Happy news for Roy Chaudharys!
Chandra starts the jeep. But jeep doesn't starts.
He tries again but failed.
Bondita laughs.😆
Bondita: Jamai Babu, are you in dreams? First insert the key.😝
Chandra:😤. I am not jamai babu to you.
Bondita contracts her eyebrows.
Chandra: Means you can call me as Chandrachur or Chandra.😐
Bondita: But you are related to me as Jamai babu only na?🙄
Chandra thinks: I want you to relate me as pati. But..😒
Bondita: Start the jeep quickly.😑
Chandra starts it.
On the way to Tulsipur.
Bondita thinks: I am going to meet my Sakha babu today as Bondita. I have lots of things to say and ask. Today fully I will question him. He will answer me. Uh oh Bondita! Very first day itself you will ask questions? ☺️😊
Chandra stops the jeep.
Bondita: We reached Tulsipur?🧐
Chandra: No! 😒
Bondita: Then why did you stopped the jeep?🙄
Chandra: I think some fault in tyre. Have to change it.😒
Bondita: Oh! Your jeep is like you Jamai Babu. Useful for nothing.😤
Chandra: This is Thaku ma's jeep.😏
Bondita keeps quite.🤐
Chandra: I think it will take some time.
Bondita: Why? Don't you know to change the tyre?🙄
Chandra: We have servants for it.😒
Bondita: This small thing also you don't know? Even though you have big haveli, more servants there are somethings which we have to learn in basic. It may help us somewhere.😏
Chandra: Now what are you coming to say? 😒
Bondita: Move aside.
Bondita jumps from the jeep.
She starts to change the punctured tyre.
Chandra wonders.😳😳
Chandra: How do you know these things? Did you learnt from London? 😳
Bondita: No, Sakha Babu taught me once.😌
Chandra thinks: Sakha Babu! Sakha Babu! Sakha Babu!😤
Chandra: Is this ready now? 😤
Bondita: Hn, now start the jeep.😏
Chandra starts it. It moved smoothly.
Bondita: Jamai babu!!😒
Chandra stops the jeep.
Bondita: You are going without me.😒
Chandra: I thought your Sakha Babu has taught you to fly. That's why I moved so that you will fly and go.😏😏
Bondita: 😒
Bondita gets into the jeep.
Chandra thinks: Chandra, how did you missed a girl with this much knowledge. Tupur is fit for nothing. But Bondita is educated and intelligent. I have to behave good with Bondita so that I can become closer to her.😏😏
~In RC Haveli~
Anirudh is teaching Chintu.
Anirudh: Chintu, today I am going to give you small test.🤗
Chintu: Test?😬
Anirudh: Why? you are not ready? 🧐
Chintu: Anirudh Babu, I am ready but.. I am afraid of tests.🥺
Anirudh: Afraid?😳
Chintu: Hn, one day my teacher beaten my classmate who said wrong answer. From that day onwards I am afraid of tests. Promise me you will not beat me if my answer is wrong.😟
Anirudh keeps quite. He thinks of Bondita's first class experience where she was beaten by the teacher.
Chintu: Anirudh Babu! Tell me.😟
Anirudh: Hn, Chintu. It is wrong way of handling students. No one has the rights to beat others until it is necessary. Teachers should be kind with students. It should not be like enemy's relationship. 😊😊
Chintu: Hn, you are right.😊
Anirudh: Now study this poem. I will ask you in 5 minutes.🙂
Chintu: Ok!🤗
Chandra and Bondita reaches Tulsipur.
Bondita: Hayee! I returned Tulsipur. Jamai Babu stop here itself.😌
Chandra: Thaku ma asked me to leave you in Kasturi's house only.😤
Bondita: I know the way to go. You stop the jeep.😤
Chandra: No! 😤
Bondita: Then I will jump and will complain to Thaku ma that you pushed me.😝
Chandra: Hey Baghwan! 🤷🏻
Chandra stops the jeep.
Bondita jumps down.
Chandra: Hey! Don't you know to get down? Why are u jumping?🤦🏻
Bondita didn't listened him.
Chandra: Be careful. If you need help then call Das Haveli.😒
Bondita: How will I need others help while being with Sakha Babu?🤭
Chandra: What?🤨
Bondita: Nothing. I will update you everything.😝
Chandra smiles and leaves.
Bondita breathes in and out.
Bondita: Bondita, you are going to start an important mission now.😌😌
She goes to Kasturi's house.
She knocks the door.
Kasturi opens it.
Kasturi: Bondita?🧐
Bondita smiles.😊
Kasturi hugs her tightly.
Bondita: Uh Oh Kasturi. Leave me to breathe.😝
Kasturi: You are here? But how did Thaku ma allowed you?🙄
Bondita explains everything.
Kasturi: Wow, nice plan. By this way you can meet Roy Chaudharys daily. Hn, where are you going to stay?🙃
Bondita: Where you want me to stay?☺️
Kasturi: Ofcourse here only.😋
Bondita says yes. They smile.
Bondita: Without wasting time I should meet Sakha Babu. I can't stay her more days. Thaku ma will have doubt on me.😒
Kasturi: Hn,Yes.
Bondita: Come lets go to RC Haveli.
Kasturi: Me?😬 No, No. I have some works regarding court. If I didn't complete it then Barrister Babu will scold me. You go alone. 😊
Bondita: Ok, Then!
Kasturi: Give your luggages to me. I will keep it in cupboard.😊
Bondita: This time myself brought dress for me! 😉😉
Kasturi laughs..😁
Bondita goes to meet Roy Chaudharys.
~In RC Haveli~
Bondita stands before the Haveli and smiles. She thinks of her childhood memories.🥺
Bondita: Is Anyone inside? May I come in?🤩
Trilochan sees her.
Trilochan: Durga ma, why I am seeing Bondita everywhere? 🙄
He tries to move.
Bondita: Kaka Sasurji, won't you welcome me?🤗
Trilochan surprised and filled with tears of joy.
Trilochan: Anirudh!🥳🥳
Anirudh comes outside. But Bondita Hides.
Anirudh: Kaka, say.🧐
Trilochan: Look! My Bahu came. Look there.🥺😭
He cries due to happiness.
Anirudh: But Kaka, no one is there. First you come inside.😐
Trilochan sees outside.
Trilochan: Anirudh, I saw her. She is here only.😐
Anirudh: Its ok Kaka. Relax! Come lets go inside.🥲
Anirudh takes Trilochan inside.
Bondita: Sakha Babu!🤩
Anirudh turns and sees her.
What will happen next? Can Anirudh and Bondita reunite their families?
To know these things just stay tuned!❤️
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