Part 7
Batman's face turned questionable and said "I'm not sure, but it might be part of their plan to take us out," "That's why Joker said one down meaning her and the other two meaning us Batman, there taking us out one by one" Robin said as he held onto Batgirl who was dazed from getting up to quickly "I think the reason she hit Batgirl was because she knew we would dodge her mallet." Batgirl straightened up, turned to Batman and said "But she knew that I wouldn't have time to dodge it." As they talked the Batphone glowed red and blared a ear piercing ring. Batgirl bent down in pain covering her ears from the sound while Robin held on to her shoulders saying "It's ok, calm down" Batman quickly walked over to the phone, it was Commissioner Gordon. "The Joker and Harley Quinn are at the Gotham City National Museum." "Thanks Commissioner we'll be there." He hung up the phone, "It's them." "Gotham City National Museum." "Batgirl, are you sure you're ok to fight?" He asked walking over. As she shook the remaining "cobwebs" out, she showed the Caped Crusaders she was well enough by performing several jumps from rock to rock till she was high above them in the cave. From her perch she boldly and proudly asked back. "What do you think!?" As Robin covered his mouth trying not to laugh too hard, Batman simply stated in true Dark Knight fashion "Show off."
Batgirl dropped down from her perch to the floor in a perfect position, walked over to her motorcycle and revved the engine "you coming?" she said as the dynamic duo did the same. They raced down the streets of Gotham as raindrops hit the ground. When they made it to the museum they quietly and stealthy made their way to the side of the building, pulled out their bat ropes and climbed up the wall. Batman and Robin were the first to get to the roof while Batgirl carefully trailing behind as the rain came down quicker making it hard to get a grip on the ropes. Batman walked over to the sky light next to them, sure enough the Joker and Harley were there with two guards tied up to two large columns with their mouths duct taped shut as they muffled for help. Two of Joker's goons stood in front of them growling and Harley looked at them crazy "Aw come on puddin'. Can I knock just one out please?" She said, raising her mallet. "No Harley, not yet, not till the Batman has arrived then you can." Joker bellowed. "Ahh shucks!" she said as she dropped her mallet with a thump.
Batman looked behind him as Robin grabbed Batgirl's hand helping her on the roof as the rain kept pouring down soaking them all. He signaled them over, as they approached the skylight, Batgirl anxious to prove herself more whispered "What's the plan?" Batman pointed to another skylight opposite of him, "You two go over there and wait for my signal. Jump down, take out the goons." "And wait for further directions." So Batgirl and the Boy Wonder got into position. Batgirl looked over to Robin and said "hey, thanks for saving me back at the ally" Robins face turned red almost like he was blushing and said in a chuckle "you would do the same for me if I was in that situation" Batman looked at them and cleared his throat ending there conversation Batgirl looked down ready to attack. "NOW" Batman yelled and all three of them jumped from the skylight glass exploding everywhere creating two bat signals and a Robin signal as glass covered the floor of the exhibit Joker was in surprise and said in a graveling voice "Batman I'm so glad you came where's your pathetic little friend Robin?" "Right here Joker." he turned to see the Boy Wonder standing right behind him with both goons out cold and the hostages free he smiled a chilling grin and said "Oh well looks like Batgirl is out of the picture I assume" and from behind one of the large statues Batgirl slowly emerged "Did you really think a blow to the head could really take me out?" she said walking over to Robin's side looking at Joker he gasped "Batgirl!?" "How are you here?, Harley knocked you out" "It's-it-it's not possible." He stuttered "Think again Joker" she shot back and out of nowhere a crystal clear voice boomed from the back of the exhibit say "Oh hi ya Batgirl so nice to see you're ok" It was Harley, Joker turned to her "Shut up!" he yelled, and turned back around. Harley's face went from pale white to bright red, smiling while grinding her teeth and out of nowhere more of Joker's henchmen came from the shadows of the exhibit.
"Batgirl you take on Joker. We'll fight the goons" ''Got it!" and all three charged. Batgirl swung a kick to Jokers side but he dodged it and threw a punch to her gut, she doubled over. As he was about to kick her she grabbed his ankle and slammed him to the floor. She looked over her shoulder to see the Dynamic Duo as they knocked the goons down unconscious but before she could realize what she had done the Joker kicked her in shoulder, grabbed her by the arm and swung her into a choke hold, she tried to break free but he held tighter "BATGIRL!" Robin yelled, running to her. Joker backed away, still holding her saying "One more step and she gets it, Boy Blunder." "Let her go!" Robin yelled. Joker lifted his hand to Batgirl's face and brushed his fingers against her cheek "Oh, I don't think I can't do that, unless you reveal your true identity." Joker spat back in a sly chilling voice, Robin looked at her as she gasped for air "Don't do it, save yourself" she said in a strained voice trying to break Jokers grip. Her face went pale, her eyes started rolling into the back of her head "You better hurry I don't think she has much time left" Joker hissed and Robin slowly raised his fingers to his mask.
Inches away from the rim, he stopped when the sound of footsteps behind Joker arose out of no where "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?, TAKE IT OFF!" Joker screamed, loosening his grip Batgirl managed all she had in her and stomped Joker's foot, he let go of her holding his foot in agony and spun around and it was Harley Quinn. "THIS IS FOR DOUBLE CROSSING ME YOU DIRTBAG!" she yelled, raised her mallet and hit Joker right on the head and he fell to the floor with a heavy thump. Harley looked down at him and kicked him right in the ribs and yelled "AND THAT'S FOR BLAMING ME FOR YOUR ESCAPE!". Batgirl dropped to her knees coughing and wheezing. Robin rushed over to pick her up as she was getting up and scoffed "No one can get rid of me that easy." Batman walked over to Joker, pulled out his handcuffs and cuffed him. Batgirl walked away from Robin as sirens were going off in the distance getting closer as red and blue lights flashed. Harley walked over and gave her a fist bump, nodded her head and walked to the side exit of the museum "Wait!?" Batman said about to go after her but Batgirl stopped him in his tracks and said with a quick grin "Don't, that's our little secret."
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