Chapter 6
"I'm on my way." I said to Nat after she told me about Fury.
"Steve wants to talk to you."
She gave him the phone, but I couldn't here him. I was focused on a different noise.
I took my phone from my ear and put Steve on speaker.
"Hey...can you...can you just hold on a minute." I said walking to my front door.
I could tell that Steve was worried because he was silent. I know him enough now to tell what his emotions are.
I was at my door when I heard a bang. I jumped a few inches back. Then I walked back to my door. Which was the worst mistake I ever made.
The door flew off the hinges and it hit me making me fly across the room and hit the wall. I could hear Steve screaming, asking me what was wrong. It was two men, I think they were agents, but one them had a metal arm with a red star on the side.
I got up and ran to my kitchen only to be followed by one of the agents. He shot me in the leg which made me fall and it hurt like hell. I still got up and started running again, but I was running slowly and there was trail of blood behind me from my leg. I was calling Steve's name and he was calling mine. The agent with the metal arm found my phone and threw it against the wall making it break. The other one caught up to me and grabbed me.
He put his arm around my waist and his other arm was around my neck. He put a rag on my mouth and it covered my nose too. It had a certain smell to it. I started to dose off and when I did I knew exactly what the smell was. Chloroform. He picked me up and I blacked out.
*at the hospital*
"Nat she just hang up on me."
"I don't know, but she was screaming and I heard things crashing and people talking. She called my name and then she hung up."
"Steve. You need to go over there right now."
"Your right, but I'm going to need your help."
"Let's go."
*back to Julie*
I woke up and I was being carried by the man with the metal arm. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a mask. I wanted to jump out of his arms and run as fast as my body could make me, but I was too weak. My leg was still bleeding and I was still dizzy from the chloroform.
We entered a room and he put me in a chair and strapped me in. Someone came over to me and put pressure on my leg and then put a bandage on it. Someone told him to leave and he did. I saw a shadowy figure standing near the door.
"Do you know why your hear?" It said.
I didn't speak, mainly because I couldn't considering my mouth was hurt from the chloroform and also because I just didn't want to talk.
"Not talking are we." It said again.
It walked closer to me, but it stopped before it reached the light. He looked at one of the guards that was standing by the door.
"Go get him."
The guard left and I was alone with the figure. It walked closer to me and when he finally reached the light I realized who he was. Alexander Peirce.
The guard came back with the man with the metal arm.
"This is the Winter Soldier and everytime you ignore me he's going to use that arm of his....on you." Pierce said.
I was silent and just gave him a look showing him that I didn't care.
The Winter Soldier slapped me across the face.
"Níl mé ag dul a aon rud a rá." I finally said.
Peirce was speechless. He couldn't understand what I was saying. So that's one point for me.
After a minute of silence he had a translator come in. He really is desperate.
"What did she just say?"
"I don't know I dont speak Irish."
Two points for me leaving the score Barton=2 and Pierce=0. I love this game.
"That's right. Little miss bilingual here speaks Irish, Polish, Russian, and French."
Oh no. They read my profile.
"If you don't tell us what we want to know, then we'll just have to kill your brother."
I had to talk now. I wasn't just gonna sit there and let them threaten my brother.
"Why was Fury in Captain Rogers' apartment?"
"I don't know."
That earned me a punch right I'm my eye leaving it black.
He kept asking the same question and I kept giving him the same answer. I kept getting beatings. I had a black eye, a bloody and broken nose again, a busted lip, and broken rib. It didn't help the fact that they threw into a cell.
I writhing in pain and just laying there waiting...for a sign...a signal....something to let me know that someone is here to get me.
The soldier came in my cell and he was tossing me around like a toy. I got my balance back and I starting hitting, kicking, and punching him. He took out a knife and cut my shoulder. I had a giant gash on it. I could put my thumb all the way through it.
I grabbed a hold of his arm and I kicked him in his genital area making him moan and fall. I ran passed him as fast as I could, but he shot me in my other shoulder. I fell to the ground.
Pierce found me and dragged me back to the chair I was in before.
"Enough playing around. Tell me everything right now or you, your brother, and your boyfriend are all dead."
I spat at his cheek and he slapped me. He would have hit me another time when there was an explosion. Everyone ran for their lives and left me there bleeding and slowly dying.
I was weak and was beginning to pass out when I saw a woman walk in. I saw her face and it was Natasha. She talked to me in Russian in case in case anyone was still around.
"Vash budet v poryadke . Stiv na svoyem puti ."
I said. "Spasibo." Which meant thank-you.
Steve finally came and he looked at my face.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you." He said, tears coming down his face.
"It''s...not your fault. I tried so hard to get the words out. I was too weak.
Steve picked me up bridal style and I blacked out.
About two or three hours later I woke up in the hospital. I saw Steve sleeping in the chair beside my bed holding my hand. I moved it slightly and he woke up.
"Hey. How are you?"
I tried to talk, but nothing came out.
"The doctor said that she shouldn't talk because she'll use up all her energy." Nat came in the room saying.
Steve got up and went in the corner to talk to her. When he came back he said that he needed to find Peirce and that he might not be back for a while. I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead. He then whispered something in my ear.
"Je t'aime." Which meant 'I love you' in French.
He left and closed my eyes and went to sleep.
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