Survivor Simulator (Again)
Okay so this time, it's Brawl-OTO vs Battle-OTO >:0 Headcanons are included in this one as well.
Also, they're at Vanuatu, which is made up of ~80 islands in the South Pacific. This one allowed for teams of 9, and they are as follows:
Brawl-OTO: Shieldy, Shelly, Party Hat, Hot Dog, Baguette, Chocolatey, Boat, Slurpy, and Popsicley.
Battle-OTO: Badgey, Seashell, Present, Frankfurter, French Fry, Coffee, Sailboat, Straw, and Frozen Treat.
Let's get started 👍
Episode 1:
Immunity Challenge: "This challenge consists of a commando crawl through a mud pit, three players moving a ball through a table maze, grabbing the ball, climbing a ladder to a balance beam, net slide back to the ground, three other players then using provided materials and matches inside the ball to build a fire in a cauldron to burn through a rope, lowering a torch, lighting the torch, and crossing the finish."
Brawl-OTO wins immunity and some flint!
Brawl-OTO Events:
Popsicley is impressing the rest of the team.
Party Hat and Slurpy have a major fight. (even in a simulation, we can't escape the Slurphat angst- though it doesn't say it has a lasting impact so..?)
Br-OTO Alliance 1 forms with 8 strength, consisting of Chocolatey, Shelly, and Slurpy.
Battle-OTO Events:
French Fry and Frozen Treat have a minor disagreement.
Present and Sailboat have a small fight; it has a lasting impact. (damn </3)
Frankfurter and Present bond strongly.
Ba-OTO Alliance 1 forms with 8 strength, consisting of Present and Straw.
Tribal Council: Sailboat is eliminated with 6 votes; Coffee received 3 from Frozen Treat, Sailboat, and Seashell.
Episode 2:
The Ba-OTO Alliance got stronger lol
Reward Challenge: "One at a time, each tribe member must maneuver past the other players standing on a balance beam and get to the finishing platform. If one of them falls or touches more than one other player at once, they must start over. First tribe to get all eight members on the platform wins."
Battle-OTO wins hammocks, blankets, and pillows.
Immunity Challenge: "The caller guides three groups (each tied together) to retrieve twelve pairs of puzzle pieces, then they work to assemble three puzzles on a set of scaffolding. First to assemble the puzzles and climb the scaffolding wins."
Battle-OTO wins immunity.
Brawl-OTO Events:
Party Hat and Baguette are impressing the rest of the team.
Popsicley has a major meltdown :(
Br-OTO Alliance 2 forms with 9 strength, consisting of Shelly, Shieldy, and Slurpy. I don't know why Shieldy couldn't have just joined the first alliance, but whatever I guess.
Battle-OTO Events:
Badgey is impressing the rest of the team :]
Present and Straw have a major fight; it has a lasting impact. Also they dissolve their alliance oof </3
Ba-OTO Alliance 2 forms with 9 strength, consisting of Present and Seashell. Present really just said "fuck you Straw; hey Seashell wanna be in an alliance-"
Tribal Council: Popsicley is eliminated with 6 votes; Hot Dog and Shieldy also received votes. Also this is the second time someone has had a meltdown and gotten eliminated afterwards </3
Episode 3:
All alliances are looking good so far :]
Reward Challenge: "Tribes must work together to make their way through three locked cages by untying planks, using grappling hooks to retrieve keys, and mastering a series of interlocking slide rails. The first tribe to crawl through the three cages to safety would win reward."
Battle-OTO wins fishing and snorkeling gear, and they get to compete for individual immunity :0
Immunity Challenge: "Each person must dig ladder rungs out of the sand in order to build a ladder with. The first person to build their ladder and climb to the top would win immunity at their Tribal Council. The winner would award individual immunity to one person from the rival tribe. Also, they would stay at the other tribe's camp to gather enough information that would help them decide which member of that tribe would receive immunity at their Tribal Council."
Present wins immunity :0
Barwl-OTO Events:
Br-OTO Alliance 3 forms with 9 strength, consisting of Baguette and Boat. Why are there so many alliances </3
Boat rests at camp to restore her energy.
Battle-OTO Events:
Seashell and Straw have a major fight. Expected that tbh, considering Straw fought with Present and Seashell is in an alliance with the latter </3
French Fry is impressing the rest of the team.
Tribal Council: French Fry and Frozen Treat tie in votes; in the revote, French Fry is eliminated with 4 votes and Frozen Treat got 2 from Badgey and Straw. But wasn't French Fry JUST impressing people?? (Also this means Coffee voted French Fry and like. why.)
Tribal Council Again: Present gave immunity to Slurpy :D Very cool considering the hc backstory (everyone who isn't Dancer has NO IDEA what I'm talking about lmao) (Fun Fact: I actually did not account for their backstory when setting up the relationships)
Anyways Hot Dog is eliminated with 4 votes </3 Shieldy, Boat, and Shelly were also voted for. Kinda scared that if Br-OTO has another council, Shieldy will be eliminated </3
Episode 4:
All alliances looking good.
Reward Challenge: "This is a generic match the covered pairs game. First tribe to find five out of fifteen possible pairs win."
Brawl-OTO wins 24 hours of assistance from a local survival expert.
Immunity Challenge: "The guide sits overlooking a grid of sixteen squares, each with a tile; the others must move the tiles (in four colors and with four designs) so that no design appears in the same row or column."
Brawl-OTO wins immunity.
Brawl-OTO Events:
Shieldy is impressing the rest of the team.
Baguette and Shelly bond strongly (twice, apparently); it has a lasting impact.
Battle-OTO Events:
Seashell and Straw bond strongly; it has a lasting impact. I think that means they made up <3
Present rests at camp to restore his energy.
Tribal Council: Frozen Treat is eliminated with 4 votes; Coffee got 3 from Frozen Treat, Present, and Seashell. That was a close vote </3
Episode 5:
There's a TWIST! Each tribe chooses a captain (Party Hat and Straw), and one of them mixes the tribes (Straw), alternating between the new tribes. One player won't be chosen, and the other captain takes one of the tribes back to their beach. Chocolatey wasn't chosen, so she gets to choose which team she wants to be on. So:
New Brawl-OTO: Party Hat, Badgey, Boat, Coffee, Shieldy, and Slurpy (oh boy)
New Battle-OTO: Straw, Baguette, Chocolatey, Frankfurter, Present, Seashell, and Shelly.
So obviously some alliances are non-functional now, but are still going strong apparently. Just waiting for the merge lol
Reward Challenge: "The castaways must pull themselves along an underwater rope, retrieving markers along the way. The tribe the collects the most markers at the end of ten minutes wins reward."
It's Find The Markers lmao- Also Battle-OTO wins a trip to the Vanuatu waterfalls, plus beer and Pringles.
Immunity Challenge: "The castaways must race into the jungle to gather outrigger canoe parts and paddles. Once all the pieces are gathered, each tribe must assemble their canoe, then paddle out to retrieve their flag. The first tribe to bring their flag back to the beach wins."
Brawl-OTO wins immunity.
Brawl-OTO Events:
Badgey is impressing the rest of the team (twice).
Battle-OTO Events:
Baguette is impressing the rest of the team.
Tribal Council: Seashell is eliminated with 5 votes; Shelly got 2 from Present and Seashell. There can only be one shell here, I guess </3
Episode 6:
Reward Challenge: "Teams must race through a muddy pigpen in order to chase down their tribe-colored pigs. The first team to get ten of their pigs back to their tribe pen would win reward."
Brawl-OTO wins steak and eggs.
Immunity Challenge: "From a platform in the water, each tribe member must transport a tiki segment to the shore, navigating the segments over and under a series of above- and below-water obstacles. Once on shore, the first tribe to reassemble their tiki correctly wins immunity."
Brawl-OTO also wins immunity :0
Brawl-OTO Events:
Br-OTO Alliance 4 forms with 8 strength, consisting of Party Hat, Boat, and Shieldy.
Battle-OTO Events:
Frankfurter and Shelly bond strongly :]
Tribal Council: Straw and Shelly tie in votes, but the revote is unanimous for Straw. So he gets eliminated </3
Episode 7:
Reward Challenge: "One tribe member at a time must hurry to open coconuts, then race with the juice through a wood crawl, seesaws, wood hurdles, and a grid box to deposit the juice into the receiving jar. Once the jar is filled, the last member must carefully carry it to the finish line. The first tribe to cross the finish line with a full jar wins."
Battle-OTO wins a trip to a cafe :]
Immunity Challenge: "Each tribe would be equipped with a pouch of marbles and a slingshot. In turn, each tribe member must take a shot at a ceramic tile grid. The first tribe to break all twenty tiles wins immunity."
Battle-OTO also wins immunity!
Brawl-OTO Events:
Party Hat and Slurpy have a minor disagreement; it has a lasting impact. (guys please </3)
Party Hat and Shieldy bond strongly; it has a lasting impact.
Boat and Shieldy bond strongly.
Battle-OTO: No events occured. (aw man </3)
Tribal Council: Badgey is eliminated with 5 votes; Coffee received one from Badgey.
Episode 8:
Reward Challenge: "One tribe member must race into the ocean to fill a bucket with water. Then they must bring it back and toss it to a tribemate. The bucket must be tossed twice more, and the final tribe member must catch the water itself in another bucket, and use it to fill a jar. The tribes must repeat this until they have enough weight in their jar to lower it to the ground, sending a lit flame up to a fire tower. First tribe to light their fire wins reward."
Brawl-OTO wins a large chocolate cake, milk, and cookies :D
Oh and also they merged apparently. Yeah.
Immunity Challenge: "The castaways were divided into two groups. The castaways must race to a series of tall wooden towers in the water and climb to the top. Then they must navigate across a balance beam, retrieve a flag, and jump off the tower and race to the beach. The first two castaways from each group to bring three flags to the beach moves on to the final round. The final round would work the same way with the first person to collect all three of their flags winning immunity."
Frankfurter wins immunity.
Coffee has a major meltdown :(
Yet another alliance forms with 6 strength, consisting of Chocolatey, Coffee, Frankfurter, Party Hat, and Present.
Tribal Council: Coffee is eliminated with 7 votes; Boat received 3 from Coffee, Frankfurter, and Present. Also why did people from Coffee's own alliance vote for him huh </3 it's because of the meltdown isn't it.
Episode 9:
All the alliances are back together I guess? It's a mess though agh </3
Reward Challenge: "Each player was assigned three skulls on posts. When a player answers a question correctly, they ignite the skull of another player. The Survivor with the last skull left unburned wins."
Frankfurter wins a picnic of chicken wings and champagne, and shares it with Present.
Immunity Challenge: "The players must stand behind a podium containing a mosaic puzzle. Each piece had multiple sides, each of a different color. The players would be shown a picture of a mosaic with a specific color scheme. The players would then have a minute to replicate what they saw on their mosaic, with those making a mistake eliminated. The longer the challenge goes, the more difficult the mosaics and the less amount of time there is to duplicate them. The last Survivor remaining wins."
Frankfurter wins immunity again! He's killing it rn.
Chocolatey and Shelly bond strongly.
Chocolatey and Frankfurter find something in common; it has a lasting impact.
Boat rests at camp to restore her energy.
Tribal Council: Present is eliminated with 7 votes; Shieldy got 2 from Frankfurter and Present.
Episode 10:
Reward Challenge: "The castaways will be split into two teams of four. One player from each team will be deemed the 'sacrificial lamb'. The 'sacrificial lamb' must wear a harness with their hands tied. The other three team members must guide the 'sacrificial lamb' through an obstacle course. First team to get their 'sacrificial lamb' to the finish line wins reward."
Group 1 (Baguette, Party Hat, Shieldy, and Slurpy) win a trip to another island, where a Vanuatu village is hosting a night of ritual, spiritual union, and food.
Immunity Challenge: "The castaways must hang onto a pole as long as they can. The last person left hanging without touching the ground wins immunity."
Shieldy wins :] Relatively simple challenge. (the alternative version of "here's a stick, make a challenge with that" lol)
Frankfurter is impressing the rest of the team.
Frankfurter rests at camp to restore his energy.
Tribal Council: Baguette is eliminated with 6 votes; Frankfurter and Slurpy got 1 each.
Episode 11:
Reward Challenge: "The challenge would be a memory test about what has played out in the previous challenges of this season. The castaways will be asked a series of questions. The player who answers the most questions correctly wins reward."
Chocolatey wins an opportunity for a loved one to stay overnight at the tribe camp.
Immunity Challenge: "Both the castaways and their loved ones will participate in the challenge. The castaways must sit on towers and verbally guide their blindfolded loved ones through a series of obstacles in order to retrieve bags of puzzle pieces. Once all the bags are retrieved, the castaways and their loved one must work together to assemble the puzzle. First castaway to complete the puzzle wins immunity."
Chocolatey wins again!
Boat and Shelly bond strongly; it has a lasting impact. (I think Shelly has bonded strongly with at least 4 people by now? It's really nice :] )
Shelly is completely worn out, but is not giving up. (I believe in you Shelly >:0)
Tribal Council: Frankfurter is eliminated with 6 votes; Shieldy got 1 from Frankfurter. ...also he was the last Battlle-OTO contestant LMAO
Episode 12:
Reward Challenge: "The castaways must race across a floating obstacle course in order to retrieve flags. First person to bring three flags back to shore wins reward."
Shieldy wins and shares his reward with Party Hat and Chocolatey :D It's a Pontiac G6 and a road trip to a resort for a night with food and a hot shower. (Isn't a Pontiac a type of car? Oh no lmao)
Immunity Challenge: "The challenge was a Survivor version of Shuffleboard. Each castaway will be given six metal discs. On the board there will be a map of the Vanuatu islands. The castaways must try to get their discs on the islands. The castaway with the most discs on the islands wins immunity."
Chocolatey wins!
Shieldy rests at camp to restore his energy.
Tribal Council: Shelly is eliminated with 3 votes; Boat got 2 and Party Hat got 1. Sheesh </3
Episode 13:
Reward Challenge: "This challenge incorporated elements from previous challenges this season. First the castaways must navigate through a mud crawl, with the last to complete the crawl being eliminated from the challenge. Then the four remaining castaways must catch a pig to bring it into their pen, with the last one to do so being eliminated from the challenge. Then the three remaining castaways must solve a tiki puzzle, with two moving on. The final two castaways must race across a balance beam, then use a slingshot to break three tiles. First castaway to break three tiles wins reward."
Party Hat wins and shares the reward with Chocolatey :] It's a trip to Mount Yasur with a picnic of hot dogs, hot chocolate, and beer. (Beer and hot chocolate doesn't sound like a good combo tbh </3)
Immunity Challenge: "The host will start by telling the story of Roy Mata. After he finishes the story, the castaways must race to different stations to answer questions about the story. Each time a castaway answers correctly, they would receive a white pig tusk, which they must must attach to a necklace. Each time a castaway answers incorrectly, they would receive a black pig tusk, which they must throw it into the fire urn. First player to attach all five of their tusks wins immunity."
Shieldy wins :] (How he won in a memory challenge against Slurpy and Party Hat is beyond me, but whatever lmao)
Party Hat and Slurpy bond slightly (huzzah <3)
Boat and Slurpy bond strongly; it has a lasting impact. :]
Tribal Council: Boat and Chocolatey tie in votes, and Boat gets eliminated in the revote, 2 to 1.
Finale pt1
I haven't talked abt the alliances at all, but they have stayed consistently strong. There's 4 alliances rn, so it's just like...weird??? I imagine they're doing this just for fun now.
Immunity Challenge: "The castaways must race through an eight-level vertical maze in order to retrieve ten colored tiles. Once they have all their tiles, they must untie the tiles to reveal letters for a word scramble. First castaway to form the correct two-word phrase 'Final Three' wins immunity."
Shieldy wins!
Slurpy is completely worn out, but is not giving up. (Go Slurpy!!!)
Tribal Council: Slurpy is eliminated in a 2:1:1 vote </3 Didn't something similar happen with Shelly too?
Finale pt2
It's the Disaster Trio in the finale I can't believe this lmao
Immunity Challenge: "The castaways must stand on platform holding a bow and arrow in a warrior pose. Any castaway who falls off the platform or releases their arrow will be eliminated from the challenge. Last castaway standing wins immunity."
Shieldy wins again! Also this challenge put Party Hat at a COMPLETE disadvantage >:(
Party Hat is impressing the rest of the team. (w h a t t e a m)
Tribal Council: Chocolatey got voted by Shieldy lol. Which means Shieldy and Party Hat final 2 let's go!!! I mean it is just a vote to win but whatever.
Boat, Chocolatey, Frankfurter, and Slurpy voted for Shieldy
Baguette, Present, and Shelly voted for Party Hat.
Hot Dog won the fan fave award apparently so good for him :]
Okay yeah that's it lol. Bye, love you <333
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