Saudamini enters Krishna nagar!
Anirudh goes to next part of Das haveli!
Chandra sees him.
Chandra: What Anirudh? You seems to be afraid?😏
Anirudh: Where is Anya? 🤨
Chandra: This is not the answer for my question!😏
Anirudh: I asked where is Anya?🤨
Thaku ma comes there...
Thaku ma: Aiii! What noise is this?😡
Anirudh: Thaku ma, where us Anya?🤨
Thaku ma: Anya? Where is she?😏
Anirudh gets angry.😡
Bondita hears this sound and comes out.
Bondita: Bristara Babu! I am here😬.
She goes near him.
Anirudh: Are you okay?🥺
Bondita nodes yes.🥺
Thaaku ma: Warey wa Anirudh. You found a new girl? You forgot Bondita and now...😏
Anirudh gets angry.😡😡
Bondita: Thaku ma, why are you speaking like this? 🤨😡
Thaaku ma: I am saying truth only. He illegally married our Bondita. He sent her to London. Now... 😏
Anirudh gets anger.😡
Bondita fears😬
Bondita: Bristara Babu, come lets go. Please come. 😤
Anirudh stares at Chandra and Thaku ma and leaves.
~In next part of Haveli~
Trilochan: Anirudh, what happened? You seems to be angry! 🧐
Anirudh: Nothing Kaka!😤
Meanwhile Sampoorna,Saudamini,Chintu and Somnath reaches there.
Trilochan welcomes them!
Chintu: Dada, this Haveli is also very big. I think I will enjoy here a lot.🤗
Trilochan: Hn beta! But no one should step out of Haveli without our company. This area is filled with evils😒.
They all enters the Haveli.
Saudamini thinks: I should meet Chandra. But how will I meet him? Tomorrow is Navratri. I should do some better plan.😏
Bondita sees Saudamini.
Bondita thinks: pari didi becomes buri didi. I should be careful with her.😒
Anirudh: Anya! Anya! Where are you?🧐
Bondita: 😬 I know why Sakha babu is calling me. He is going to teach me!🥴
Bondita: Hn, Bristara Babu. 😐
Anirudh: Come with me.🤗
He takes her to study room.
Bondita: Bristara Babu, writing and reading are my enemies pls leave me😑.
Anirudh: No, I will make them as your friend.😊
Bondita: 🙄
Anirudh: Write whatever I am writing in board.☺️
Bondita: Where to write?🧐
Anirudh: In slate.😒
Bondita: Where is Sslate?🧐
Anirudh: Sslate nahi Slate!😁
Bondita: Hn, thats what I said.😁
Anirudh gives her slate and chalks.
Anirudh writes alphabets in Hindi.
Anirudh: Write now.
Bondita: I don't to know to write.😬
Anirudh holds her hand and makes her write.
Bondita: Bristara Babu, this is difficult. Cooking is easy. 😒
Anirudh: Ssh🤫
Bondita: 🤫
She writes all alphabets.
Anirudh stunned!😨
Anirudh: I've never seen a student like this. Everyone at first will write swar and vyanjans upside down. But you wrote it correct at first attempt itself. 😨
Bondita blinks.😬😳
Bondita: Meri ma kehte hai(my ma says) I am like camphor. I will get everything at first time itself.😁
Anirudh: 🤗Sabash Anya!
Bondita smiles..😌☺️
Saudamini enters there.
Saudamini thinks: Uh oh Anirudh! You are wasting your time just to educate an educated girl.😤
Saudamini: Anirudh, are you busy?🧐
Bondita: Hn, can't you see?😒
Saudamini stares at her.😤
Anirudh: Mini, I am teaching basic letters to Anya.🤗
Saudamini smiles with anger.😤
Saudamini: Anirudh, you may have many works you leave. I will teach her.😑
Bondita: No! No. Only Bristara Babu will teach me.😬
Bondita thinks: I will not believe you buri didi.😑
Anirudh: Its ok Mini. I will take care.
Saudamini stares and moves from her.
She goes to backyard of Haveli. Chandra sees her from their part of Haveli.
Chandra: Saudamini? Here? 😨
He gives signal to her. Saudamini also sees him.
Saudamini asks whether everything is ready?
Chandra says yes.
Chandra thinks: I am sorry saudamini. Tomorrow the medicine will be mixed in Anirudh's food. Not in my Bondita's food. That too the medicine is not sleep medicine but Poison. I will kill Anirudh tomorrow.😏
Trilochan: Anya! Where are you?🧐
Bondita: Bristara Babu, Zamindar ji is calling me. I have to go.😁
Anirudh: No, first learn numbers then you may go.😒
Bondita: But..😒
Anirudh: 🤫
Bondita sits quite.
Trilochan comes there.
Trilochan: Anya, I am calling you. Can't you hear?😒
Bondita sees Anirudh.
Trilochan: Did he restricted you? 🧐
Anirudh: Yes. She will come once she finishes numbers.😊
Trilochan: Then who will prepare for pooja tomorrow?😒
Bondita: I am coming zamindar ji.🤗
Anirudh: Anya!😤
Trilochan: Anirudh, you may teach her in night. Now send her.😑
Anirudh: Ok, but in night you should present here. Ok Anya?😒
Bondita: Theek hain!(ok).🤗
Trilochan and Bondita moves from there.
They prepare things for Navratri pooja.
In next part of Haveli also preparation started.
Thaku ma: Chandra, go invite them here. Today night here is lots of work we cannot do it alone. Even they should join with us.
Chandra says yes.
Chandra goes to next part of Haveli.
Chandra: Anirudh, now you all should come to common pooja room. There only we have Durga ma idol.🙃
Anirudh: Why?🤨
Chandra: You are also going to join pooja na? Then you all should participate in preparations na?
Trilochan: We will do those things from here itself.😏
Chandra: Then celebrate Navratri pooja here itself.😏
Anirudh: Chandra!!😤
Chandra: Anirudh!!😤
Bondita: Stop pls. Before pooja there should not be fight. Pls be calm Bristara Babu.🙄🙄
Chandra thinks: Tomorrow he will become calm permanently my dear!
Trilochan: We will come. Now you may leave.
Chandra smiles at Bondita and leaves.
Saudamini sees Chandra he also sees her.
What will happen next? Can Chandra kill Anirudh?
To know these things just stay tuned! ❤️
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