"Look Amelia I'm really sorry for how I was yesterday, I shouldn't have expected you to get better so quickly.. I really don't like that you're mad at me and won't even look at me." I looked up at him with tear filled eyes.
"It's okay.."
"No it's not ok and it doesn't have to ok Amelia. I fucked up and I don't expect you to forgive me but just give me a second chance at earning your trust." He placed his hands on my arms as he got closer holding me in his grip gently. My heart began to race and I felt like my airways were closing. I couldn't tell if this is what it feels like to have your crush so close or if I'm having a panic attack.
"Jer I can't breathe." Jeremy only looked confused.
"Go get koryn I can't fucking breathe." I said in a panic falling to my knees. Jeremy ran inside and got koryn who rushed out with my inhaler.
"It's ok doll just breathe. You're okay." Koryn sat on the grass and had my upper half lay in her lap as she ran her fingers through my hair.
My breathing slower as did my heart beat. I laid there basically crying because panic attacks are one of the worst feelings you could deal with. The guys stood a foot away from us to give me my space. They all looked so worried.
"Well fuck jer what did you do to the poor girl?" Alex joked.
"I guess he literally took her breathe away." Kevin chuckled making koryn laugh a little.
I sat up on the grass squinting to get the sun out of my eyes. Jeremy and Neil held their hands out to help me up. I took their hands in both of mine and they pulled me up.
"Are you okay you had me so worried?!" Neil exclaimed.
"Yeah I'm fine. It was just a panic attack."
"Why did you get that?" Jeremy questioned with an eyebrow raised.
"Let's not ask her questions right now she needs water and something with carbonation." Koryn ordered.
They followed me inside and Neil sat me down on the couch while Jeremy scrabbled in the kitchen for the drink.
"Here." Jeremy said handing me the drinks and walked off somewhere.
"Is he mad?" I asked scared.
"No I think he went to go get something." Kevin replied furrowing his eyebrows.
Jeremy came back with those things that measured your heart rate and blood pressure etc.
"Neil move so I can get her arm." Jeremy ordered.
"I do have another arm ya know." I laughed.
"Ye-yeah I know but this one gets a better rating."
"Suuure." Koryn laughed making the guys laugh except Neil.
"Ok everything seems to be fine now." He took of the pad thing and put them in the drawer of the stand next to the couch.
"So did I miss practice or have you guys not
Done it yet?" I asked breaking the weird silence.
"It got canceled today because Alex broke his drums."
"How the hell did that happen?!"
"I'm shorter than you think so I slid to far off and stepped on the pedal hard." Koryn and I laughed because the same thing happened to me when I was younger.
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