Chapter 2: Radio Killed the Video Star
At somewhere of the Pentagram City
Its had been yesterday, since the news has spread out throughout the city about the next Extermination Day are coming out this year instead of like next year in usual. And now everyone starts panicking and fear for their lives of Angels are coming their lives again.
Moving forward to the tallest building in center of the Pentagram City, closed by to Heaven Embassy. By showing the Tower owned by the Hell's biggest company and largest conglomerate known as the Wayne Enterprises.
Inside of the building, we're see (Y/N) in his office and wearing his business suit. When he went out for work in running his family's business company while co-owning of Hotel with Charlie.
He is not alone in this room, there is one devil standing beside him as they were watching over the News on TV about everyone's reactions of Next Extermination are coming early and Killjoy's rant... Well, let's just say just... It does not end well...
Sinner: [We're all fucking dead! We're all fucking dead man!]
Sinner 2: [Run, bitch! Run!]
Anti-Batman Interviewer: [Killjoy is right! Batman had been too much maniac and menace to take war on crimes by his hands! Not only that, he brought death to us from Heaven are going to fuck us up!]
Batman's Defender Interviewer: [Batman is a Hero! He had been protecting us in years! Not only Sinners sent here for all eternity in torment but also like criminals, murderers and scums that Heaven want us to think we are savages!]
Jim: [People of Pentagram and everyone in Hell are watching this! I know you are all scared for the upcoming Extermination Day are coming to keeps more slaughtering. I admit I am scared for shit. How long are we going long suffer of Heaven's punishment and thinking genocide is the right answer. Not uphold the laws, but protecting our people as well, we need more good people. We needs more Police Control Hell's recruits to protect our people and check in control. People need a hero to inspire them! We have to bet-]
News Reporter: [As you can see, not only Sinners are protesting at King Lucifer's castle but also many Hellborns are protesting and demanding Lucifer to do something. Clearly seeing Batman as Hero of Hell in supporting him.]
Seeing the Protestors like demons are Sinners, Hellhounds, Imps, Succubus/Incucbus, Devils and many Hellborns are holding the signs: "Do something!" "Batman is our Hero!" "We will not give him up!" "What will happened if Hell have no hero, who will protect us?" "Start acting as our King instead isolated from the world!"
News Reader: [Not only there is many supporters of Batman see him regard as hero. But many of Nobles Family consider Batman as danger to this society. They're consi-]
Everything on TV have been shut off by (Y/N) was holding the remote control before gently place down on table as he place his hand on his forehead.
???: Well.... This seems to be more problem for this... Mr. Wayne. *grave tone facing at (Y/N) sitting there*
(Y/N): *sigh exasperated* Tell me about, Lucius. This is getting worse,... People starts panicking in chaos and fear spread out. They are either counting me or blaming me of my alter ego. *palm on his forehead*
Lucius Fox - The Head of Wayne's Scientific and Magical Division
Lucius: Well yes, Mr. Wayne. The board are in the agreement with the project that will save many lives of the Sinners from the next Extermination Days.
(Y/N): *chuckles* Yeah, that what I been doing. Me and my family are the only one who care enough for our Home and wanted make a better world to change. Proving Heavens we aren't monsters or threat to them. *smiles softly at his mother picture on wall*
Lucius: Yes, sir. But the Board want you to shut down of the project that you and her highness to rehabilitate the Sinners. It was consider to be disillusion and childish naivety and believing won't bring success that the Sinners can't redeem themselves. *blunt in frown*
(Y/N): Basically they don't get my family's image to be ruined or humiliated... Typically.. *roll his eyes in disappointment* And did you agreed with the Board, Lucius? *look at his friend*
Lucius: Actually, no, sir. Your family has been philanthropy for many generations and they're built this company wanted to help someone who needed are lost and suffering and make Hell a better place to live. Your grandfather was my best friend, and I seen your mother when she was little girl who was kind, caring and bit naive. All grown up to be as strong and idealist woman. This project used belong to your mother never get to started after her death was consider to be cancelled the project. And now you and her highness reinstated of her project not only carry her legacy but to carry her dreams to see that the Sinners still have their humanity. She known both of you can change forever between Heavens and Hells can bring hope. *Smiles genuinely*
(Y/N): Lucius.... *in awe before smiles* Thank you... *grateful for him*
He was glad not only Lucius a good man. But also great friend considering him to be part of the family due his history with his grandfather. And he was one of his family's supporters for years.
Plus... He already knew his alter ego, the Dark Knight, Demon of Bat, the Caped Crusader known as Batman. He was the one responsibly for supplying and granting him of gadgets and technologies that he made for him.
Lucius: No need to thank me, Mr. Wayne. Just returning the favor that I will always help whenever you needed... Just like your grandfather help me... *smiles back at him*
(Y/N): *chuckles* Alright... Since you heard the new about the next upcoming Extermination Day are coming this year. *serious tone*
Lucius: Yes, sir. I have heard. I have did what you requested for the Flying Bat project. But it will take some time, for the old girl fly in preparations for the next Extermination Day are coming. Not only that... I still having trouble of the new suit. *inform him with solemn*
(Y/N): *raised eyebrow intrigue* New suit? What is.... *cut and felt his phone ranging and vibrate before pull out* Hmm... Sorry, Lucius. I gotta take a call. *apologize with smiles*
Lucius: Let me guess, it is wife again? *joked with amuse smiles earn chuckles from young man* Tell Charlie, I says hi. *before sit up and leaving*
(Y/N): I will! *shout out to him and see him leave before accepted call* Hey Charlie, what's up?
(Y/N): *stood up with firm looks* Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Calm down... Take a breath in... and out... In three times, slowly. *instruct her and hear her breathing* Good... better?
Charlie: {Yeah.... (Y/N)-(Y/N), have you heard the news?}
(Y/N): Yeah... I did saw it... And also... Sirzech gave me the call... The Nobles Families consider to place arrest warrant or kill me... *frown*
Charlie: {What?! Why?! *outburst}
(Y/N) knew not only the Noble Families disliked his family for being philanthropy and care about lower-class hellborns. But, also see his alter ego was consider to be threat and dangerous to them.
(Y/N): You know, being paranoid and always looking down on others... Not only agreed with Killjoy but. only see me as danger to our society, and also harbinger of death to our kinds.
Charlie: {(Y/N)-(Y/N).... You told me before... Don't let everyone's words effect you of who you are and never stops fighting... Who care about shitty Noble Families talks about shit your family. Not only the Wayne family one of the most genuine family, there are others have hearts and souls as well.}
(Y/N): *chuckles* You never forgotten the words I said to you in years ago... Also, Char... Not only you were worried for the Sinner's safety in the next Extermination Day... But also worrying about me as well, knowing they have a grudge on me and eager to kill me... *guessing her*
Charlie: {... Yeah, guess you are being Hell's Greatest Detective... *admit with worried tone* (Y/N)-(Y/N), not only Angel's boss is freaky out and everyone is losing their mind, we're only have six months are coming! Not only Angels coming to murder them all, but also coming to you because you the only man who stop and keep interfering with them! I can't... *cut in freaking out*}
(Y/N): Calm down.... *calming her down* I know you are scared and worry for my safety... But panicking won't help us for the upcoming Extermination Days. We need to be cool-headed and keeps our heads in the game... We're still have more time... We teams, remember? *reminding her with gentle tone*
Charlie: {*taking a deep breath* You're right... Sorry, I was just worried... everything we're worked for... (Y/N), this was your mother's dream. I don't want to disappoint her... *hint of scared tone*}
(Y/N): Charlie... it is okay we can be scared... Sometimes we fail alot, I do... But failure is our greatest teachers, that we're can learns our mistakes to fix it not only improve us. To make us stronger... If my mother were alive and here... Not only the Sinners redeem themselves, but prove they're genuinely have a hearts what is meant to be human again. And she will be proud of us... *Smiles softly his lover*
Charlie: {(Y/N)-(Y/N) *sniff* You really do make the girl how to get happy and emotional sometimes...}
(Y/N): *chuckles* I know... We're still have more time to recruits for new Sinners. Not the heartless one who doesn't believe in redemption or beyond redemption. But also the genuine Sinners still have their hearts and souls.
Charlie: {Oh, (Y/N)-(Y/N), I love you. *happy tone*}
(Y/N): *chuckles* Love you, too. *with happy smiles*
Charlie: {Before you head back to your day work. Quick question, what is a "Donkey Show"? *asks in innocent intrigue*}
Hearing her last sentences, brought (Y/N) into deep frown mixture with annoyance, realize it must be Angel's pervert habits. He going to give him nightmare someday...
Before he could replies back, suddenly he heard the sound of explosion hit close to the hotel and then sound computer's voice.
Alert! The Hotel are Under Attack. Activating Full Lockdown Mode
(Y/N): Charlie, what happened?! *stood up in concern*
Charlie: {Huh... (Y/N)-(Y/N), we have a big problem? Do you remember the Snake Demon attacked Hotel few weeks ago and then you defeated him and place him in prison Well... He's back. *meek tone*}
(Y/N): What?! *outburst in shock* How did it that happened? It could no one way his minions could helps him escape due lock up in different cell.
Charlie: {I don't know... Alfred said he escaped in the Morning, when he pick up PCH's broadcast radio frequency. Not only he after Alastor, but also you! *inform him in worriedly}
(Y/N): Charlie, calm down. I need you to calls Gordan that Pentious is here. I be there shortly. *instruct her and assure her before hangs up* I don't know, how you escape. But... *Serious tone*
As he steps closer to the photo of him and his late mother, before hand on the frame then move it to the side. Revealing it was a hidden scanner device allowing the pixel holograms projectile scan on him.
(Y/N): You'll be making a huge mistakes.
As the scanner finally completed to scan on him, activating there is a hidden capsule emerging from the floor to the surface. Before opening it, revealing the Bat-Suits and armory as well.
(Y/N): Time to suit up. *serious tone*
Soon as he gear up by putting on his boots, then straps in the belt, gauntlet on, shoulder pad, putting on chestplate on his chest and finally putting the cowl on his head.
Batman: Let's get to work. *cold tone*
As he placed his fist over his palm before swiftly turns making his cape went whipped everything went black.
Back at Hazbin Hotel
Meanwhile, back in the Hazbin Hotel. The Hotel was attacking under by none other than Sir. Pentious. Who was defeated by Batman and Alastor then later arrested by PCH take him away in Sinners' prison known as Blackgate Penitentiary.
And now, he and his minions later escaped Blackgate and goes back in his Warship set target on Hotel in full lockdown security by Wayne Techs. Get revenge on Alastor and Batman.
Sir. Pentious: Show yourself Alastor and Batman! Come and face... *face and spotted Hotel in full lockdown mode and then notice him on balcony*
Alastor: #Hmm... Alfred really made a good coffee... Perhaps I could ge-# *cut*
Sir. Pentious: Oh there you are. I was really hoping for Batman to be here, but that'll work as well.. FACE MY WRATH! *screamed at him as hood flare up*
Alastor: #Who are you?# *ask in confusion being ignorant*
Sir. Pentious: Who am I? Who am I? *felt his ego shatter and offended* I am the great Sir. Pentious, inventor, architect of destruction, villain extraordinaire! And the true greatest nemesis of the Dark Knight known as Batman!
He bursts out of evil laughing, while Alastor teleported his shadow back on the ground floor as the others exited out of the Hotel still in lock down mode.
Random Egg Boiz: Whoo! You tell them, boss! *cheered*
Random Egg Boiz 2: But wasn't Batman's real arch nemesis is the Prince of Clown known as Jok- *cut got hit by pebble thrown by his boss*
Niffty: Ohh, he's a bad boy. *grinned creepily as popped out from behind Alastor's head*
Alfred: Now, now, now Niffty. Let's not get ahead of ourself. *pick up in carried Niffty in his hands as latter giggles*
Alastor: #Huh, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you, since you consider to be Caped Crusader's rogue.#
Sir. Pentious: I attacked you, literally last week. *earned Alastor head tilted* We've done battle. Like... 20 times which is lowest than I fought with the Dark knight. *reminded him*
Alastor: #Well, you must have been really bad at this.# *mocking him*
Sir. Pentious: Silence! Now cower! Once I've slain you first, then the Dark Knight is next, to show their greatest hero have fallen by my hand! The Almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal! *arrogant tone*
Niffty: Ohhh! Wait, who are the Vees, grandpa Alfred? *ask in curious to Alfred*
Alfred: Oh, no one is very important. I've remember that Mr. Vox tried to seize when Master Wayne reclaim his family's company, disgusting moth Overlord had been humiliated by the Batman and Miss Velvette tried steal to him away from Madame Charlotte and Madame Vagatha. *blunt tone*
Vaggie: I remember, that bitch tried to steal Mi amor away from us... *cross her arms with angry looks in venom*
Charlie: She doesn't have to be mean to us. We can share him. *pouted in childish crossing her arms*
Vaggie: How the hell did she sneaked in past through the penthouse's security and was so strong lifting him like a light feather while we're sleep. *annoyed expression*
Alastor: #Alfred is right, nobody is important#
Sir. Pentious: Nothing to stop me! Once I defeats the Dark Knight, I will prove to him that I AM HIS GREATEST FO- *cut*
Before he could finished his sentences, suddenly someone exited out of the Warship's vent that few of the Egg boiz was unable to react in time when the figure moved in fast speed. That's he took down by punch, kick, smack, elbow and then throw down the last one on the ground.
Making Sir. Pentious and his minions let out the flinched and turned who it is, but made the Snake Sinner let out evil grin as his minions trembling in fear and see who it was kneeling in front of them, was the Batman one knee down and left fist on floor.
Batman: You're wanna get nut? Let gets some nuts. *cold tone*
Meanwhile at Somewhere of Pentagram City
At the same time, we're see the crowds are standing at the store and staring at the TV's screen in showing off the drones.
Tv Announcer: [New VoxTek designer voyeur scopes. Peeping on the neighbors has been never more stylish. VoxTek. Trust us with your money.]
The crowds immediately entered in through the stores in buy their newly purchases drones in their hands Then switches showing like Demons watching show on their TV or devices.
Tv Announcer: [This week's episode of "Yeah I Fucked your sister so what?" is brought to you by VoxTek. Trust us with your entertainment. VoxTex trust us.]
Revealing their eyes falls under influence by the hypnosis, by the works of the device and technologies. Showing the TV Overlord are spying the civilians of hell in networking his technologies on his screens as he consumes eletricity and let maniac laughing.
Vox: Ahahahahahaha! Now that's a good television! *grinned with ego and maniacs*
Vox - The Narcissist TV Overlord
Vox: Now let see, if Wayne can keep it's number one spot in Hell, that I finally beat him! *arrogant tone*
He types in, on the computer for a bit, showing off many Hell's Companies including like the Wayne and his. Starting how much of the rating popularity in companies in hell.
As Vox rubbing his hands in giddily like in early Christmas. Hoping that he can finally outrank Wayne and take his spot of Number One, Hell's best Company.
Vox: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..... WHAT?!?! *outburst in mixture of shock and anger loses his grin*
Later when the result came up, much to his dismay he didn't expecting that, was the Wayne Enterprises still already at the company's top ranking and his company still at second ranked.
Vox's eyes twitching and boiled his blood in anger, not only that Wayne Enterprises still keeps surpassing him but everyone prefers him over his with great technologies. He unable to bypass or hacked in his technology's great security system to spy their networks.
(Y/N): [And remember... Everyone in Hell is a fam- *cut*]
Before he could finished his sentences but cut off by golf club smacked on Tv Revealing the TV Overlord as Vox screamed out in frustration and jealously before smashing his stuff in anger.
Before he could finish his rant, but interrupted by the calling one of his partner and overlord on his TV's face. He uses his power to zap transferring on the screen to accept her calls.
Vox: *sat down* Hello there, Velvette. How are you this Hellish morning? *arrogant tone and hidden annoyed*
Velvette: {Oh, cut the shit, Vox. I need you up there now! *annoyance tone with urgent*}
Vox: Whatever could be the problem my dear? *spins his chair before sip and looking at his phone*
Velvette: {Your little boy toy is wrecking my department while I'm trying to pull together a show and...}
Valetino: {FUCKING BITCH!!!}
Velvette: {Just get your ass here, and stop being sore loser about Wayne beat you being a good business man more than you! Dammit, Valentino!}
Everything went into black when she hanged up, Vox finally drops down his facade with bitter and annoyance expressions.
Vox: How the fuck did she know about it? As much I love shitting about Wayne, but... god here I go, Valentino. Just another fuckin day with Val to keep me out from smashing my shits. Hey, hey, hey. Fuck my life. Also fuck Wayne as well. *annoyed tone and sour*
He steps on the large logo on the floor before lifting up like an elevator.
In the First Floor of Vees Headquarter
We're see Vox smirk says "Trust Us" on the wall, before opening like a slide door on the wall, revealing the real Vox frowning. As he put on his smiles to let groups of reporters notices him.
Reporters: Mr. Vox! Mr. Vox! Mr. Vox, question for you over there. Mr. Vox. *rushes to him*
Reporter Female: Mr. Vox! What are your thoughts about the new extermination deadline? *questions him*
Vox: My dear people, we at VoxTex Enterprises have always been at the forefront of innovation.(Sinner: Mostly Wayne) Shut up! *snaps at random Sinner before making fake cough* We are very "thankful" for our hero had been protecting us for years, but many lives have lost that he did his best to save them. And now with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus to your protection. So Batman won't fight anymore to show we are inspire by him. We are pleased to announce VoxTek Angelic Security is coming soon. *showing the TV screen with project with fake genuine smiles*
Vox: Trust with us your sa- *about to use his Hypnosis but cut off*
Reporter 2: Mr. Vox what is your opinions by Mr. Wayne's announcement? *questions him*
Vox: I'm sorry what? What you mean by that *in confusion tries to hold his disdain on him*
They're didn't reply back to him, instead showing off the news early on W-Phone, before Vox made the announcement. Seeing (Y/N) was on the screen.
(Y/N): {People of Pentagram, I know you all scared for the next upcoming Extermination day are coming by. But I'm scared too as hell. Scared of losing your souls to die again worse than death. I may have solutions for that, I'm not talking about rehabilitation collab with Princess of Hell. The Wayne Enterprises has been always genuinely company to bring great improvement and fresh new life for you. I am announcing for the sake of your safety and will save many lives so that no one will dies again. Introducing the Wayne's Bunker! We have been working for years and placing the bunkers around the city, so no Exorcists will ever known you are here. I promise you And remember, we all family together! Everyone is a family!}
Hearing his speech and announcement made the cheers from the crowd's approval as the reporters tried to interview him when he proceed to leave before video shut.
Reporter 3: Mr. Vox, not only that you and Wayne Enterprises have been rivaled for years. He been bringing a great success than you.
Reporter 4: He bring great community like bought up like schools, banks, stores and even like Mcdonalds and Earth themes fast food chains.
Reporter 5: Not only that, he even establish links connection allowing us to see the old and current Earth's networking internets and medias.
Reporter 6: How will you take action, if Mr. Wayne gets ahead of you and did promising to us. What will you do?
Reporter 7: The Wayne Enterprises have been always forefront of of innovation and Hell's biggest oldest companies. What should you do?
While they bombard him with questions and didn't bother answers them back. Vox can't help feels his right eye twitching in jealously. Not only Wayne keeps surpassing him but also humiliated him?! Oh fuck no! He should not accept that!
He should be number one CEO in Hell! Not him!
Vox: *take a deep breath* Well, my good friends let just say that... DO NOT TALK ABOUT WAYNE! *eyes his left eye in Hypnotising*
The reporters fells effect by Vox use his left eye in hypnotising causing them to be dazed off. As his manager walked to him.
Manager: Sir? Uh, when did we begin working on Angelic Security? *questions him*
Vox: 30 seconds. Try to get that bitch Carmilla on the books and asshole Gordon off my back. And cancel all appointments today. *scowl*
Manager: Um, sir according to our stock markets our products had been sold to the customers only 33% *tried to report him*
Vox: ONLY 33 PERCENTAGE ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING WITH ME?!?! *roared his face in outrage*
Manager: Um, yes, sir.... According to the reports... Our rival business... *tried to report holding clipboard with fear struck on him*
Vox: Gimme me that shit! *snatch the chalk and quick read on reports before open wide* 98% SOLD BY WAYNE?! ARE YOU FUCKING ME?! WHY THE FUCK HE KEEPS BEATING ME?!?! *shouted like angry brat and stomping on clipboard in hopping*
Manager: Um... Sir? *meek tone*
Vox: What?! *glanced in glared at him*
Manager: Aren't you going to stop Mr. Valentino from rampaging? *fidget with scared tone*
Vox: *glared at him for a bit then realizes he right* You know, what you right. I have a fire to put out upstairs. Shitting Wayne can do later. Saying his name gave me bad taste. *sour tone*
He generates his body morphed into electricity in enter through security on the wall, to went one of his partners' rooms.
In Velvette's department
In the mean time, we're see the Overlord of Fashion and part of the Vee with the appearance resembles like the doll. Her name was Velvette.
Velvette- The Fashion Overlord and only Girl in the Vees
She was seen to inspect her four designers holding the sets of clothes in their hands.
Velvette: Ugh. No. Unacceptable. You're fired. What is this? Wrist ruffles? Is this 1750s? *in surprised and angry tone* Burn it like the witches who wore it! *order them with venom before palm on forehead*
Vox: Oh, Velvet. I can see you're busy. *insult her before teleport behind her* Tell me, where's our hot-headed friend now? *asks about third one*
Velvette: Up in his tower, waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down! *sarcastic in annoyance*
Vox: *Sigh* And uh, what's got him so out of sorts today? *with grin*
Velvette: Who knows? But he tore up my best model! And you know, the show can't wait for that unlucky bitch to pull herself back together! *explain angrily* Melissa! Get over here! *see one of her model on platform* No. No. Hideous. I want to die. Eww. *uses her magic by swiping her hand till she finally found one she likes as she gasp* Yes! That's the one. *happy smiles*
Vox: Ahh, looks like you have everything under control here.
Velvette: Of course, I do! Fuck you! *flip him before turns around messing with her phone*
Vox: Ahhh, Velvette. You don't have to be a bitch. Beside... What will happened if I spills your little secret of Hell to see. *sly grins in threaten*
He sent out bolt of electricity into Velvette's phone in blackmail, causing her blushed in madly. Show her on the screen was inside of her bedroom and herself in half naked while humping on Vox's rival (Y/N) Wayne in shirtless as the hugging pillow. With heavy blush on her face and lovestruck smiles imaging having sex with him.
Velvette: [(Y/N)-(Y/N)! I want your hot meaty stick in my fucking vagina! I am fucking better than your sluts! Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!! *yells out in lust*]
Velvette: Grrr... Fine! You don't have to be an asshole! *toning down her phone so demons won't hear her* Now shoo! Take care of the piss baby! *cross her arms in pouted with blush still on her face*
The tv latter let out smiles satisfying as he goes upstairs and greeted by two moth demons before opening doors for him allowed to enter in. Once he enter, he finally found one of his partner surrounded by red smoke on the couch.
As his partner, finally notices him before sit up with fury in his eyes with mad expressions on his face. He based on Moth Demon, consider to be piece of shits.
Valentino - The Overlord of Porn and also... Piece of Shit Asshole
Valentino: Fucking FINALLY! *threw glasses into shatter on ground* Kitty, another drink! *order tone*
The female variant of Robo-Fizz gave the quick bow then proceeds to leave in make another drink for the Overlord.
Kitty - Female Robo Fizz
Valentino: Ugh! Can you believe what that piece of shit did? THE UNGRATEFUL WHORE!!! *accepted the glass of drink from kitty then throw it away*
Vox: *moves it to aside avoid from hitting hit from glass shattering on wall* Um, which whore are we talking about this time? *dumbfounded tone*
Valentino: Fucking Angel Dust. Who the hell else would I be talking about? *close to his partner and points at him* That fucking SLUT walked out on me! ME! I fucking made him! Without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes. *ranted in anger*
Vox: Angel quit? *in surprised*
Valentino: NO! He didn't fucking quit! It's worse! *snatched Vox's phone then throw it in smashed it against the wall* He thinks he can just walk in here, work, and then go home somewhere else? Can you FUCKING believe that?! He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter and her fucking fuckboy toy Wayne! *went to closet while ranting*
Vox:.... *blank staring at him for a bit* Okay, I lost interest. *shrugged before walks away*
Valentino: Don't you fucking leave! *roared at him as Vox didn't leave or flinched* Thinks that noble rich boy like Wayne can protect him forever, he should know that I fucking own him! Not this shitty Hotel! And... Which of these makes me look sexier? *asks opinions with grins holding guns*
(A/N: Ugh! You're ugly like a whore)
Vox: *soft chuckles* What are you doing here, Val? *smirk dropped into knowing looks* You're not going over there. *raised his left eye let out his hypnotising power*
Valentino: That slippery twink is gonna remember who owns him. I'm gonna FUCK everyone in that rancid shit hole, the PCH can't arrest us, due our status of Overlord we can do whatever the fuck we want! If I see Batman again broke my teeth again! I swear to god! I will fucking end hi- *while goes closet in ranting cut*
Vox: *grabbed his shirt pulled him close to his face* Val! *voice distorted then chuckles in calm* Hehe. Think about it. Our brand is perfection. And what do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image? *both walking to the window gazes on city*
Valentino: Uhhh... Fucked it up? *in skeptical lamely*
Vox: Right! Do you want people thinking you can't control your employees? They're end up working with Wayne since he good friend with Prime Minister of Pride Ring to revoke your status of Overlord? *grins with bit venom at his rival's name*
Valentino: Oh fuck no! I would fucking rape that asshole, if he tries to revoke my status that I worked too hard for this shit! *scowl*
Vox: Exactly! And hey, you still have him under contract. He isn't going anywhere! should... *waiting for him answer with a grin*
Valentino: Do nothing? *dumbfounded*
Vox: Great idea! *wrapped his arm around his partner's shoulder* Now, that's why they pay you with the big bucks. *playful pinches his cheeks*
Valentino: But I really wanted to shoot someone. *pulled out his cigarette holder with upset tone*
Vox: *lit up cigarette with his spark* Well, lemme call up the lowest earners this month. *walks to TVs*
Valentino: Oh! You know me too well. *dark chuckles before inhale then blow pink smokes away* Ya know.... Angel isn't the only one spending time at this ratty hotel with the devil's princessa and the hell's handsomer prince. *sinister tone*
Vox: You mean someone owes you money? Or everyone prefer Wayne over us. *in jealously tone*
Hearing familiar name, it's made Vox open wide in mixture of shocked and anger with electricity courses his head. As his hand scratches the desk in hard before chuckles and glance his head at him.
Vox: What did you say? *distorted with hatred tone head turn*
Valentino: You heard me. *confident unfazed his tone*
Vox: Alastor came back, not only that he is with Lucifer's daughter and also the one guy I absolutely hate... *walks to Val in angry tone* and that wasn't fucking thing you told me?! *scream at his partner's face before grabbed his collar*
Valentino: *remove Vox's grip* Hey, killing Alastor and shitting Wayne is your kink. And killing Batman is my kink. *walks away to TVs before sit down*
Vox: You mean, our kink? *correct him with annoyance*
Valentino didn't reply but instead turns on the screen linked to the Vox Drone spying on Hotel. Before Vox teleported with electricity watch the live footage with furious expression.
At Hazbin Hotel
Back at the Hotel, seeing the Warship collapsed on the floor, and was destroyed by Batman using his hacking device to shut down the aircraft that the security system wasn't good.
Seeing the Dark Knight throwing his fists repeatedly punching on Sir Pentious. As he on top of him and pinned him against the ground. As the latter let out screaming in pain, was unable to defend himself or escaped from Batman's wrath.
Whiel everyone was watching like Charlie and Alfred let out winces, Vaggie crossed her arms with impressed smirks, Angel and Niffty are enjoying this with a smiles on their faces.
And Alastor enjoying the show like Dark Knight's brutal method and Sir. Pentious' suffering as it made his grins inches. Charlie decided to stops this.
Charlie: Ahem! Batman, I think he's had enough... *worried tone*
Batman: *follow as she says before get up and removed off Pentious on ground* Have enough? *cold tone*
Alastor: #Yes! Thank you for wonderful another forgettable experience old chum.# *praised him earned Batman's glared at him*
Sir. Pentious: Thank you... *weakly raised his index finger in air* for letting your guard do- ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *screaming in fain as Batman quick instinct in stomping his foot against his tail*
Batman: I think you had enough.... *cold tone* Why are you so obsessed with me? *interrogate him and stomp his tail softy*
Sir. Pentious: We-Well... My Arch Foe... The reason why you think I obsessed with you, but I think you obsessed with me! For many years, I attempted to rule over Hell in Iron Fist! But the only man who can stop me and equality match.... Is you! We are destined to be greatest enemy! *slowly lose his pain with grin*
Batman:... Wait, you're my greatest enemy? *in chagrin* Do you think, you're my greatest enemy?
Sir. Pentious: Yes! You're obsessed with me! *retaliate back with grin*
Batman: No, I'm not. *blunt*
Sir. Pentious: Yes, you are.
Batman: No, I'm not.
Sir. Pentious: Yes, you are! *scream at him* Who else drives you to one-up them the way I do?
Batman: Joker. *blunt tone*
Sir. Pentious: What?! Don't talk about the damn clown! *jealous tone* I meant the greatest Overlord you have challenge. *grins*
Batman: Alastor.... He's one of the toughest enemy I fought land a hit and survive. *blunt in scowl*
Alastor: #Ah! I feel flattery, my dear Dark Knight!# *feigned happiness*
Batman: Don't pushed it. *Sour tone*
Sir. Pentious: Not even me?! A future Overlord? *upset*
Batman: You are not a even Overlord. I only fought the Overlord consider pure evils and beyond redemption. Fight a few different people. *blunt honest*
Sir. Pentious: What? *confusion*
Batman: Punished on the Sinners have dark wicked hearts.
Sir. Pentious: Okay, look, I'm fine with you fighting other people if you wanna do that, but what we have is special. So when people ask you "Who's your number one bad guy?" you say... *hopefully smiles*
Everyone except Alastor and Nifty: Joker. *blunt answer*
Sir. Pentious: Are you seriously say that there is nothing, nothing special about our relationship? What you even think about me? Be honest! *demanded in upset tone*
Batman: Okay.... You wanna know I thinks about you? Fine! There is nothing special relationship between us. Because I see you a nuisance failure does not fit as my enemy or villain. The only greatest challenger I fought is the Joker, and greatest battle is the Radio Demon (Alastor: #He kinda have a point!#) And you! Are not worth my time. You are not my rogue! You're just a wannabe trying hard to be Overlord but keep failing alot you unable to defeat me with no success. You are not a villain, you're just a sad little man who doesn't accept his mistakes or run away from his past. You are... Nothing! *cold tone*
After delivered his brutal honesty that struck on Sir. Pentiuous' heart. Hearing his cold-hearted words that hurt Sir. Pentious' feeling and about to made him cry with tears threaten out.
Batman: Okay... Who wants to take him out? I'm not a mood for this. *annoyed tone and removes his foot off his enemy's tail*
Alastor: *dark chuckles* Allows me...
He let out evil laugh, showing his shadow of him transforming part of his full demon form in front of him, as Sir. Pentious didn't noticed and too busy in sadness that Batman hurt his feeling, wasn't his greatest enemy.
Then later on, there was a powerful green explosion in massive causing Pentious was seen flying away off to the city in distance away as he didn't even bother to scream in disappears from sight.
As everything situation in the Hotel has been solved problem, Alfred waste no time to turned off the Hotel's defense system returned back to normal. Before Alastor broke a silence in seconds.
Alastor: #Well! That was interesting entertainment and I very enjoyed of your brutal, Dark Knight. Too bad, you held back.#
Batman: Keep dreaming, Radio Demon. *cold tone in sour*
Alastor: #Whatever, you says Dark Knight. Now, will you excuse me... I need a visit to the tailor! Best of luck, chams!# *were about to leave*
Vaggie: You do that... *pulls out her phone to call someone*
Angel: Who are you calling? *leans bit close to her*
Vaggie: Mi amor's construction team, they've already been renovation the Hotel from the start. I'm going ask them to re- Hey! *glared angrily at Alastor uses shadow tentacles snatched her phone*
Alastor: #No need for that. *crashed the phone with his shadow tentacles* Besides, you need technology if you have me! Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the paper say?# *snaps his finger*
He summons the shadow minions emerging from the ground with construction tools, before he proceed walks away. Which caught Angel takes an interest on the muscular demon.
As he quickly shoved Vaggie away, but luckily catches by Batman landed in his arms.
Vaggie: I hate that guy... *grumbled in crossed her arms*
Batman: I know... But, we have to keep eyes on him as precaution... *firm glare at Alastor in narrow his lenses* Also, I can buy you new W-Phone. *looks at his lover*
Vaggie: *forms gentle loving smiles* Thank you, mi amor... *place a quick kiss his cheek*
Angel: Hey, sweet checks. *flips his hair* What you doing later? I love me a man with a giant ...tool. *flirting muscular shadow demon made him uncomfortable and awkward*
Then zooming back on the screen, Valentino was seen spying and watching of Angel flirting with the shadow demon. That's make him upset and envy.
Valentino: See?! Look, at how he flirts with that guy, and he's not even paying! Who is that? I'm gonna kill his fuc- Wait, why is Batman staring at us? *about to threaten but notices it*
However, he notices Batman was looking something up the air. Suddenly, he swiftly turns and threw his batarang in fast speed moving targets in the air. Everything went static causing Valentino flinched and scared jumped.
Indicate that the batarang managed to land a hit on the VoxTek, not to destroyed it. But, giving them a warning to them.
Valentino: Fuck?! How the fuck he good at it?! And how the hell he knew. where the drone was spying on them?! Vo- *cut*
Vox: THAT'S FUCKER IS BACK!!! *shouted outrage*
(Stayed Gone)
To make his day worse in dismayed, the Wayne Enterprises have generated the backup power, which brought the electricity and lights back to life in the city, except for Vees' Towers.
???: Vox, this PCH! I know you're in there! Come out now! *shouted throughout door*
Which brought Vox tiredly by face planted his face against his desk, too tired for this shit and humiliated by Alastor and Wayne.
After dealing with Gordon and PCH to give him a warning. Vox was seen with his fellow Vees in the meeting room to discuss a matter not only Alastor but also Wayne and possible Batman.
Vox: Fucking Gordon, don't know why that bitch Carmilla like that cop asshole. *mutter angrily* We have a problem. Not only Alastor is getting close to Little Princess Morning Star and Hell's Biggest CEO *scowl* So our main concern now is ensuring that no deal is ever struck between Lucifer's brat and that smiling freak. Not only that, Wayne only collabs business partner with genuine Overlords like Carmilla and Freeze. If he and that smiling bastard joins forces together, it will increases more popularity with his company and Alastor then our business is fucked! *slammed his fist against table*
Velvette: Yeah, that sound bad. Well, how exactly are we supposed to stop it... And man! Wayne really go- Hey! *angrily glared at Vox snatched his phone*
Vox: This is Wayne's shit! You do know that, I fucking hate everything he made, that everyone owned his product should not be in my fucking territory! *screamed at her angry tone*
He angrily threw Velvette's W-Phone smashed into pieces against the wall, before fell on the floor. Much to Velvette annoyance and anger, as Kitty clean it up to throw it away.
Vox: Now... Does, everyone have an idea? *annoyance*
Valentino: Put something inside them. That's how I get the bitches behave. *grin sadistic in suggested while decorate his guns with glitter and marbles*
Vox: Well, maybe someone on the inside isn't such a bad idea. Do you think Angel would? *question him admits good idea*
Valentino: That lanky prick won't return my calls. *sour in annoyance* I have an idea... What if we could hired like supervillain to do our dirty secret? Like the Jok- *grins in suggestion*
Before he could brought up his idea, but cut off by Vox slammed his hands against the table as he turns and glared furious at his colleague, bringing that 'man' is out of question and consider to be dangerous.
Vox: Fuck no! Absolutely not! Bringing that clown was considering to be a risk and jeopardy our plans! We can't negotiate with him that we have no control of him would led Bat-freaks to us! Bringing that clown was out of the question! *rebuke him much to Valentino's grumbles* We actually need someone who Little Miss Bleeding Heart would take in. *stood up his chair and walks around*
Velvette: Not gonna lied, he's kinda right. *begrudgingly agreed* Someone pathetic, desperate, with no direct ties to us?
Valentino: I employ every down on their luck loser this side of Hell. Since supervillains are out of the questions. Who the fuck is left?
Vox: Ha! *scoff* I think I have just the one.
He slowly turns, facing his fellow Vees with the sinister smiles and left-eye gleaming in hypnotic. As his techno-sharks swims behind him over his shoulders in the tanks.
Back at the Hotel
(Y/N): You don't know, how Pentious escaped from prison and now... He's gone? *disguising his Batman's voice deeper*
Meanwhile, we're see (Y/N) hands on the road in his car Mercedes he owned and on his way go home to the Hotel. As he was talking to Commissioner Gordon on com-links.
Jim: {Yeah, we were on our way to take that son of bitch, where he belong. When the time get here, we're already too late. We don't know where he go.}
(Y/N): Hmmm... Call me, if you find everything. *hangs the calls* That's strange... Pentious usually break free from prison with the helps of his minions... I should investigate Blackgate later... *serious tone*
Arriving at his destination, before parked in the Hotel's garage of cars collections. As he stepped out and went back to the living room of the Hotel to greet everyone and also the wall has been fixed up thanks to Alastor's shadow demons.
(Y/N): I'm home... Did you guys found some recrui- Whoa! *off-guard by Charlie embrace him not to fall lose his footing* Charlie? Is everything alright? *concern tone*
Charlie: (Y/N)-(Y/N) hugs me... *whimpering like childish tone in tired*
Alfred: Welcome back, Master (Y/N). How was your day? *greeted his master*
(Y/N): Doing alright, been good. How's your? *removing his blazar carefully not to break off Charlie's embrace before handed to Alfred and hug Charlie*
Vaggie: Not great, Mi armor... Not a single recruit. *frown*
(Y/N): *released heavy sigh* Great.... I knew this isn't going be so easy. *rubs his eyes before continue hugging her*
Angel: Yeah. Well, who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting. *sarcastic and playing his phone*
(Y/N): Angel, please do not ji- *cut*
Before he could finish his sentences, but cut off when they're heard the sound of knocking on their doors in attention. (Y/N) and Vaggie nodded each other, before he handed Charlie to her.
As he walked over to the doors in cautious and be on guard when his hand reached the knob then slowly open it. When he opened it, he wasn't expecting who is their guest is standing in front of him. Pentious with polite smiles.
Sir. Pentious: Why, hello, Mr. Way- *cut*
He didn't get to finished, as (Y/N) threw a sucker punch on his face in powerful enough to sent him flying away in far meters away and then landed in sliding the floor. Pentious slowly raised his head before spit out his broken few teeth from his mouth.
Sir. Pentious: Ow... *moan in pain* How is one of CEO of Hell's company punched so hard? What is he made off? *let out yelped when his body forcibly flip in rolls* Don't hurt me!
(Y/N): Talk! Why are you here? *interrogate him and hold his shirt*
Vaggie: Mi amor who it... *approach her lover before spotted Pentious then pulled out her spear* Why is he here?!
Sir. Pentious: Don't hurt me! I come in here! *held his hands in surround*
(Y/N): What?
Charlie: (Y/N)-(Y/N), Vaggie, what's the problem? *pops her head out before notices Pentious* Oh, hello again. *greeted him with friendly smiles*
Sir. Pentious: I didn't come looking for a fight. I uhhh... *tries thinking* I heard that you're helping people. People wants to be better? *awkward smiles before let out yelp as (Y/N) drop him*
Charlie: *gasps* Really? *excited and happy tone*
(Y/N): Hang on, first you escaped prison from the Blackgate, second you came attacked our home like hours ago and now you decided to come here have change of heart? What gives? *furrowed eyebrow in skeptical*
Sir. Pentious: Eh! Well.... Actually I came here because of Batman. He's the reason why I should give up my villainous way and made me realize that I wasted my life to conquer Hell for nothing. And so... I wanna do better! *grins his reasons*
(Y/N): Hmm... Okay. *in wary skeptical*
Charlie: *Squeal* I knew he would do it! *rushes to Pentious* Welcome to our home of healing. Our resort of restoration. Our... *about take him to doorway with beaming smiles*
Angel: Are you fucking nuts? *cut her* This chump is part of the bats' supervillains was trying to kill us, like, literally 6 hours ago. *reminded her* And now you want to bring him in here to live with us? *skeptical in wary retorted protest*
Charlie: Absolutely! This place is about second chances. This is what (Y/N)'s mother wanted of Sinner can be redeem themselves. And who deserves one more than this... slithery... slippery... special little man. *happily elbow him as Pentious beam*
Angel: Okay! Sure... how you supposed to convince the commission? Also, aren't you the co-owner of hotel as we- *cut gesture (Y/N)*
(Y/N): I believe him. *blunt*
Angel: What?! *outburst in dismayed*
(Y/N): Charlie's right. Not only bring my mother's dream and legacy to life, but everyone deserves the second chance. No matter how hard for the society reject them and treated them like outcast, but I believe he can work hard and accepts his past and mistakes part of him what is meant to be human. *smiles softly pat on his shoulder as Charlie and Pentious beamed*
Angel: *heavy sigh* Okay, just great... I thought the Wayne were the smart one but he officially lost his mind. *annoyed tone before face Vaggie* And you. Aren't you're supposed to protect this place?
Before she could respond to him in turns, but Charlie gaves her puppy eyes look that no one can resists. (Y/N) let out chuckles with hands on his hips, that no one can resist her puppy eyes.
(Y/N): You know, you can't resist her puppy eyes, love.
Vaggie: *Sigh* I... guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine, *made Pentious' hood flare up in happiness* or even with the war machine. *deadpanned Pentious' flare down in depressed*
Making Charlie squealed in happiness as she zoomed in fast speed no one react in time, even (Y/N) gave them biggest hug in thank you repeatedly. Before went to Pentious' side.
Charlie: Sir. Pentious! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! *announcement in beam before walk doorway*
Sir Pentious: Oh no darling! Thank you! You won't regret this. *follow her doorway*
Angel: Eh, I give you a week, tops. *annoyed tone*
As Angel follow them in the Hotel, however he not only one wary on Pentious. But (Y/N) also suspicious as well. He glad someone finally changed their joins and joins the Hotel. He get the feeling, something is not right... It bit strange Pentious sudden change of heart like hours ago.
He narrows his eyes in suspicious and feel his guts can tell him, something he is hiding something. He waste no time to follow them as Charlie giving Pentious tour of Hotel.
Charlie: So... This is the bar and the bartender. *introduce Husk in close* This is the curtain. *raised her arms up to curtain* And this is the new wall after you broke the last one, heh. *point to wall he destroyed* Oh! And this *were about to tour him but pull away by her two lovers*
(Y/N): Char as much I love enthusiasm and you excited to having our first guest, and I'm excited as well. But, you don't have to show him every detail. *small smiles*
Charlie: Sorry! I'm just so excited to have our first real guest! Your mom would be proud of this! *blushed in embarrass with happy smiles*
Angel: Uh, what the hell I am then? *upset and annoyed made Charlie flinched*
(Y/N): *sigh* Looks, Angel. You're been staying Hotel as the guest almost like a month, but no offence. You never did good everything in your life or improve yourself since the turf war incident, that you ruined our reputation in bad images. *blunt tone annoyance*
Vaggie: He's kinda have a point, you know. That you constantly make us look bad, embarrassed us in the failed News Interview, sexually harass the stuff like Husk and Wayne's employees and have literally never once tried to improve? *criticizing in blunt harsh tone*
(Y/N): We're wanted the Sinners choose their own choices to join, and genuinely believed our mission and our job is to take of the Sinners to heal themselves so they can changed. Not some random Sinners only live free rent. The board keeps pestering me to shut down project, so I tell them to "fuck off". Remind them who in charge. *blunt honesty*
Alfred: Language, please sir. *dry tone*
Charlie: What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once. *awkward smiles tried not to make upset him*
As three lover proceeds continue to give tour for Pentious, unaware of Angel looks downtrodden in upset about (Y/N) and Vaggie's blunt comments and Charlie's unintentional dismissal him.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, making Angel let out flinched abit before turns behind him see Alfred with gentle smiles.
Alfred: Don't take it so hard and let their words effect you... You may be irresponsibility, but you still part of the family knowing they're care for you. *smiles softly at him*
Angel: *hearing this made Angel feels better* Thanks, Alfred. *smiles*
Charlie: Over here we have our maid Niffty who helps out Alfred alot. *introduces to Niffty plays with Fang and Keekee*
Niffty: *gasps notices Pentious* The bad boy is back. *jump on him closer to his face* Never leave me again. *panting in creepily stares at him*
Alfred: Now, now, now, now, Niffty. *grabs Niffty and pull her away Pentious in his arms* What do we're talk about? *remind her like stern father*
Niffty: Never scared the guests away, especially men. *whines like sad child*
Alfred: *chuckles* It's alright, after that how about I make your favourite. *made Niffty let out smiles in happy before turns Pentious* Sorry about, Niffty. She may be a bit gremlin, but she is 100% harmless and good girl. *apologizes for Niffty*
Sir. Pentious: It's alright... And you are? *losing his awkward turns composure*
Charlie: This is Alfred! Alfred this is Pentious. Pentious this is Alfred. He has been served (Y/N)'s family for long time and now he serving with us in Hotel because he is the best butler you ever ask can almost do anything! You gonna love him! *introduce Alfred with enthusiasm smile*
Alfred: Pleasure to meet you, Sir. Pentious. *bow down his head in polite*
Sir. Pentious: Ah! Fellow British too! *joy with smiles* Questions, does it have any types of teas? *questions him*
Alfred: Why, yes, of course. Especially the British one, my favourite. I shall fetch everyone's usual drinks. *walks away with Niffty went to make everyone's drink*
Sir. Pentious:.... I like that one. *Smiles liken Alfred*
Charlie: Of course, you do! Everyone love Alfred! And over here we have... *about to tour but off guarded Alastor out of nowhere* Oh, uh, Alastor, our gracious Facility Manager! You've met our newest guest Sir Pentious...hehe.. *introduce him with nervous smiles with awkwardness*
(Y/N): More like acquaintance in business , not friend. *blunt in wary with arms crossed*
Alastor: #Ah yes! You're the one got brutality tortures by the Dark Knight's brute strength. Thank you for making unforgettable memory.# *sinister tone with grins*
It made everyone tensed up except (Y/N) can feel the entire room in cold atmosphere, can make them feel sudden chills in their spines. As (Y/N) put the end intense of Alastor's sinister aura.
(Y/N): Okay, that's enough for that. At least, he didn't made you mad, right? *in firm tone held his hands in between them* He obviously for the redemption.
Alastor:.... #Fair enough! *see he got a point* Would, you imagine if he tear my coat off? I would be angry! Ahahaha!# *laughing as his sinister aura disperse in walk away*
Making the occupants let out sigh in relief, as Charlie smiles lovingly at her love leaned over his shoulder closer.
Charlie: You still always known to save the girl and sometimes show off. *smiles at him*
(Y/N): What I says? I been worse alot without my back broken. *playful smirk in jokes earn her giggles before she place kissed on his cheek*
After giving Pentious in a tour of the Hotel and convincing with Commissioner Gordon, he didn't like it as he relucent agreed and allowed Pentious stay in hotel, if he return his villain activity, he'll be sent back in Blackgate.
And now we're seen everyone are gathering in the interior as (Y/N) and Charlie giving announcement of activity. While Fang and KeeKee was seen resting on handrail of top floor.
Charlie: Now! With a new resident, I think it's important we all get to know each other! So we are going to play a little game. Everyone, follow me. My name is Charlie. *claps her hands* I like to sing. *clap her hands* And when we get to know each other, it's greatest thing. *claps her hands in enthusiasm*
(Y/N): Hmm... sound funs, I'll give it try. My name is (Y/N). *claps his hands* I like to do business with my family's company. *claps his hands* And I love to spend time with lovely women that I love. *claps his hands in between his two lovers*
Making his two lovers blushed with a smiles and felt touch his genuine words knowing that, he love them both equality, before giving a double kiss on his cheeks. Much to everyone's amusement, except Angel in annoyance.
(Y/N): Hmm, this is fun. Now, it's your turn, Pentious. *Smiles at Pentious in claps hands**
Sir. Pentious: My name's Sir Pentious *claps his hands* I like to build *claps his hands* and despite my stupid Egg Bois, I think I'm very skilled! *claps his hands before gesture Angel as Charlie and (Y/N) followed him*
Angel:... This is stupid. *blunt*
Charlie: This is not stupid! *claps her hands* It's just a game! *claps hands* Sir Pentious did it well so now please try to do the same! *claps her hands*
Angel:... I'm too sober for this. *irritated and rubs his eyes with finger and thumb*
(Y/N): Just do it and get on with it. *claps his hands*
Vaggie: Well, get used to it and learn how to play, this is going to be your whole day. *wave her arms over her then claps much to Angel's annoyance*
After the clapping hands game, we're seen (Y/N) looks clearly uncomfortable in cringes sitting in between with his lovers while others watching are role-playing.
As Angel dressing up in the trench coat as the bad man and Pentious dressing up in some sailor suit and licking his lollipop innocent.
Angel: "Oh I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs. Now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?" *in bored read the script* Wow. Who wrote this? *in sarcastic*
Charlie: It's great right? Keep going! *encourage them with smiles*
(Y/N): This isn't working. *mutter and rubs his eyes*
Angel: *sigh* "Hey you." *calls out Pentious*
Sir. Pentious: "Who, me?" *forming adorable expression*
Angel: "Yeah, you look like a kid would use some devil's dandruff." *squint his eyes at the script* Oh, for fuck's sake. *cursed out in annoyance*
Alfred: Language. *Stern tone*
Sir Pentious: "Not me! I have to go home and study!" *refuses in innocent*
Angel: "Come on kid, it'll make you cool like me ...the crackhead." *annoyed tone*
Sir Pentious: "The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!" *declared in flamboyantly*
Charlie: *stands up and claps* Yes! Oh, bravo, bravo! *praise him* Wow, Pentiouis- *cut*
(Y/N): Char... *get her attentions in stood up* Can I talk to you in minutes?
It brought confuse to Charlie as she reluctantly agreed talk to him, before move to the hallway in privacy.
Charlie: What wrong, (Y/N)-(Y/N)? Something wrong? *ask in clearly worried*
(Y/N): No, it just... Char... I'm sorry to say... I don't think role-playing can helps... I don't mean to offend you as much I love you... Look you still clearly new for this how to make people change. *honesty*
Charlie: But, (Y/N)... I know... I been trying my hardest to carry your mother what she wanted. For both of us...
(Y/N): I know... And I know you excited we have a guest, but... Our is take care of the guests not neglect them. Like Angel been all through... Everyone been all through hard time in Hell. *made her silent* Charlie... What did you see Angel? *sorrow expression*
Charlie: What? What you means? Angel all fine... He doesn't mi- *cut*
(Y/N): No... What I meant is... Truly see behind his eyes and feel his heart? Like behind the mask I was...
Charlie: "Behind the mask you was" *murmur in deep thought for a bit then realizes* I see... Was sadness, anguish, pain, suffering... Broken like you... I can feel small trace of humanity he still have in his heart... *somber in realization*
(Y/N): *chuckles* Guess, you finally noticed but yeah... Sinners may have lost their hearts or souls, but they're still have their feelings of their former lives. Even Angel. I should have realized that our words hurt him and brought attention on Pentious made him feels left out. *Somberly tone*
Charlie: Oh! (Y/N)-(Y/N), I mean to! I was actually happy and excited we finally have our first guest willing to joins the Hotel! I didn't mean to hur- *cut in guilty tone*
(Y/N): Hey, hey, hey, it's alright. *hush her comfort* It's not our fault, we're didn't know what going happened... You still new for this to make people change in redemption... I told you, we're a team together. Not just me and you. Even Alfred and Vaggie is part of it, we don't have to do it alone. *cupped her cheeks*
Charlie: Oh, (Y/N)-(Y/N). *embraces her lover as he hugs back* I don't know what to do without you... I still bad for Angel, that I didn't know how much it hurt on him... I feel stupid... *guilty tone*
(Y/N): I know... We're all stupid sometimes... *admits with guilt before separate hug* I think we're should apologizes Angel for tomorrow he's probably go to bed, and call it out for a night. We have enough activity *suggestion*
Charlie: Okay... But, aren't you going to crime-fighting at night? *frown*
(Y/N): *chuckles* Not today. *place gentle kiss her forehead* I'll meets you and Vaggie at the bed. Okay.
Charlie: Okay.... *nodded her head convinced his words* I see you at bed, (Y/N)-(Y/N).
She forms the last smiles at her lover before head back to sleep in their room, leaving (Y/N) alone as he let out chuckles and always love to see her smiles and happy personality.
???: You two always made the perfect match during childhood to adulthoods, when will you and Madame Charlotte makes the next generation of the Wayne family and Morningstar *British accent dry tone*
(Y/N): *groans in annoyance and tired* Not this again. *turns facing his butler/guardian emerging in shadow's hallway* Alfred We're talk about this... I'm not sure me and Charlie are ready for this. *pinch bridge of his nose*
Alfred: Yes, yes, yes, yes, I know, sir. You doesn't feel ready have some children, Master (Y/N). *dry tone* Also I tell everyone go back to beds and the night is off. Also... *pulls out something in his blazer* I got some intel about our new guest. *handed to his master*
(Y/N): We're already known about him. Why is he here? *accepted the files and reading*
Alfred: Yes, sir. I already believe why he have sudden changes of heart to joins your and Madame Charlotte's Hotel as the guests. Everything he did with Madame Charlotte's activity seems to be genuinely well and willing to do. But something feels... *in wary*
(Y/N): Wrong. Wrong about him. He may caught everyone gains everyone's trust genuinely believe he have change of heart. But, not us. It's the ploy. *face his butler* Have you contact with Leslie?
Alfred: Yes, sir. But I must regret to informs you she would love to help but she have full in her hands. *inform him*
(Y/N): I see... Leslie got bigger hands than us, it's her responsibility to helps Sinners who needs. I know why it connected how he never get caught by Gordon. *grim tone*
Alfred: But, sir... if Sir. Pentious is truly not here for the rehabiliation in sudden change of heart. Do you truly believe he can be change. *sympathy tone*
(Y/N): Yes. I know he's a good man, but... He needs to accept his mistakes or else his past will be.... *slammed the files* forever its' prisoner. . *sympathy tone*
Something going to tell us... Things going changed forever....
At somewhere Unknown Time
Woman's voice: I'm sorry sweetie... I almost forgot you have phobia... How about this... We can watch your favourite movie to make it up... *regret to kind voice*
Young boy's voice: Yes... I like that....
Mugger's voice: Give me your money and your pearls now! *threaten voice*
Young boy's voice: Mommy! No! *screamed in anxiety and worried*
Woman's voice: I-I-It's alright... Sweetie... It's going be alright... Sweetie... Don't be afraid, (Y/N)... Don't be afraid.... (Y/N)... *voice went silent in limp*
Young (Y/N): *whimper in tears*... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! *screaming in anguish and despaired*
(Dream ended)
Seeing his nightmare again causes (Y/N) let out silently gasped before sit up from his bed. He breathing heavily for a bit then slowly breath in and out to calm him down, hopefully he doesn't wake up his lovers sleeping between in bed. Well... At least one noticed.
Charlie: (Y/N)-(Y/N)? *gets his attentions* Are you alright? *in worried tone*
(Y/N): Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine... I'm going get some water. *lied tried carefully move not to wake Vaggie up*
Charlie: You want me come with you? *offer in suggestion*
(Y/N): No, no, no. *shook his head* It won't be long... I'll be back... *wearing his robe before leave their room*
Seeing her lover left the room, Charlie was actually worried for (Y/N), she knew he can take care of himself. But... She knew the death of his mother always haunt him...
At Angel
Angel failed get to sleep, when he heard all of the voicemails from his boss Valentino tried friendly him or threaten him to come back, until one of it caught his spine shivering.
After losing the voice messages, Angel decided to get some drink when he left his room. Before he could reach arrived, but off guard in surprised seeing (Y/N) was standing in front of him and gazing at the woman on wall.
As the latter finally noticed him, before turns attention at him and in same situation with him.
(Y/N): Hey, couldn't sleep? *guessed*
Angel: Yeah... You? *walks up to him*
(Y/N): Yeah... Some old nightmare and see someone I known about, make me calm down. *returns at the pointing*
Angel: *joins his side* So... That's your ma. The Princess' idol and hero. *guessing the painting*
(Y/N): *snort with chuckles* Yeah, she is. My mom is the best mom you can ever asks for... She is strong and powerful some of them fear her with her great terrifying power and other loves and respect for her caring and gentle. Even me and Charlie... After her death... Everyone still visit her statue to give her flowers... Including Charlie. And... I hasn't visit it... *sorrow*
Angel: *Sharing his genuine sympathy* I feel ya... I know you missed your ma... If she be alive, she be proud of you and the princess... *with genuine tone before heavy sigh* I just ma wouldn't see me like this how I end up, knowing it would hurt her heart can't handle... *sadness tone*
(Y/N):.... *stares at him in sympathy* Want some drinks? *in offering*
Then later on, we're see Angel is waiting patiently for (Y/N) in the Bars room as the Head of the Wayne arriving at the counter and holding the wine bottle in his hands.
(Y/N): Alright, here it is. The wine was dated at 1870 where your respective country from. It Italian made. *pops the bottle opens* I hope you like it. *pour on his glass and him as well*
Angel: Thanks. *accepted glass of wine before chank his then down with wine* Holy shit! This is really good!
(Y/N): *chuckles* Yeah, my family has been really have fascinated of humans worlds. They're being good friends with many historical important figures. They been collecting of humans' tools and objects. It may be junks, but it can useful for everyone and the Sinners of their respective era liken that my family's company made for them. *smiles explains*
Angel: *chuckles* You sir... Are my good man. I always I've liked you when I first enter the Hotel. *smirk*
(Y/N): *chuckles* Yeah... *sigh as his smiles drop* Looks, Angel... I know Charlie's method of rehabilitation are not the brightest can be sometimes childish and has no expression how to do it, that's why I'm here... To help Charlie and you as well.
Angel: *Scoff* Well, tell that you only cared for your "golden child" like the Sir. Pentious seems like he so perfect and can easily redeem himself to heaven. *Sour tone*
(Y/N): Angel... Sir. Pentious is not perfect. Either you. Even me... The reasons why my mother wanted to created the Rehabilitation for the Sinners not only end Extermination Days, but to save those poor souls there still broken inside of you... Even me... *Admits*
Angel: ?! You think I'm broken?! There is nothing broken on me! Rich or Noble guy like you or the Princess or powerful families in Hell love to looking down on us and see us suffering in torment for eternity! I shouldn't have leave! *angrily snaps at him*
(Y/N):... Then, why you didn't you leave? *sips wine*
Angel: What...? *his angry changes into confusion*
(Y/N): Angel... I know you are irresponsibility and crack-addict thinking you never changed... But, there is good inside of you. Charlie see it as well. She have faith on you, even me.
Angel: No way! You not joking, are you? *suspicious on him*
(Y/N): I'm not. Many peoples of Hell have taken seriously and inspired by my family, including Charlie she can take very seriously. She may be naive but she can be smart and senses them if they don't want to redeem themselves have no hearts or goodness inside of them, she'll gladly kicked them. The reason you didn't leave or Charlie kick you out, there still goodness inside of you... You don't want to be alone again... Showing Charlie still care for you, I care about you as well. I know one day, you can truly redeem yourself one day... So you can see your love ones again... *aspiring speech with smiles*
Angel: Wow.... You really good speech when on Camera... Thanks... *Smirk at him in awe and touches his words*
(Y/N): *soft chuckles* Yeah, I really do. *Smirks back*
Angel: Yeah... Hey, (Y/N)... Do you possible thinks time travel is possible? Not saying it crazy or something... If you have time travel to fix your mistakes... Do you think...
(Y/N): Angel.... I know you truly missed your love ones as well, I too miss my mother as well. These scars we have... make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them of our failure and mistakes. I know there is still goodness inside of you. And there's nothing broken with you that needs to be fixed. Take it from the rich guy who's made a lot of mistakes. Don't live your past. Live your past. Don't let tragedy define you. You not alone. You have us. *somberly looks at him*
It brought awe to Angel stared at him for a bit, before looking down at his glass of wine. And knowing he is right, time travel can cause butterfly effect he can't change the past of his mistake that sent him in hell.
He wanted to see... his mother and... sister again, believing he is not a good man anymore, but those guys... They never stop believing in him showing they're trust him that they care for him.
Angel: (Y/N)... Do you think... *turns his head at him*
Before he could turns at him, suddenly he was off-guard seeing (Y/N) vanished without any sight in his eyes anymore. That causes Angel looks surprised.
Angel: How the hell did he do that?! *exclaimed*
???: Damn it! *cursed*
Suddenly he heard the voice that made him flinched and caught attention. Follow where voice coming from, directly at (Y/N)'s office. Takes a peek inside, and discover Pentious is on computer.
Sir. Pentious: How hard to work on the modern technology?! *frustrated on computer* Now... Who is very important to Mr. Wayne? The Princess and the Moth? *types in password* Yes! I'm in! Now... Access denied?! Who the hell need eye scanner for this?! *gleeful turns mad*
It made Angel realized that Pentious was never here for the redemption. and knew something was fishy around. He was a Vees. He angrily opened the door get his attention to him.
Angel: You slippery little shit! *causing Pentious scream* I knew *cut*
Before he could finished his sentences, suddenly someone jumped out from the vent in air duct as hiding spot as he landed on the ground with his feet. Revealing it Batman with menacing aura.
Angel: Bats?! What the hell you doing here?! *exclaimed him here*
Batman: I got a call from close friends of mine, a snake like you could deceive everyone not you. Not only that, he attempted to hacking Wayne Enterprise's data in transfer someone. *glared at Pentious*
Sir Pentious: What?! That absurd! Mr Wayne is my best friend! *lied hoping save his skin*
Angel: Wait... Hang on, what this? *eyes notice something between the book realizes it a camera* You were working with the Vees?!
Batman: You still hasn't learned your lesson, haven't you?! *angrily in disappointed at Pentious*
Pentious realized he has been exposed by them, and knowing he can't beat him of their strength differences. He attempted to run away, but Batman fast enough activated his grapple gun to popped out from his gauntlet before fired the claw at him, but Pentious quickly ducked out.
Sir. Pentious: Ha! You missed! *taunt him*
Batman: I'm wasn't aiming at you. *cold tone*
He reels his arm out holding a grapple, making Pentious confused for a bit before he could realize... Failed to noticed that the table heading straight toward at him by Batman using all his strength, as Pentious unable to react in them that the table knocked him to the floor.
Pentious attempted to crawl away, but Batman pulled out his remote claw and launched out the claws on his back forcibly pull him away in attaches together on the pillar around human's height. Struggling to free from the claw around him so he wouldn't escape. Both of them are getting closer to him.
Sir. Pentious: No, no, no, no stay back! *hood flare up using his hypnotising power*
He uses his hypnotising power on them in eyes contact, as Angel unlucky fell effect by his ability, except Batman unfazed to fall effect by his hypnotising, thanks to his lenses protecting him.
Batman: Really? You do realize it won't work on me. *in irritated with deadpanned*
He raised his arm up and pull back his fist before throwing a powerful punch knocked on Pentious' face in hard enough, allowing Angel snaps out of hypnosis in daze and joins with Batman.
Right now, it woke Charlie and Vaggie up, are walking in and entering through the office as Charlie let out yawned.
Charlie: What's going on? And... Batman what you doing here? *surprised see her lover in his suit and office*
Vaggie: What going on?
Batman: Your highness, Miss Vagatha, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep. Your good friend Pentious over here... *glared in eyes of disappointment at Pentious*
Angel: This little bitch is a traitor! *accuse him*
Sir Pentious: Preposterous! I would betray you. You... You are my best friends! *denied this in fake innocent smiles facade in lied*
Angel: Uh huh, then explain this! *sarcastic*
He lifts up one of the book to reveal a hidden camera that Pentious placed, much to Charlie's shock, they wasn't done yet.
Batman: Not only that, Pentious attempted to hack on Wayne Enterprises' funding, datas, projects and researches transfer to VoxTek to make it bankrupt. *reveal*
Charlie once again gasped in shocked, as Pentious open wide and paled realized his cover has blown. He struggled to escape the robe restrained on him, before calls on his wrist watch
Sir Pentious: Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S! Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation! *calls wrist watch in communication*
Vox: {*pick up communication* Pentious? Wait... you were caught?!? It hasn't even been, a day! *taunting him* Also did you transfer all Wayne's shits to me?}
Sir Pentious: No... Unfortunately Batman caught me. *much to Vox's dismayed* Please! You've got to get me out of here! *pleaded in begging*
Vox: {I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple! I thought I can finally that shitty Wayne for good! Do us a favour, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself! You MISERABLE FAILURE! *screamed in furious before hang*}
Sir Pentious: I... I... Batman... *looks at Batman in tearfully* Just make it quick, I guess... *removed wrist watch* Not that I deserved it. *somber tone accepting his fate*
Batman:... Very well... *pull out his batarang unfolded*
Charlie: Batman... *in concerned*
Batman: *looks at her* Trust me... *assured her*
He returns face back at him before walking close at him, as Pentious shut his eyes in look away his head and ready to accept his fate from the Dark Knight.
Suddenly he doesn't feel anything harm on his body, confuse before slowly opens his eyes and looked surprise, see the ropes tied around on him has been cut off loose freeing him.
Batman: There... Everything is done now... *put away his batarang in his belt*
Sir. Pentious: Why... Why... Why didn't you killed me?! *demanded with tear*
Batman: Because.... If I take away your life... Its make me no difference what Heaven want us to see... A Killer... Like Sinners committed their crimes, but they aren't meant to be... I don't kill people, like you... You are a good man... Edward... *Soft tone*
Angel: Edward? *raised eyebrow*
Sir. Pentious: ?! How did you know my original name? *in shocked*
Batman: Sir Edward, you have been knighted by Queen Victoria and born in 18XX and dies in 1888, a great and brilliant inventor until everything change the biggest mistake before too late to fix it. Pentious... You were not born as villain.. But you were born as a father... There is still chance for you change that your family been waiting for you... *soft tone*
Sir. Pentious: Born as a father?! That is the most ridiculous I never heard! Why were you so stubborn and naive, I des- *angrily rant*
Before he could finished his ranted, however, something has struck in his head by rediscover his lost memory before his death. Something was important for him stolen away.
His memories flashes out not show his suffering and miserable of his former lives on Earth, but a happy memories he hold dear important for him. Showing Edward before he became Pentious, spending time happiness with the children indicate his son and daughter.
After seeing the memories ended in his mind, Pentious let out tears spread out his eyes. Indicating his heart shown he have regain back of his humanity.
Pentious: I... I... I have son and daughter... My lovely children... *drop down on floor* I am disgrace! I'm no father! *weeping in tearfully on floor*
Batman: Pentious that not true... I know you failed yourself, but you still hasn't fail as the father... There is still chance your children waiting for you in Heavens... In redemption, to finally make it to them... As family... *Soft tone compassion*
He glanced at his lover, Charlie signal what to do as the latter get it and know to do by nodding her head. Before extend her hand at Pentious.
(Replace Vaggie and Angel's word: "Can we're just beat him?" And added the scene of Pentiou's memory of scheming against Batman and Dark Knight keep beating his face)
After Niffty angrily kicked and stormed off declared no longer liken on Pentious. Batman approached him as the latter let out flinched.
Sir. Pentious: Batman... I... *wasn't expecting for handshake*
Batman: I knew there is still goodness inside of you. The reasons why I don't kill Sinners make me no different then others and angels... I bring Justice on them... And... Heal them to reclaims what is rightfully their. Of their humanity again... You think, it's too late fix your mistakes before your death, but it's not. You still have time, you can finally fix it and accepts your past that you can finally see your children again. You not meant to be as villain, you were meant to be as father. You earned it. *genuine smiles*
Sir. Pentious: B-Batman... I don't know what to say... *sobs in emotional between* Thank you! *latches embraces Batman*
Batman: *bit surprised slowly forms small smiles* Anytime... *pat his back*
While the others are watching, Charlie moved with tears and beamed with happiness they finally reached Pentious' heart to stay in Hotel, Vaggie smiles as well and Angel looks perplexed.
Angel: Holy shit... Did Batman just smiled? *get elbowed from Vaggie* Ow!
Batman: *let go from Pentious' hug* Pentious... I just want to ask... How did you possible escape from Blackgate? Did you get help from your minions? *question him*
Sir. Pentious: No... But, someone else did. They're told me if I want my revenge, they want me kill the Batman. *answer him*
Batman: What? Did you know who they are? *in but stunned and ask him*
Sir Pentiou: Not really... But I do remember, one of them have tattoo on his neck. It was like designed of Ace of Spade. And he was the Imp *reminisce the memory*
Batman: Tattao with like Ace of Spade on his neck and an Imp. *mutter before face him* I go talk to Gordon about this, later. Right now, you need some rest. *professional stoic expression*
Charlie: Will do, Batman. *nodded her head* Good first day! Let's get some rest!
As everyone turns and walk out of office, before Charlie could leave however felt her arm being grabbed stop her from leaving. Making her turns see Batman was holding it.
Batman: I proud of you. *genuine smiles*
Charlie: About what? *bit confusion*
Batman: About you finally reaching Pentious' heart what is meant to be human again... No matter how everyone tell us to give up or Heaven doesn't believe the Sinners can change the way they are... Never give up, because I believe in you... You have to believe yourself... Together we can bring hope. *smiles at her*
Charlie: OH (Y/N)-(Y/N)! *smiles can't help with tears*
No one bother to see them here since they're returned back to their rooms, Charlie placed her hands over her lover's neck. As they lean in sharing their kiss on the lips.
Symbolising of their loves and bond showing how much they're trust each other and always support each other as well. Before they moved back to separate their kiss.
Charlie: Still good kisser as well. *smiling in teasing him with lovely gaze on him*
Batman: You too... *Smiles back*
Charlie: So... Ready head back to bed with your beautiful two ladies in your eyes~ *flirting with him*
Batman: *chuckles* I will... First I got to do something in the Cave... I'll be with you in minutes... *promises her*
Charlie: Alright... Don't talk too long... *soft smiles*
She let go of her lover and turns before walk out of the office went back to their room to sleep. Leaving Batman alone as he picked it up the wristwatch from floor to call Vox.
Vox: What?! *shouted annoyance and face went paled seeing who picked it up* Y-Y-You?! What the hell you doing here?! *demanded with hint of fear*
Batman: Vox... Whatever you and the Vees trying to do... This Hotel is under my protection, and I will stop you. *cold tone*
Vox: What?! You think you can threaten me?! *glared angrily at him*
Batman: No.... That's a promise. *cold tone*
He crushed the wristwatch in his bare hand making Vox let out screamed in terrify, before drop it to the ground and then stomp it break more.
Batman: Even, I can't take you to PCH or revoked your status of Overlord but... I can still hurt you... And... I won't let you hurt my family... *cold tone*
Seeing everyone no longer in office, cost is clear. Batman pulled down his cowl revealing his true face in his office freely, before went back to Batcave in the grandfather clock.
However, he was unaware or senses of the familiar presence someone was hiding in the shadow of the hallway by the familiar malevolent smiles and red eyes glowing.
Alastor: #Well, well, well. What do we have here? Mr. Wayne and Dark Knight are truly the same person, it's no wonder how he get his expensive toys from. *dark chuckles* Don't worry, Mr. Wayne I'll keep your secret. Afterall... Who wouldn't spoiled fun without you... I'll be waiting until you let the beast out... #*sinister tone*
He let out small cackle then turn into full blown of laughter in burst out full of dread and sinister, before retreats back in the darkness again.
Alastor: #Happy Halloween#
End of chapter 2
Next Chapter: Bat and the Imps
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