Welcome, One and All
You've been here before, you know the drill.
I snapped my fingers.
Opened a portal.
And out came a variety of individuals, usually with superpowers and other unique skills and abilities.
They were...
Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Jim Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jonathan Kent, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, Wally West, and several others heroes and individuals.
(A/N: Most of them look the way they currently do in the comics, mainly like in the current 2024 Nightwing comics by Tom Taylor. Also read Batman's lines in Kevin Conroy's Arkham Batman voice, Superman's lines in George Newbern's Superman voice, Nightwing's lines in Jesse McCartney's Nightwing voice, Batgirl's lines in the voice of Barbara from Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Catwoman's lines in the voice of Catwoman from the Arkham and Injustice games, Red Hood's lines in the voice of Red Hood from Arkham Knight, Robin's lines in the voice of Damian from the Injustice animated movie, Commissioner Gordon's lines in the voice of Commissioner Gordon from Arkham Knight, Cyborg's lines in the voice of Cyborg from Teen Titans and Injustice, Starfire's lines in the voice of Starfire from Injustice 2, and Alfred's line in the voice of Alfred from Arkham Knight. Why those voices? Because those are the voices that I usually read their lines in whenever I'm reading comics about them.)
"The hell are we?!" Dick said as all the heroes got in fighting stances and looked around.
They were in this theater:
"I can answer that." said Luke Hansen as he teleported onto the stage.
"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Red Hood asked.
"My name is Luke Hansen. I'm an inter-dimensional being from an alternate universe where you all are fictional characters." said Luke.
"Seriously? We're about to do more multiverse shit?" Damian sneered.
"Not exactly. I brought you all to my theater to show you all alternate versions of yourselves across the multiverse." Luke explained.
"Why would we ever agree to this? We have more important things to do in our universe than this." Batman said with crossed arms.
"Don't worry. Time and space work differently in other universes. When you all return to your universe, only a second will have passed." Luke said, "I want to show you all the multiverse for entertainment purposes and so you all can learn a thing or two from them."
"I'm up for it!" Jonathan said.
"Me too." said Dick.
"Me three." said Tim.
Batman contemplated this for a moment.
"Fine. But if you try anything, you'll regret it." he said to Luke with a glare.
"Perfecto. Now before we get started, I should warn you all that I'm also showing the multiverse to other people in different theaters. One of those groups actually consists of alternate versions of some of you." Luke said, "Now let's begin."
This story is basically a different version of Young Justice Reacts, but I wanted to do a DC reaction book that's more comic-accurate. The ships in this are DickBabs, Damijon (They're both 15 in this), and maybe a few others.
I. Am. Not. Doing. Requests.
Anyone who continuously makes requests will be blocked.
Consider this your only warning.
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