Part 6
The Joker cackled and said "Nice work Harley, I knew you had a talent for acting, one down two to go." "Aww, thanks Mr.J" "Come on let's get out of here before they notice." Within an instance a smoke bomb exploded and they vanished, cackling into the night. Robin rushed to Batgirl's side, "Batgirl, are you ok? Hey! Can you hear me? Batgirl!?" He put his arms around her unconscious body as she moaned in pain. Lifting her head up to see a large bruise on the side of her head forming with blood dripping down her nose and lip. He looked up at Batman. "Harley really did a number on her." "She has a large bruise on her head, a busted lip and bloody nose. We need to get her to the BatCave and treat it fast." "Come on Robin, get her into the Batmobile." Batman said. Robin gently lifted her up and quickly walked to the Batmobile and slowly laid her in the seat.
They raced back to the BatCave. Once inside the mammoth cave Robin ran over to Batgirl, carefully lifting her out of the Batmobile and slowly laid her on the table, cleaned the blood off her lip and nose as he looked at her bruise getting worse as it turned black and blue. While addressing the attack, Batman calls for Alfred to get an ice pack. Robin continued to look at Batgirl's pale face, he slowly put his hand into hers "You're gonna be okay." He sighed as he brushed her long red hair out of her face with his fingers. With all she had in her, Batgirl's hand tightened around his, she could hear him. He walked away from her, "I should've been there for her, it's my fault she got hurt" he said angrily as he banged his fists on a desk by the BatComputer and lowered his head saying under his breath "it's all my fault". Batman looked over his shoulder and walked over to Robin "Don't blame yourself old chum it's not your fault, what we have to focus on right now is helping Batgirl'' he said in a calming voice.
Robin's emotions relaxed "You're right Batman the only thing that is driving me crazy is that if Harley was released on parole and was sent back to Arkham how did she escape?" "And what did the Joker mean by one down, two to go?" "I don't know," Batman said as he walked over to the BatComputer looking up Harley Quinn's file to see if she really was supposed to be released. Just then Alfred came with the ice pack and said "Here you are sir" looking over at Batgirl and said "Oh my, that's a nasty bruise." Robin walked over to Alfred taking the ice pack "Thank you Alfred." he said "Anything else sir?" He asked "That will be all" Robin replied as he walked back over to Batgirl placing it on her bruise, she moved slightly by the cold pack on her head and slowly opened her eyes looking at him. "Robin, what happened?" she said in a groggy voice. He sighed in relief that she was ok and said in a calm voice "Harley Quinn snuck up behind you and hit you with her mallet, but don't worry you're back in the BatCave." She made a face of disgust and said "I knew I shouldn't have trusted her, my emotions got the best of me," as she tried to get up winced in pain. Robin quickly laid her back down saying "Take it easy Batgirl, she hit you pretty hard, you might have a concussion." Batgirl whimpered as she turned her head saying "But how did she escape?" "She knows she's never going to be released again after what she did." "I don't know, just keep that ice on your head." "Here let me help you sit up." Batgirl lifted her hand to hold the ice as she held Robin's hand in the other to keep balance so she could sit up. From the BatComputer Batman boomed in disgust and relief. "I found out the truth about Harley Quinn's release."
"What did you find out?" Batgirl asked, still dizzy, resting her head on Robin's shoulder. "She really was released from Arkham but, when she was sent back and told you what happened." He looked at Batgirl "What she told you Batgirl, was a lie" he said. Her eyes were in shock about what she was being told and said "What do you mean a lie?" Noticeably regaining her strength, Batgirl asked Batman again "What do you mean a lie?" He took a deep breath and in an honest voice said "When you went to talk to her at Arkham asylum." "That creepy grin she had on her face, as you came to her cell, well she was smiling because she knew that after you left to help us, she would sneak out and be free again". "So that's how he knew my name but made it a joke, how did you find out all this?" Batgirl said as she got off the table and stubbled to her feet as Robin held her hand. Batman cautiously held his hands out in front of her and said "I checked the security cameras in her cell as you talked to her and I could see she was just acting." Robin looked up from Batgirl to face Batman and said "But why did she hit Batgirl?".
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