its the third day ive been in this hell hole. they wouldnt leave me alone unless someone really urgent came in the e.r. the nurse who has been standing outside of my room basically every time someone came visit me came in the room. saying nothing she just grabbed my arm and checked the cuts and then my vitals. she kept writing something on the paper she had on this rolling computer. she had another nurse baby sit me while she went and talked to someone else. i sat there with my heart racing not sure what they will tell me. the first nurse came back in and shooed the other one out.
"ok i guess the end of the 72 hour hold is up youre free to go if you can get someone to take you home. if we get you in here one more time we're going to have to send you to the psych ward." she said bluntly. i nodded and rubbed my arm where i had gotten goose bumps.
"um do you know when jeremy would be off?"
"jeremy who?"
"the paramedic who comes in here to visit me hes a friend of mine."
"oh uhh im not sure but when he comes you can leave then." she replied to me taking a glance at her watch.
i simply nodded and she left. i got off the bed and changed into my really light blue wash skinny jeans with my baby blue sweater and my white converse. i put the rest of my things back in my bag and sat back down. i had no phone and i was just relying on my hope of jeremy getting off soon.
i laid down and snuggled against the wall. sleep was taking over me and since i had nothing to do i just took a nap.
i was being woken up by someone poking me and making me rock back an forth. i started groaning and hate the person who was bothering me while i slept.
"what?!" i groaned loudly when i turned over.
"well good morning to you too princess." jeremy stood there laughing.
"finally youre here they let me go." i rolled my eyes.
"i heard. are you ready kiddo?" i nodded my head and jumped off the bed. i grabbed my small bag and walked besides jeremy out of the hospital. it was still kind of early so the air was crisp and fresh. i took a deep breathe in and let it out feeling relieved.
"happy to be out?"
"yup. if im not here im hiding at my house." jeremy looked sad now that i looked at him.
" hey are you alright?" i asked jeremy as we stopped at his car.
"yeah im fine." he lied.
"no youre not whats wrong?"
"its nothing its stupid actually."
"nothing thats bothering you could be stupid there are always reasons."
"its nothing i promise." i just looked at him but let it go. i got in the passenger side and buckled up.
the radio came on when he turned over the engine.
"you like blink?!" he laughed and nodded. i started to sing along to family reunion.
" i have never heard a girl say so many cuss words in such short time." he bursted in laughter.
"well when you like this kinda of music you tend to." i giggled. we listened to the music he had playing on his ipod and i told him where to go.
"this is the place." i looked at the one story house that looked like no one lived here. i was really scared to go home really im not sure what theyll say this time.
"are you going to be ok?"
"yeah ill be fine.."
"ok well text me if you need anything." i unbuckled myself and hugged jeremy really tightly. after a few minutes i got out of the car and slowly walked into the house.
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