Chapter 4
It's been about two weeks ever since the war with Thor's brother Loki and my date with Steve. I still haven't left New York and I'm starting to miss D.C. I love living there so much. That's where my friends are and my dog. Man I miss him. He's a Siberian Huskie and his name is Hunter. My friend is watching him for me while I'm here and she's been keeping me updated.
I turned on my tv and started watching the big bang theory. Sheldon is by far my most favorite character. I always laugh at everything he says. The episodes are so funny, but this one wasn't. It was the season 8 finale and Amy broke up with Sheldon when he was going to ask her to marry him. I cried for awhile and when I calmed down, my phone rang.
"Hello." I said.
"Hey it's me can we talk?" Clint asked.
"Sure. Do you wanna come over?"
"No. Why don't you just come to Stark's tower. We're all here hanging out."
I called a cab and went to the tower. When I got there Clint was waiting for me outside. I got out and went up to him and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead like any big brother would do. We went inside and I saw everyone gathered around the living room. I even saw Thor, which was very surprising.
I sat on the couch I'm between Steve and Clint. Thor was eating poptarts, of course. Nat was eating pizza, and Tony and Bruce were talking about science.
Steve got up and started talking. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing because well he's Captain.
"Okay." He started saying.
"Julie. Your here because we want you to be part of the Avengers."
"Why? I don't have any powers and I'm not really good with large groups of people." I said before Nat could interupt me.
"You may not have any powers, but you do work really well with us. You helped us stop Loki for crying out loud."
Tony began to speak.
"I'm pretty sure that Capsicle just wants you to be an Avenger because your dating and he wants to keep an eye on you. Plus ever since your date, he hasn't shut up about you and the fact that your don't come here to see him."
I looked at Steve and laughed.
"Awwwww. Do you really do that?" I asked kissing his cheek.
"Well, Yea I guess, I mean...."
Tony interrupted him.
"You guess! Dude your such a liar, and a really bad one."
"Can I talk please?"
Steve looked like he was getting mad so I took his hand and brought him in the hallway.
"Why do you get so mad at Tony?"
"He's just always on my case. I'm tired of it, and now he's making repairs to the tower. He says that it's gonna be the Avengers tower and that each of us are going to have our own rooms. Including you."
"That's not so bad and if you really want me to be an Avenger, then I'll do it and I'm kinda looking forward to my own room here because I'm sick of that hotel."
"Okay. If you sick of the hotel, then why don't you just stay with me at my apartment until you go home."
"I don't know. We've only been dating a few weeks."
"Come on. Please."
He kept begging until I finally gave in.
He smiled and then kissed me. We kissed passionately for about a minute when Nat came up to us. Steve left and she started talking to me.
"So, you an Avenger yet?"
"Awesome. That means that we can train together."
"Yes....Yes I know"
"Haha. You know that I'm stronger. Maybe you can training with Clint and you can beat him."
"I always did pin him down when we were kids."
Nat left and everyone went and did their own thing. Steve told Clint that I was staying with him for awhile and he said it was fine and we hugged each other goodbye.
Steve drove me back to the hotel on his motorcycle, which was totally awesome by the way. He went with me to my room and helped me move my stuff into his apartment. I could have done everything myself. I only had a suitcase and my laptop.
We got to his apartment and I put my stuff in the living room. Steve went out for some groceries so I decided to take a quick nap on the couch.
I woke up and realized that I've been sleeping for an hour and a half. Steve came into the living and sat next to me.
"You were sleeping when I came home and I didn't want to wake you up so I just stayed in my room."
"It's okay."
"So what do you want to do? We could eat, watch tv or a movie."
"How about a movie?"
"Okay. Take a look at my movies and choose one."
I got up off the couch and looked at the movies. There were multiple genres. I picked the lion king because its my favorite Disney movie of all time. The only part I hate is when Simba's dad Mufasa dies. I always cry. I put the movie in and went back to the couch.
We got the sad part and Steve saw tears coming down my face. He put his arm around me I leaned my head on his shoulder and he leaned his head on mine.
The movie wasn't over yet, but I was really comfortable and tired so I fell asleep. I wasn't fully asleep yet, so I felt Steve's arms move beneath me and I felt him pick me up bridal style and lay me on his bed.
It was about 8 in the morning when I woke up. I realized that I was still in my clothes. I went to my suitcase, which was moved into the bedroom. I took out some clothes and realized that they were all dirty.
"Hey Steve. Do you mind if I were one your shirts?!" I yelled to him in the kitchen.
"Not at all. Go ahead!" He yelled back.
I went in his drawer and took out a shirt. I put it on and it went over my knees. 'My God I'm so short' I thought to myself. I didn't really feel like putting any pants on so I just walked put to the kitchen.
"Why are you wearing my shirt without pants on?"
"It's comfortable and don't worry I'm wearing underwear."
He giggled "Your so cute."
He walked over to me and put his hands on my face and kissed me.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too."
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