Chandra's Plan to get Bondita!
Chandrachur and Thaku ma plans devious, to make Bondita to accept for marriage.
Bondita thinks deeply.🤔
Sumati prays: Durga ma, she should say no!😣
Thaku ma: Dear, why are you thinking deeply? Good things should be done quickly.😏
Bondita: Yes, I agree to marry!😊
Sumati and Tapur gets shocked!😳😰
Thaku ma: That's my dear! Will arrange you a wise groom, soon.😏
Bondita: But without Ma and Bapa how will I get married?🤔
Thaku ma: They said na, they will join us. 🙂
Bondita: But I've a condition.😒
Thaku ma: What?🙄
Bondita: My marriage should be done very grantly. There should be many many sweets. There should be dance and songs. 🤗
Thaku ma: Sure! How will I send you empty handed? Will celebrate it grantly. 😏
Sumati and Tapur cries.😣😣
~In London~
Anirudh gets hiccups.
Shanthi: Are you fine? Have some water.🙄
Anirudh drinks water but still hiccups.
Shanthi: Aiyo appa! Why you can't control it?😳
Anirudh: I don't know!🙄
Shanthi: My appa says, If someone is hiccuping without reason then it means someone is thinking them.😊
Anirudh thinks of Bondita.
Salim: Hn, there is another conspiracy also. Continuous Hiccups indicates that our beloved one is in danger.🙂
Shanthi: Means, Bondita in danger?😬
Anirudh: Uh Ohhh! Stop. Hiccups is just a nature one. Don't build up stories as if you want.😤
He worries.🥺
~Next day morning~
~In Krishna nagar~
Thaku ma: I've got a good marriage proposal for Bondita. They will come tomorrow to see her.😏
Bondita smiles happily.🥳🥳
Bondita: My bapa says marriage will be very intersting. Everyone one will come, they will enjoy. The day will be very happy. Hn na, jam nahi nahi Chandrachur?🤗
Chandra: My name is only Chandrachur. Not jam nahi nahi chandrachur!😤
Bondita: My Bapa said to obey Thaku ma. Thaku ma only said this name. So I will follow this only.😁
Chandra: Oh Thaku ma, make her understand my name!😤
Thaku ma: No one cares of your name now. Let her call whatever she wants. We should arrange for her rasam function as much as fast we can.😒
Chandra: Do you have any photo of that groom?🙄
Thaku ma shows it.
Chandra thinks: Thaku ma! Do you think I will allow someone to marry my Bondita? Never. Only I will marry her. 😏
Thaku ma: What are you thinking? He is from rich family. His father is a trader. 😏
Chandra: Hn,Ok. Ok.🙃
Thaku ma and Bondita moves to room.
Chandra goes to telephone room. He calls to that groom's family.
He says that Bondita is an abandoned woman. She is not pure as she was already married and divorced.
Groom's family gets shocked. They calls to main telephone of Das haveli.
Thaku ma: Chandra, receive the call!🧐
Chandrachur comes there and recieves the call.
Groom's Bapa: This marriage will not happen. We can't accept Anya.😤
Chandra acts like that he doesn't know anything.
Chandra: Why are you saying like this? Our girl is like gold.😬
Groom's Bapa: No, she is already married and Divorced.😤
Chandra: Thaku ma! Come here and listen what they are saying.🙃
Thaku ma gets the receiver.
Groom: I am not interested in marrying a woman who is already married and divorced.😡😡
Thaku ma gets shocked.😳
She cuts the call.
Thaku ma: How did they came to know about this? 😡
Chandra: Don't know Thaku ma. But I will punish that groom's family for disrespecting our Bondita!😡
Thaku ma: No need! They are saying truth only na?😤
Chandra: Now what will we do?🙄
Thaku ma: I will look for another groom.😤
Chandra thinks: Look, look. Look for 100 grooms also. I will spoil everything and will marry Bondita.😏
Tapur hears their conversation and worries.
Tapur thinks: Durga ma, Bondita didi forgets her memories. Thaku ma is using her now. Barrister Babu is also not here to save her. I should do something to stop this marriage. What will I do now? 😨
She thinks deeply. She finds Kasturi and Bondita's photo frame.
Tapur: Kasturi Didi! Kasturi didi can help me. But how will I reach her? 😨
She hears Thaku ma speaking to another groom's family.
She runs there.
Thaku ma cuts the call happily.
Tapur: Thaku ma, did they agreed? 🤐
Thaku ma smiles and says yes.😊
Tapur: Hayee!🥳
Thaku ma: Why are you excited this much?🤨
Tapur: After Bondita Didi's marriage my marriage will occur. Thats why...🙃
Thaku ma smiles.☺️
Tapur: Thaku ma, I want to lead Bondita Didi's marriage. So I will arrange everything for her rasam function. I will go to bazar and buy ceremonial items!☺️
Thaku ma sees her doubtfully.🧐🧐
Chandra: To do that we have servants here. They will go to bazar.😏
Tapur: Nahi jamai babu. This is my sister's marriage. So I will only do it.😑
Chandra argues with her.
Thaku ma: Enough, stop!😤 Tapur is also a grown up girl. Let her learn about these things. Let her lead Bondita's marriage. Tapur, you can go to bazar.😏
Tapur gives a fake smile.🙃
Chandra thinks: Why she is this much excited?🤔 Ok, let it be. I will cancel this proposal also.😏
He again goes to telephone room and calls the new groom's family and confuses them. They also believe him and calls off the proposal.
Thaku ma: Htt!😤 Which senseless man is behind this? I can sense, someone is behind this. Who can do this? Groom's are saying Ok to me but then calls off the proposal. For sure someone is playing with us.😡😡
Chandra: Will it be Anirudh?🙃
Thaku ma: He don't even know what is happening here. 😤
Chandra: Then who it will be?🙃
Thaku ma: I don't know. May be the groom's family really knew the truth. Now who will marry Bondita?😑
Chandra's servants joins with Chandra and acts like they are worrying.
Servant 1: What to do Malkin? If Anirudh didn't interfered then Chandra Malik would be her husband. But now...😐
Thaku ma thinks...🤔
Servant 2: Yes, you are right. Our Malik would be the good husband. See, now itself he cares of Bondita. What if he was married with her? He would have looked after her as an Angel.😏
~In London~
Whatever Anirudh touches falls down.
Salim: Anirudh, be careful. What happened to you? I think you are restless. See, everything you touch is falling down.🙄
Anirudh: I don't know Salim. I feel something strange.😟
Shanthi: You are feeling for Bondita na?🙄
Anirudh: I don't know. This seems to be a feel of Pain.😟
They worries...😟
~In Krishna Nagar~
Servants are praising about Chandrachur. Thaku ma thinks deeply.🤔
Thaku ma: Chandrachur! Why can't you marry Bondita as your second wife?😏
Chandra gets happy but hides it.
Chandra: Nahi, 😬how can I do it? 😬😜
Thaku ma: Why can't you? Think about this. You will be the good one for Bondita.☺️
Thaku ma moves from there. Chandra flies happily.
What will happen next? Can Tapur reach Kasturi? Will Anirudh come to know about this?
To know these things just stay tuned!❤️
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