Chapter 7
It's been about three weeks since my kidnapping and I'm out of the hospital. I went to my house and everything was ruined. I went to my back yard and fell to my knees crying at what I saw. There on the floor with blood surrounding him was Hunter.
Steve came and heard me and came running to me.
"Julie. What's wrong!?"
I pointed at Hunter and Steve wrapped his arms around me and kept telling me that everything was going to be okay. I burried my face in his chest.
He finally got me up and we went in the house.
"I don't want you staying my yourself anymore."
"This is my home. I'm not just gonna leave. I can fix everything. I'll be fine."
"No you won't. Your gonna pack some of your things and we're leaving. Your gonna stay with me."
"Your apartment is ruined too. Where are we going to stay then?"
Right after I said that both Steve and I got a text message. They were from Tony and they said the same thing.
I just finished the new Avengers tower. Come check it out.
"Problem solved." Steve said.
"What makes you think I would go anyway?"
"Captains orders."
"You've just been dying to say that haven't you?"
"A little bit."
He was so cute. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him. So I did.
We're in New York and driving to the Avengers tower. We didn't leave until Pierce was dead and Hydra was finished. The only problem is that Hydra will always be around and that the Winter Soldier is still out there.
We arrived at the tower and everyone was there. Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint, Nat, and even Thor.
Clint came up to me and gave me hug. He said that Nat told him what happened. He was worried, but I told him everything was fine.
"This is everyone's new home. There's a kitchen, living room, game room, a lab for Bruce and I, a gym/training room, and one room for each of us." Tony said.
He showed us to our rooms. Mine was across from Nat's and in between Steve's and Clint's. I went in it and it was perfect. It was purple and had a great view of the city and it was bigger than Steve's apartment. I put my clothes in my closet and unpacked everything else I brought with me then I layed on my new queen sized bed and instantly fell asleep.
"Can you guys do me favor?" Steve said entering Bruce and Tony's lab.
"Sure." Bruce said.
"I need you to do some tests on Julianne. I feel like something isn't right."
"You got it Cap."
Steve woke me up and brought me to the lab. I sat in a chair and Bruce told me what was going on.
"We're just going to do a couple of tests to make sure everything is alright with you."
I didn't even agree and they were already sticking me with needles.
Bruce looked confused and left the room.
"Hey. Steve I...I found something."
"What did you find?"
"She was injected with something. I can't make out what it was, but it changed her body."
"What do you mean changed?"
"Come on."
They came in the lab and went to one of the boards.
Tony came over to me with the biggest needle I have ever seen in my life. I was scared and closed my eyes.
I saw them all look at me.
"What are you looking at?"
They didn't say a word and just kept staring.
I got up and went to a mirror and saw what made them stare. The only thing I saw was my clothes. Then all of sudden I saw myself again.
I went back into the lab.
"That's what I mean by changed."
" is it possible that I can turn invisible?"
"When they kidnapped you they injected you with a power serum and made you mutant."
"If I ever use my invisibility in battle how are people not going to see me when they can see my clothes."
Tony started to speak. "I'll have to modify your catsuit so that it can become invisible with you, but it going to take some time."
That made me think about the kidnapping and all the torture. I thought about how I was so weak and stupid that I didn't do anything for myself. I got mad and the next thing I know I'm a gorrila and I'm tearing the lab apart.
"Great now I'm a shapeshifter too." I said becoming myself again.
I walked out of the lab and was about to go to my room when I heard Thor in the kitchen.
"That's the fridge. Poptarts are in the cabinet."
I gave him the box and walked away, but he grabbed my arm.
"What is wrong Lady Barton?"
"It's nothing Thor."
"I have been on Midgard long enough to know when there is something wrong."
"I just found out that I was given powers, but they were given to me for the wrong reason."
"I do not understand." He said with his mouth full of poptarts.
"When I was kidnapped they told that it was because of Captain America, but I just realized that if he hadn't saved me...I would be a weapon to kill him like someone else."
"They can not make you something you are not. If you are good at heart, then they can not change you. Only you can do that."
"Thank-you Thor."
"My pleasure Lady Barton."
"Please call me Julie."
He nodded his head and walked to his room with the box of poptarts.
I walked to my room as well. I went in the shower. It helps me think. When I got out I saw Clint sitting on my bed.
"What are you doing in here?"
"Thor told me what happened and I wanted to make sure you were all right."
"I'm fine."
I knew denying that I wasn't fine was a bad idea, but I didn't need him worrying about while I was worrying about myself.
"It's late I should get some sleep."
I hugged Clint and he kissed my forehead.
When he walked out I got into bed and fell asleep. I later felt the bed move and the covers move as well and it woke me up. I realized that it was Steve and I turned around and put my head on his chest and fell asleep again.
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