretty boy " she leans to his ear and whispers "Can you dance too"
The pair look at each other, before exploding it a firey kiss.
Selina decided go to the cave.
please leave a comment and like the story so I know you guys want me to keep going.
stay safe
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