wicked games
I approached Reina at her locker the next day, admiring how beautiful she looked in her high-waisted blue jeans that perfectly accentuated her figure and a cute pink shirt that highlighted her radiant complexion. Her hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, catching the light in a way that made it seem almost luminous. She glanced up, her eyes meeting mine with a warm, inviting smile that made my heart skip a beat.
"I have a plan." I announced as I ran up to her.
"You have a plan?" Reina asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes. I have a plan."
"What percentage of a plan do you have?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like how much have you thought in your plan? What percentage do you have?"
"Um... I don't know, like 20%?"
"20%? HAHAHAHAHHA!" Reina laughed, and it was clearly fake. I looked at her, puzzled.
"That's a fake a laugh."
"It's real!"
"I've heard you laugh before and that's fake."
"That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh I've ever had cause that's not a plan."
I rolled my eyes in pain."Okay, never mind."
"I'm just kidding girl," Reina says as she puts her arm around me. "What's up?"
"Would you like to have dinner? At my house?"
"Perfect. Sounds like a date."
"If you count a date with my dad and some frozen pizza's than sure."
"Sounds perfect."
"Awesome. I'll see you after school."
"Kk. Bye love."
Reina hoped into my car as we drove back to my house. I was nervous but today was the day I was going to tell my dad that Reina was my girlfriend. It's funny cause I've never put a label on it but I felt like the first person to tell other than Emma was my dad. A million little things ran through my head and I didn't know what to say. Hopefully, a good tasteful dinner can offset things.
Reina sat on the couch of my house while I prepped for dinner. I decided to make one of my dad's favorite meals: BBQ chicken breast, with mashed potatoes and mac 'n' cheese. Luckily he had a six-pack in the refrigerator so I knew I had to get him drinking just in case. I added some asparagus to as well, but I knew he wasn't going to eat it but I felt like being healthy today so I made enough for me and Reina.
My dad came home around 6:00 and he saw me hard at work. He glanced as he saw Reina on the couch.
"Evening girls. Smells good in here Bethany."
"Hi Dad. Dinner's almost ready."
"Great. It's been a long day."
"Reina, please help me set the table," I asked.
Reina sat the table as, one by one, I began to serve each person their food. I turned off the stove and oven and grabbed a Gatorade as I sat down at the table.
"Chicken's great. I guess I have taught you something," my dad said with a mouthful of food.
I sat their quietly, only the sound of silverware tinkering on the plates. My mind was racing a hundred miles per hour. I wanted to just shout out to my dad how I felt but I just didnt have the courage to do some. It felt annoying, and I hated it.
My dad and Reina were having conversations of sports, Europe and little topics about foods that they both like. Little did I know, the time went by and it was almost 7:30.
"I appreciate the dinner, but I need to go and do homework."
"Yeah. I'll walk you out," I said, getting up from the table.
"Have a goodnight Reina," my dad said.
"Yes. Have a goodnight Mr. Ramirez."
I walked out with Reina as we stood on the sidewalk.
"Loved the dinner. You're dad sure has a sweet tooth for desserts."
"He does. He likes candy and cookies. Bad habit."
"Haha. Well invite me over again sometime. I love this little date you made."
"I did too."
Reina kissed me as the stars twinkled over our heads.
"I love you. See you tomorrow." Reina said as she begin to walk her way home. I watched as she turned around the corner and up the street. I turned back into my home. As I closed the door, I leaned against it with a million thoughts roaming through my mind. I slid straight to the floor, feeling the weight of everything just fall on top of me. My dad say and he walked over to me.
"Everything alright babygirl."
"Yeah. Yeah," I said. I was trembling, tinkering with my hands. My dad decided to sit next to me against the door. I couldn't look at him. I felt like a mess.
"I thought the dinner was good. Maybe you're having a bad reaction."
"I'm dating Reina."
Dad paused for a second. "Wait. You're friend Reina. The girl we just ate dinner with?"
"Is that a good 'Ah?'
"I don't know if that's a good 'Ah.'
I nodded my head as I just sat there twiddling my thumbs, hoping that he would say something. It felt like every second that passed by felt like an entirety.
"Does Emma know?"
"No. I haven't told her."
"Who knows?"
"Lexi and now you."
"So...I'm second."
"Yes. You're second."
"Well...second isn't that bad. I'm okay with coming in second."
"I was just...afraid to, you know. Tell you."
"Because you think, I would see you differently?"
I nodded, a slight tear came out of my eye. "Maybe."
"You're still a pain in the ass when you don't do your chores. Clean your room, wash the dishes...I don't and I never will see you differently."
He put his arm around and brought himself closer to me. I still couldn't look him in the eye as it felt really difficult to at this very moment.
"So, Reina, huh?" dad asked.
"Yeah, Reina."
"Does that mean Reina will give us her secret cookie recipe?" Dad asked with excitement
"I mean. She could. I don't think she will."
"Well...next time she comes over, I would like her to bake some."
My eyes made eye contact with my dad. I think at that moment, I could sense that my dad accepted me for coming out. A small relief came over my senses.
"I can make a trade. Our special cookie recipe for her special cookies recipe."
"No dad! We can't give her that recipe."
"I feel like that's a good trade!"
"We can give her the chocolate chip ones, but not are wedding cookie recipe."
"Can she cook?"
"She's not horrible. She said she knows how to make Spaghetti."
"Spaghetti sounds good. I've been craving some type of pasta lately."
A soft laughter came between us as I lay wrapped around my dad's arm. This felt like a giant relief coming off of my shoulders. I've never told my dad anything this big ever in my personal life.
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