Roshogulle fight!
Bondita keeps silent about her certificate.
Telephone Phone rings.☎️
Anirudh receives it.📞
Speaker: Sir, what about the protest? Are you joining na? Just confirm us for further arrangements.🤗
Anirudh: Hn, sure. Myself and other barristers of Tulsipur will join the protest. When we have to come there?😊
Speaker: Sir, tomorrow evening you can join us. But protest will be after two days only.😊
Anirudh: Theek hain. Thank you sir.🤗
Speaker: Thank you sir.😊
Anirudh cuts the call.
Bondita: Sakha Babu are you going somewhere? Protest?🧐
Anirudh: Hn, Bondita. A protest against Heavy taxes. Not only me and other Barristers are also going to join. And hn, you too should with us.🤗
Bondita: Me? But how? I don't know what to do.😳
Anirudh: Bondita, when you have me, why are you worrying? And now you know some laws too so don't worry. Ok, I have lots of paper work to do. 😊
Anirudh moves from there.
Bondita thinks: Thank you Durga ma, Sakha Babu forgot about my certificates. How will I say you Sakha Babu that you are in danger? They denied my certificates because of you. You are the wanted person in London court. But I will never leave you in danger. Bondita will save you.😑😐
Trilochan: Bahu, why are u standing still? What day is today?🧐
Bondita thinks..
Bondita: Friday? Uh oh Bondita, how did you forgot it. Every Friday we should do special pooja for Durga ma. Hn na, Kaka sasurji?🤗
Trilochan: Warey Wa Bahu, you didn't forget it. Come lets do pooja. After 8 years our Durga ma will be happy as you are doing special pooja. Bihari!! Clean everything.😇
Bondita smiles..😊
Bihari: Choti Malkin, today I will happily clean the Haveli. After a long years Bihari got new energy, by seeing you.🥺😊
Koyli: Not only you. I too will work energetically. Our choti Malkin aagayi! 🥺😊
Bondita: Bhari Babu to get energy drink haldi milk. It will give you energy. Bondita cannot give you energy.😅
Bihari laughs..😅
Trilochan: Bahu, go prepare prashad.
Bondita says yes.
Bondita enters kitchen. She is emotional seeing it. She recalls her childhood memories.🙃😌
Everyone in the kitchen(new servants) sees her.
Bihari: Listen everyone this is our Choti Malkin, Bahu rani ji - Bondita. Treat her grandly.🤗
Bondita: Bhari Babu, I too a human just like you, Koyli didi and evryone here. Do I look different? Do I have crown in my head? Nahi na? Treat me like your family. Its enough for me.😊
Everyone welcomed her. Bondita joins with them.
Bondita smells around..🧐
Bondita: I can smell Roshogulle here!😋
She looks around.
Anirudh comes there.
Bondita smells and searches for Roshogulle.😋😋
Anirudh: I think someone here is not preparing prashad but searching for sweets. Hn na Bihari? 😝😝
Bondita turns her face aside.😒
Bihari: Choti Malik, not sweets. But looking for Roshogulle.🤭
Bondita: Bhari Babu, no one is searching for anything. Come koyli di lets prepare keer.😒
Anirudh: Hn,Hn. Roshogulle! I forgot one thing. Yesterday my friend sent Ek badam waale Roshogulle(one almonded roshogulle) from Kolkata.😝
Bihari: Ek badam waale Roshogulle?😝
Anirudh: Hn, Bihari! That to 8 Handiya se(8pots).😏
Bondita gets tempted.😋
Anirudh: Bihari, take those pots and give to me. I will share it with Chintu.😌
Bondita: Sakha Babu! How can you eat 8 pots of Roshogulle alone? 😒
Anirudh: Bondita, not alone. I will share it with Chintu.😏
Bondita: Chintu is small girl. Her tooth will decay if she eats sweets.😛
Anirudh: Hn... Then its ok. I will eat alone.😌
Bondita: Nahi! Means you can share with me.😝
Anirudh: But you only said na that you are not searching for sweets. You called Koyli didi to make keer. No problem Bondita, go make keer. I will eat it. My teeth are strong, it will not decay.😏😏
Bondita blows her cheeks and turns aside😒.
Anirudh smiles...☺️
Anirudh opens the pot and takes Roshogulle. Bondita innocently stares at him.
He tries to eat but Bondita grabs the pot and runs.
Anirudh: Bondita stop!😒
He also follows her.
They both plays by running behind each other.
Rasmo ka mela yaha pe.. Plays
Trilochan, Bihari sees it. Their eyes are filled with tears.☺️☺️😭
Bondita runs and hide behind Trilochan.
Anirudh: Kaka!😒
Bondita: Kaka sasurji, don't move aside until I finish eating this Roshogulle!😋
Trilochan smiles.☺️
Bondita tastes it.. Anirudh feels emotional and happy.
Bondita stretches her hand to feed Anirudh. Anirudh opens his mouth. But she herself ate it and laughs🤭. Trilochan also laughs🤭.
Trilochan: Anirudh, you are always being
cheated by Bahu in Roshogulle matter.😆
Anirudh blows his cheeks and turns aside. Bondita breaks it.
Bondita: Theek Hain, Sakha Babu. I will give you Roshogulle. Pls don't keep your face like that. It looks funny.😆😆
She laughs.. Trilochan also laughs..😆😆
Bondita gives Roshogulle to Anirudh. Anirudh eats it.
Trilochan thinks: Thank you Durga ma. You have returned my Anirudh's happiness after so long. No evil eyes should fall on them.🥺
What will happen next? What will be Thaku ma's next step? Did she really believed Bondita?
To know these things just stay tuned!❤️
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