Manorama enters Anidita's life!
A man chases Manorama with knife in his hands.
Anirudh: Heyyy!😳😳
Manorama runs and falls in Anirudh's hands!
Bondita sees it.
Anirudh: Manorama, are you ok? Who is he?😳😳
Man: Who are you first? She is abandoned woman. She should go to bazar. Leave her.😡
Manorama cries... Bondita and Anirudh gets angry.
Man: I said to leave her. Move aside.😤
Bondita: Shut up!😡 Don't you have Shame on saying this filthy words on a woman?😡😡
Man: Why should I be ashamed?😏 She is an abandoned. She doesn't even knows who is her husband. She lives in lonely hut since 9 years. No one came to take care her. Then only we found that she is a married one. But she is not saying her husband's name.😤
Anirudh reminiscence his agreement marriage with Manorama.
Bondita: So? 😡You have the rights to torture her?🤨 Nahi, you don't have any rights to taunt her. Stay back. She doesn't belong to bazar. She is not an object or thing to be sold in market. Mind your words... 😡😡
Man argues...
Manorama: Bondita, leave it. What he was saying is correct only. I am abandoned woman.😟😟
Bondita: Nahi, manorama didi.😤
Manorama starts to walk towards the man.
Anirudh looks her confusingly...
Anirudh: Stop!😐 Manorama.... Stop!😐
Bondita looks him...
Anirudh: Manorama is not abandoned. I... I mean her husband may arrive soon to take her back.. until that she will stay in my custody. 😑
Bondita is astounded. 😧
Man: Who are you?🤨
Anirudh: Who ever I may be, you leave her.😐
Manorama smiles cunningly...😏
Bondita thinks: Yeh kya kar rahi hn Sakha Babu? (What he is doing).🙄
Man leaves her...
Manorama comes near Anirudh and thanks him.
Anirudh gets inside furiously...
Thaku ma: Who is she?🤨
Sampoorna: Anirudh's choti pathni(second wife).🤐
Chandra: Whaat?😳😳
Sampoorna: Can't you hear?😒
Thaku ma: When did this happened?😬
Sampoorna: During Bondita's childhood. Actually this marriage is an agreement. But I don't know why she returned again.🙄
Chandra: Does she plans evil?🤔
Sampoorna: At first she was good, I don't know how she will be now...😒
They enters the haveli.
Manorama smiles cunningly...😏
Manorama: Anirudh! I am here now. 😏
She enters the haveli.
Trilochan sees her and gets furious...
Trilochan: Why you are back? What you want? You told that you will not come again.😤😤 But what reason you are here now?😤
Manorama acts like a pity woman.
Bondita: Kaka sasurji, allow manorama didi to stay here with us. This is Sakha babu's wish!😟
Trilochan: Bahu, how can...😤
Manorama moves from there.
Trilochan: Bahu, have you forgot? She is choti pathni of Anirudh, still. She may create some confusions.😒
Bondita thinks worryingly...😟
Manorama gets into Anirudh's room.
Anirudh sees her.
Manorama: Anirudh, why you are taking risk by making me to stay here? No one in this haveli like my presence. So I will go somewhere else.🙃🙃
Anirudh: Where will you go manorama?😤
Manorama: I don't know. For some reasons I married you without thinking of future. But it became big problem. It's ok. Nothing is your fault. Our marriage was an agreement only. But this society can't understand it.🙃
Anirudh listens silently.
Manorama: After the bomb blast I escaped with my fellow revolutionists. But soon we caught by Britishers. I spent my 3 years in prison. 🙃🙃
Anirudh worries...
Anirudh: Don't worry manorama, you can stay here.😟
Manorama: No, Anirudh. Let me search some ashram. I don't want to be a barrier for you and Bondita.🙃😏
Bondita comes there but stands outside the door.
Anirudh: Barrier?🤨 How can you be barrier?😒
Manorama: You and Bondita are officially married now. No one will restrict your relationship now as she is not a child. You both will start your pathi-pathni life. Why should I be like a barrier in this?😏😏🙃
Anirudh: Manorama, stop saying that our relation is pathi-pathni!😑 I never ever think our relation like that. This marriage happened in lots of confusion. Bondita will be my friend, my zimmedari always...😑😤
Bondita hears this and worries...😟
Anirudh comes out of the room. Bondita hides.
Manorama smiles cunningly: Wow Anirudh, you still didn't changed. Your relationship with Bondita is still a relationship of Zimmedari(responsibility).😏😏
Bondita worries thinking of Anirudh's words.
Tupur sees Manorama smiling cunningly.
She thinks that Manorama has some intentions on Anirudh that's why she came.
~It's n8~
Everyone sits in dining table to eat.
But Manorama don't have chair to sit.
Anirudh sees Manorama standing. He stood up and gave her chair.
Manorama: Anirudh, its ok. You all eat. I will eat afterwards🙂
Anirudh: Manorama, you sit. I will sit somewhere else. Bihari, bring food to my room.😑
Anirudh moves from there.
Thaku ma: Why he is behaving like this?🙄
Bondita: Pata nahi(don't know), Thaku ma.😟
Bihari takes food plate, Thaku ma asks him to give it to Bondita.
Thaku ma: Bihari, Bondita will serve him. You give it to her.🙂
Bondita gets it and takes her plate also along.
She tries to knock the door but couldn't as she is holding plates in her hands.
Bondita: Sakha babu, open the door.🙄
Anirudh: Bondita?🧐
He opens it.
She struggles to hold two plates and glass of water. Anirudh gets it.
Anirudh: Sukhriya Bondita!☺️ Why two plates?🤔
Bondita thinks: Sakha Babu can't even understand this!😤
Anirudh waves his hands before her.
Bondita: Hn, Hn, Sakha Babu!😬
Anirudh: Why two plates?🤔
Bondita: Ahn... Keep another plate near window, let birds eat it.😒
Anirudh: Ok!🤗
Bondita: 😬 Nahi, Nahi!
Anirudh lifts his eyebrows.
Bondita: Two plates for two members. One is for you. Another is for myself! Can't you even understand this thing? How a marrie...😬 Nothing...
Anirudh: Complete your sentence, you are saying something.🧐
Bondita: Nothing!🤐
Bondita gets inside. Anirudh gives her plate but along with food, plate fell down mistakenly!
Anirudh: Uh Oh! I am sorry, Bondita. I will bring you new plate.☺️
He comes outside to take another plate.
Kasturi: Anirudh Babu, are you looking for food? Actually this much is left over. You take it I will adjust.🙂
Anirudh: Its Ok, Kasturi! You have it. No problem.🙂
Anirudh goes back to his room.
Anirudh: Bondita, you eat it. There is shortage of food. I will adjust. 🙂
Bondita: No, you eat this. I will adjust.☺️
Anirudh: No, you eat it.😒
They both argues.
At once Bondita inserts a piece of luchi in Anirudh's mouth.
Anirudh stunned!😳
Bondita smiles...☺️☺️
Bondita: Look, I have shared our food!☺️
Anirudh smiles.☺️
Bondita feeds Anirudh. They share and ate!
What will happen next? What is the reason for Manorama's changeover?
To know this just stay tuned!❤️
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