Chapter 8
I woke and saw Steve beside me wide awake and playing with my messy messy hair.
"Good morning beautiful."
"You have to get up."
"Just get up."
Steve was the first to get up and out of my bed. He left my room and went next door to his. I got up and went in the shower. After my shower I put on some jeans, a T-shirt, converse, and I put my hair into a ponytail.
I walked into the living room only to find everyone looking at me and none of them would look away.
"Why are you all staring at me?"
Nat got up and took me aside.
"We want you to use your new powers."
"No. I can't I don't even know how to use them yet."
"Exactly. We're gonna help you."
"Hey Barton!" Tony screamed from across the room.
"I got you a new catsuit and Romanoff I got one for you too."
"But she's the one with the imvisibilty."
"I know, but I added more accents to yours. Just try them on."
We both grabbed the suits and headed to training area. When we arrived we put them on and they were perfect fits. Nat's had a little bit of blue on hers and she had more spots for her guns. Mine had a little bit of purple on it and it had spaces for guns.
We went to the sparring mats and began fighting. Everyone was watching us. Well mostly watching me because they wanted to see me turn fully invisible.
Nat was about to go in for a punch when I ducked and tripped her. She grabbed my leg and flipped me. She turned around and was talking to Clint who was on the other side of the room. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I knocked Nat down and when she got up she looked confused.
"Where are you?"
I was completely unnoticeable. Instead of just my body disappearing, my catsuit disappeared with me. 'Nice work Stark.' I thought to myself.
Nat was still confused and I used my advantage and I kicked her, which was probably a bad idea considering that my boots have heals.
"I'm sorry I just wanted to see if that would work I actually wanted to use it on Tony, but you know." I said as I was reappearing.
"Sorry Tony."
Nat walked away and I followed her. She really isn't the type of person to get mad at a friend for joking around, but we don't think of each other as friends, we're more like sisters.
"Nat I'm sorry."
"I know. I'm not mad. I...I just need some time to myself right now."
That was weird. I mean Nat and I are both very independent people, but when the guys are here she's always around them. I decided to go to her room and find out what the problem was.
I walked up to her door and heard her talking on the phone.
"I can't come right now. I need more time to get her there."
I don't know why, but I feel like she's talking about me. I was about to knock on her door when I saw Steve at the corner of my eye. So of course I walked over to him.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Nothing. It's just that Nat is acting really weird, but I'm sure it's fine."
"Why don't we go for a walk or something. Let's get some fresh air."
I grabbed my jacket and we headed out. As we were walking Steve grabbed my hand. This was the first time that he actually held my hand, even I'm public. He's not big on PDA, but I guess he was starting to like it because whenever we walked passed a guy or a girl they would look at is and look sad, like they wished that they were us. Steve was always smiling.
We continued walking and he stopped in front of an ice cream shop. He opened the door for me. The line was huge and moving really slowly. We were waiting on line for at least ten minutes when we finally reached the front.
"What can I get you guys?"
"What do you want Julie?"
"Chocolate Milkshake please."
"For you sir?"
We got our milkshakes and sat at a booth. We were talking and laughing and just enjoying ourselves, until I got a text from Clint.
'Where are you."
I showed Steve the message and we left and hurried to the tower. When we got there Clint greeted me with a hug.
"Where were you. You had me worried sick."
"I was out with Steve. Why? What's wrong?"
He turned away from me and outbid attention onto Steve.
"Why would you do that without my permission!?"
"Okay first of all he doesn't need your permission he's my boyfriend and second of all he's Captain."
"Whatever. Nat's gone and she didn't tell any of us where she was going and we though you left too. The three of you have been gone for hours."
"What do you mean she's gone?"
"Exactly that. She's gone."
Just then Jarvis spoke.
"Sir. There is some mail for you."
Tony checked the mail and came back with a letter and read it to us.
I have taken Natasha Romanoff. If you want to find her then you must send Julianne to find me. She must come alone or else Natasha will die.
- Angela
'Angela' I know that name. How do I know that name? Wait a minute. She was Clint's ex and she was always jealous of Nat and I, but what does she want with us now. It's been like six years.
"I have to go and find them."
"No you can't. We need a plan first."
"Didn't you read what she said Clint. If I don't go alone Nat will die."
Then the door bell rang. Tony went to answer it and called me. I signed for the package and opened it. There was a map with a circle on it which was the place I needed to go, and a flashlight.
I ran to my room and put my catsuit on, got my guns, now and arrows, got into a jet and left the guys without saying anything.
I landed the jet in front of a warehouse. I was at the circled location. It was dark out so I turned on the flashlight and walked in.
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