Bondita's Tark!
~Its morning~
Bondita feels dizzy. She is unstable.
Tapur: Didi, are you Ok?😬
Bondita: Hn, I am.😐
Bondita and Tapur goes out. Bondita walks unconscious.
She was about to fall. Chandra holds her hands.
Tapur: Bondita didi.😱
Chandra: Bondita, have eyes on ground. Walk properly.🙄
Bondita leaves his hands.
Bondita: Sukriya(Thanks) Jamai Babu!🙂
Thaku ma sees Bondita and smiles.😏
Chandra: Thaku ma, your medicines are really great. It works amazing and faster too. I think Bondita's memories are diminishing.😏😏
Thaku ma: My medicines are not great. Kalindi is great😏. This is the new medicine, even I too don't know about the effects. Actually I am checking this medicine with Bondita! 😏
She smiles cunningly.
Chandrachur's parents arrive there.
Chandra's Bapa: Beta! Chandrachur.🧐
Thaku ma and Chandra turns and sees them.
Chandra: Bapa? Ma? What a surprise?😳 Come inside.
Thaku ma greets them.
Thaku ma: Tupur, come serve your in laws😊.
Tapur comes there and greets them.
Chandra's Ma: Bahu, how are you? Any good news? We are just here to ask about it.😊
Chandra shocked. 😳😳
Thaku ma: What Good news you need? 🤨
Chandra's Ma: What else we need? Its been 8 years of their marriage. Till no good news😒.
Thaku ma understands what they are speaking about.
Chandra: Ma, if I could have known this before then I might have not allowed you in. Stop asking this questions ma.😤
Chandra's Ma: Am I wrong? Did I asked a wrong thing to a married ones? Everyone are married just to grow up their family.😤
Tupur worries.😔
Chandra: Ma, you know na, what is happening in Tulsipur and Krishna nagar. How can I be selfish now? As of now, my village and it's safety is important to me. Other than that nothing is important.😤😤
Chandra's Bapa: Hn... I understood🤨. You all are hiding Tupur's infertility, right? 🤨
Tupur gets shocked and cries.🥺😭
Thaku ma: Don't speak whatever comes from mouth! No one has rights to blame my grand daughter. She is fertile.😡😡
Chandra's Ma: If so, then why no child since 8 years? 😤
Tupur cries.😭
Chandra: Ma, stop. Enough.😡
Tupur: Let them scold. Let them taunt.😣
Chandra Ma: We will give you 5 months time, within that we should get good news. Or else we will arrange another marriage for Chandra. For us building up generation is important.😤
They taunts Tupur. Bondita comes there by hearing the noise. She is unstable but manages herself to stand.
Chandra's parents sees her.
Chandra's Ma: Who is she? New to this house.🧐
Thaku ma: She is Bondita.😏
They gets shocked.😳
Chandra's Ma: Is this a same girl who ran to London? 🧐
Thaku ma: Now she arrived as a Barrister.😠
Chandra's Ma: Any way we don't care whatever she is. We care for our Chandrachur. If Tupur is not getting concieved within 5 months then you will see our actions.😤
Bondita gets angry.
Bondita: How can you compel someone to give birth to a child?😠 Its their own wish. If they are married, it doesn't mean they should have child.😡
Thaku ma thinks: Being unstable also she is arguing.😤
Chandra's bapa: Don't interfere in our family issue. You are not our relation.😤
Bondita: I am not interfering in this issue as someone's relation but as a Barrister. Apology yourself to Tupur for disrespecting her feminity. 😡😡
Chandra: Bondita! Don't need of arguing. Leave it.😒
Bondita: Jamai Babu, ask your parents to apologize. How can you be still after seeing someone disrespecting your wife? 😡😡
Chandra thinks: Who said she is my wife?😤
Bondita: Ask them to apologize.😡
Chandra: Hn..Hn.. 😬means they are right only. They are asking for a grand children what is wrong in this? And I think Tupur can't fulfill their wish.😒😒
Bondita: Don't speak like this.😤
Thaku ma tries to say something but Bondita faints.
Chandra: Bondita! Bondita wake up!😳😬
He lifts her.
Chandra: We shall speak about this afterwards. Now leave the place.😒
Tupur: Sasu ma(mother in law), you are blaming me na? Now see your son, what he is doing. He always cares of Bondita. Not me.😤😤
Thaku ma: Aiii! How dare you speak like this on your husband? Don't you have shame? 😡😡
She slaps Tupur.
Chandra asks Tapur to take Bondita inside.
Chandra: Thaku ma, don't beat her. I will go with my Parents itself. Why someone have to worry because of me? How can a man stay in wife's house for long? 😒
Thaku ma: Chandra, this is not your wife's house. You are my assistant here. You are holding this family since 8 years😤. Don't regret yourself😤. Go inside. I will treat Tupur in my own way.😡😡
Tupur fears.
Chandra's parents moves from there.
Tupur: Am I wrong, pathi ji?😒
Thaku ma again raises her hands to slap her. Chandra stops her.
Chandra: Leave it Thaku ma. Some species in world can't understand anything. Bondita is our family member. I care for her in the same way I care for you all.
Thaku ma: I understood😊. You don't worry.
Thaku ma pulls Tupur with her.
Chandra smiles cunningly.😏😏
Chandra thinks: Coincidently my Ma and Bapa came here. They blasted a new bomb. I am surprised. But this is will help me to get near Bondita.😏😏
He laughs...
~In London~
Shanthi: Anirudh Babu, try to make a call to Bondita.🙄
Salim: You never ask him to make a call to his family.🤨
Anirudh: I will not call any of them. Let my mission accomplish first.😒
Shanthi: Then I will make a call. But you should not interfere while I am speaking with Bondita. Deal?😏
Anirudh: Deal.😏
Shanthi goes curiously near the telephone.
She takes the receiver but blinks.
Shanthi: I don't know her number. 🙄
Anirudh: 😏
Shanthi: Anirudh Babu, tell me her number🙄.
Anirudh: I don't know.😏
Shanthi: 😒. Tell me. Hnn... I understood. You are becoming old na, so you are forgetting everything. Right? 😝😝
Anirudh: 😤. Her number is Ek Do Teen Char Panch Che Saat Aath Nou Das.
Salim laughs.😝
Shanthi: 😤. Ondru Irandu Moondru Naangu Aindhu Aaru Yelu Ettu Onbathu Pathu.😏
Anirudh: What?😬
Shanthi: I too know to recite numbers in my language.😤
Salim: Again you both started. Move aside I will make her a call.😤
Salim enters the number.
~In Das haveli~
Tring... Tring... Tring... Tring...
Chandra recieves it.
Chandra: Hello!🧐
Anirudh hears Chandra's voice. He grabs the phone from Salim.
Chandra: Hello! Is anyone there? 🧐
Anirudh stares😤 and keeps quite.
Chandra: Calling someone and keeping quite? Ohhhh! I understood. Namaste Barrister Sir.😏
Anirudh maintains silent
Chandra: Afraid? I heard woman's are coward, but first time seeing a coward man. 😏😏
Shathi grabs the receiver.
Shanthi: Who said Women are coward?😡
Chandra: Who are you? Where is that coward Anirudh? 😳
Shanthi: Who is Anirudh? This is a confirmatory call for your ticket booking for Varnasi.😡
Chandra: Varnasi?😳 We didn't booked tickets.🙄
Shanthi: Then why are you wasting my time by attending the call? 😡
She cuts the call and laughs..😝😝
Chandra: Who is this idiot? 😤
What will happen next? Can Anirudh gets Bondita's certificate? Will Bondita forget her past?
To know these things just stay tuned! ❤️
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